2 thoughts on “Religion. What it can do for you.

  1. Religion can do the following for you:

    1. It can and will teach you to believe in fairies; but only their fairies. All other fairies are evil.
    2. It will introduce a thick book to you and teach you how to believe anything that was written in the book. Contradictions are not what they appear to be, you just do not have the mental ability to interpret the scripts.
    3. It will teach you how NOT to think for yourself; the religious leaders will think for you.
    4. It will teach you to accept atrocities, like raping children, committed by the church leaders.
    5. It will teach you to hand over hard earned money that should be for your family, without any remorse. And you will not question the misapplication of your contribution; the poor will not be helped because the old evil Pope and other church leaders need more money for their coffers.
    6. It will threaten you with a hot place called hell, where you will burn forever and ever if you do not do what the church leaders tell you to do. (And that is not raping children; that pleasure is exclusively for church leaders.)
    7. You will be promised with going to a heaven after you die, provided you do exactly what the church leaders tell you to do. (Send them more money and one or two of your young children will do wonders to get you accepted in heaven.)


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