4 thoughts on “Cingino Dam Italy‏

  1. Malherbe, I see you do not believe in the Power Balance armbands. Well, here is the proof that it works. Until the European Ibex got issued with the bracelets on all four legs, they had thousands of casualties a year, because they did not have perfect balance.

    In the bottom picture, you see an Ibex without any bracelets on, that’s why she is on the bottom. She can’t climb those steep walls. The others with bracelets on, are all up high, and they get the best food. You can’t see their bracelets because they are too far away from the photographer. But believe me, they are there.

    Shows you, the Power Balance armbands beats even billions of years of evolution.


    McBrolloks has put in a tender to become Power Balance armbands’ new marketing director.


  2. Fantastic! And I am collecting dried dogturds, painting them with gold paint and marketing them as bulshit detectors sent to planet earth by extra-terrestrials who good-heartedly donated them in order to help homo sapiens overcome its gullible nature.


  3. Absoluut. Jy kan begin deur dit aan te bied aan een van Oom Aartappel se 300 000 aanhangers by een vd MM saamtrekke. Men sou ook in Pretoria kon begin, of nog beter, Loftes aan een vd ouens met die horings op hul koppe. Hel mens sou een vir Bakkies Botha kon aanbied – die man is tog te lief om op sy knieë tegaan voor ‘n wedstryd en twee minute later die stront uit die opposisie te “tackle” deur van kopstampe, vuishou en tande gebruik te maak. Hierdie ouens behoort heelwat baat te vind by die bulshit detector – solank jy net blas dat die detector bykomende voordele het soos verhoogde aantrekkingskrag vir die girls…


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