“Joost se ‘dokter’ sê kanker is niks.” Can’t make this shit up!


JOHANNESBURG. – Anton Neethling, wat kwansuis die oud-Springbok Joost van der Westhuizen van die terminale en ongeneeslike motorneuronsiekte (MNS) genees het, beweer ook hy kan veelvuldige sklerose en sekere soort kankers genees.

“Borskankers kry ek baie. Dis redelik maklik om te genees. Prostaatkanker is maklik,” het dié man, wat in ’n stadium ’n pastoor by ’n kerk genaamd Lede in Christus en ’n duikklopper in die Strand was, gister by navraag gesê.

Sy sogenaamde gesondheidsentrum, EBA Health and Wellness, adverteer tientalle dienste en “behandelings” op sy webtuiste wat wissel van suurstof- en drupbehandelings tot “pastorale dienste”, “limfdreinering-behandelings” en masserings.

Intussen het dit aan die lig gekom ’n 35-jarige kankerlyer, Shaun Gunther, is dood nadat hy in Neethling se “sentrum” behandel is, berig Pauli van Wyk. Volgens Gunther se ouers het dit R80 000 gekos vir 16 dae. Neethling het gesê dit het R30 000 gekos, nie R80 000 nie.

Die sogenaamde “behandeling” wat mense in Neethling se “ontgiftingsentrum” kry, behels onder meer “frekwensiemasjiene”, “bio-elektromagnetiese masjiene” en dieetaanvullings.

Dr. Carl Albrecht, hoof van navorsing by die Kankervereniging van Suid-Afrika, het gesê die bewerings dat sy behandeling kanker kan genees is “heeltemal buite die orde van wetenskaplike denke”.

“As daai goed gewerk het, was hy en sy masjiene op die voorblad van Time.”

Neethling is nie by die Raad vir Gesondheidsberoepe (RGB) of die Raad vir Verwante Gesondheidsberoepe (RVGSA) geregistreer nie.

Ingevolge die RGB se etiese reëls en regulasies mag ’n praktisyn slegs toerusting of gesondheidstegnologie gebruik as daar bewyse is vir die aansprake wat oor die toerusting gemaak word, het Bertha Peters-Scheepers, RGB-woordvoerder, gesê.

Neethling erken hy het geen mediese kwalifikasies nie en beweer hy het ’n doktorsgraad in teologie van die “University Trinity California”.

Daar is geen rekord van so ’n universiteit op die Amerikaanse databank van geakkrediteerde instellings en programme nie, het Yvonne Shapiro van die Suid-Afrikaanse Kwalifikasie-owerheid (Saqa) gesê.

Prof. Roy Jobson, ’n farmakoloog, het gesê ongekwalifiseerde mense wat hulself as “genesers” voordoen, word nie deur enige statutêre liggaam gereguleer nie. “Dis net die strafregstelsel wat hulle kan hanteer. Voordat so ’n persoon ondersoek kan word, moet iemand ’n klag by die polisie indien.”

Oor die kritiek het Neethling vroeër gesê hy lag daaroor. Hy en Van der Westhuizen beplan om ’n plaas by Pretoria te koop en nog ’n sentrum op te rig.

41 thoughts on ““Joost se ‘dokter’ sê kanker is niks.” Can’t make this shit up!

  1. Dit is hoe geloof en al die mensgemaakte gode ontstaan het. Die mens is en was bang vir die dood so toe skep hy vir homself ‘n ewige lewe. En noudat Joost die dood sien naderkom, gryp hy na die geloof-grashalm Toe hy nog gesond was, het hy agteraf drugs gebruik en hoere genaai. Dit terwyl hy voorgegee het dat hy Jesus se kind is en dit vir skole en kinders vertel het. Wat ‘n huigelaar. Maar die priesters van toendertyd en vandag nog sien die mens se vrees vir die dood en melk hulle lekker.

    ” Bring julle offerhande (geld vandag) na Jesus (na my) en Hy (ek gee so voor) sal julle verlos van julle sondes en die dood uitstel (moet nie worry nie, Joost, gee net jou geld vir my en Jesus sal sorg jy word gesond.)”

    So bedrieg hulle die mense. En ons moet geloofspronge maak! Nie maklik nie.


    • O gats.


      Pretoria – Former Springbok captain Joost van der Westhuizen has lost his court application to prevent journalist Gavin Prince publishing a book about him and his wife, Amor.

      According to the Beeld website, judge Eberhart Bertelsmann said in his judgement that Van der Westhuizen’s legal team had failed to prove that the publication of the book was illegal.

      Bertelsmann said Van der Westhuizen wants to defend his privacy by preventing the publication of the book, but that it negates what he did in the past.

      The former scrumhalf and wife Amor fall in the category of celebrities and cannot expect to keep their lives private because they had willingly put themselves in the public domain in the past.

      Van der Westhuizen is also fighting his battle against MNS publicly.

      The book, Joost & Amor, of which 10 000 copies have been printed, will soon be available on store shelves.

      Bertelsmann has dismissed the application and Van der Westhuizen will have to pay legal costs.



  2. Dan moet julle hoor hoe wys is pastore oor evolusie en die big bang. Ek wonder wat maak ou robbies alles. Ek wonder hoe baie weet robbies van evolusie en die big bang, die evolusie van die hominid brein. Die DNA molekuul, hoe lewe op aarde ontstaan het uit eensellige organismes. Die eerste amphibiers, die soogdier agtige reptiele, die age of the mammals, die eerste primates, die eerste apes, die eerste hominids etc. Nie veel meer of minder as ander pastore nie. Ek wonder of Johan ‘n bietjie van sy wysheid met ons kan kom deel. Of wat van ‘n gediggie of twee. ‘n Bietjie kom rondkrap in die ontlasting. Bietjie ‘n draadjie op die grondboontjie gallery maak. Ek is volgens hom tjiekinsjit. En hy het ‘n hektiek lewe.


  3. Ja Savage ek het ook in my soeke die “logiese” gedagtegang gevolg dat mense het “gelowe” gevestig om hul vrees te versag, so het ek êrens gelees dat so 170 jaar terug is daar ‘n “primitiewe” en ge-isoleerde stam in Austraslië “ondek”, en die idol wat hulle gedien (worship) het was ‘n vreesaanjaende dier wat die groep se voortbestaan en vryheid bedreig het en die kinders is daarmee seker in toom gehou deur die dier as straf voor te hou en toe iemand eendag een van die diere met ‘n groot geluk dood maak het die “simbool” van die dier en die oorwinnig oor die dier die basis gevorm van wat hulle uitgebou het tot ‘n geloof.

    So wat het verander? Die wetenskap word deur julle voorgehou as die ware afgod wat ge-“worship” moet word, omdat die wetenskap die natuurwette formuleer, die dreigende dier (dood) sal die wetenskap met sy logiese denke soortvan afmaak as net ‘n siklus in die wette van die natuur, niks om te vrees nie net iets wat gebeur en as dit jou tyd is om te vrek vrek maar net en hou jou bek, en die wetenskap met die saaintis as guru’s kan nou “bewys” dat “iets” “bestaan” of “nie bestaan nie”??? Biek dieël!

    Alle heil en eer aan die magtige wetenskap, ons “worship” dit!!!,

    maar na al die jare is daar nog geen bewys vir die bestaan van die menslik “siel” nie en dis iets wat ons elke dag mee omgaan en die “siel” is nie ‘n paai in de skaai nie, die ‘n verskynsel wat ons na verwys wat saam gevoeg is as die menslike WIL, emosies, en psige (mind), en nou wil die magtige wetenskap vir my “bewys” dat ek nie na my-self as ‘n siel kan wys nie omdat hulle nognie bewys het dat dit bestaan nie. . . . .as ek nie weet wat onder die bonnit aangaan van ‘n kar nie mag ek dit dan die ry nie?

    Die konsep wat ek wil oordra is dat jou “vryheid” van jou af weggeneem is deur die wetmatigheid (dogma?) van jou geloof aan die wetenskap, dit het jou al so vasgedraai dat dit vir my lyk al wat jy nog kan doen is om ander te kritiseer en al wat jy eintlik kritiseer is jou eie vals konsep van God wat jy in jou psige gevorm het.


    • Johann, julle gelowiges dink dat almal in of aan iets moet glo, so dus, is volgens julle, die wetenskap die ateïs se geloof. Dit is waar dat die wetenskap sekulêr is en verantwoordelik is vir die omverwerping van die mietes en dogmas van alle teïstiese gelowe. Die wetenskap is teenstrydig met alle gelowe nie omdat dit self ‘n geloof is nie, maar omdat gelowe teenstrydig met alle realiteite is. Die wetenskap beskryf die Natuur; niks meer en niks minder nie.

      Soms word beweer ateïsme is ‘n geloof. Dis ook bog. Julle gelowiges kom bymekaar en doen sekere rituele gebede en wat nog ook al. Ons ateïste kom nie bymekaar om die wetenskap, of wat ookal, te vier of te aanbid nie. Die rede hoekom ons die wetenskap as realisties beskou, is omdat dit werk. Gelowe is ‘n klomp snert wat nie werk nie.


      • Ek is nie seker wanneer ‘n geloof as ‘n “geloof” kwalifiseer nie, daar moet seker ‘n aantal beginsels of “geloofies” wees wat saam gegroepeer word om ‘n wettige geloof uitmaak.

        Soos die Rasta’s wat glo jy kan soveel dagga rook as jy wil, maar alcohol is taboe, Jy behoort nie jou hare of baard te skeer nie, want God het jou gemaak soos jy is – geen tatoe’s vir hulle nie en hulle dra sommer hul eie matrasse op hul koppe rond, en hulle saligmaking lê daarin dat ons moet terug na die natuur (Miskien moet Mallies daar aansluit hy glo mos ook aan “niks bonatuurlik” , hy het ook sy vrees vir die dood oorkom, is dit omdat hy aan die “niks bonatuurlik” glo of aan die saaintis soos Dawkins, of steek hy net sy kop in die sand?)

        Die wetenskaplikes het die mite weerlê dat die son ‘n god is, dis net dooie materie wat op die natuur wette reageer, maar daar is nog mense wat die son “worship” (wens Molly wil “lig” werp op die betekenis van “worship”), dis nie die materie wat hulle aanbid nie, maar die “gees” agter die sonstrale wat uitdrukking verleen aan dit wat ons “lewe” noem.

        Ek het ‘n vriend wat ‘n alkoholis was, kan mens sê dat alkohol sy afgod was? Of het hy dit ge-“worship”?

        As ek terugstaan en jou geskrif lees, soortvan objektief, dan kom daar ‘n paar dinge uit my onderbewussyn uit om jou gedagtegange te bepaal.
        1. Oorvereenvoudig, jy maak asof almal so onskuldig is – dis nou die saaintis, hulle meet maar net die gebeurtenisse in die natuur en skryf formuletjies neer en bou teorie sommer net omdat hulle verveeld is en eintlik niks anders het om te doen nie.
        2. Die Realiteit – ? Is jou uiteindelike realiteit bleek mannetjies en lang skrander dames wat rondloop in wit jasse en baie ernstig lyk in venster kjoebikils met ‘n tablet in die hand wat op die voorfront van tegnologie is met ingeneurs wat haai tek masjiene bou om nou die voortbestaan van die mens te verseker, en geld te maak, wat sou jou uiteindelike realiteit wees?
        3. Die” onsekere” realiteit verwag van ons as bewuste wesens – ‘n reaksie – of mens bewus of onbewus daarvan is – jy neem ‘n “houding” aan wat meer prominent is as van jou ander houdings – jy kom so hier aan met ‘n “low key” benadering.
        4. Dit Vertel my ook dat jy ‘n dualistiese “realiteit” aangeneem het, ( ‘n wêreld daar “buite” en my wêreld hier binne) jy het seker nog nie die “vryheid” geneem om net te kyk wat is non-dualism nie, stak in jou ould wy’s. God wat die eindelike realiteit is – is daar vêr, verwyder en ‘n illusie, en die heelal wat eintlik die illusie is – is onmiddelik en kom relalisties voor. Alles ego.


        • Interesting questions that Johann raises about the meanings of the words “ego” and “worship”. The Chinese talk about loss of face if you tell them the truth too harshly. There is of course a universal need to soften the blows of reality, but this is not likely to be achieved on ones knees. Let’s talk about the sensitivity of the ego and how we need to protect our egos. If you don’t have an ego, there’s not much to you, you might as well join a cult and become an automaton. When I suffered the indignity of having jewellery stolen from me from right under my nose, and in my own house, my initial reaction was horror and disgust. The ego can only take so much horror and disgust before it starts becoming pessimistic about everything in general; you start viewing life through mud splattered glasses. So what I did was something quite simple. I baked a very tasty cake for an old man who does electrical repairs. He had converted a Chinese vase to a lamp for me and fitted the top to match a stunning lampshade I’d found on the internet. I know this is a womanly perspective, but just bear with me. I’m sure you guys can think of other ways to give thoughtful gifts (Hint: don’t give women chocolates or flowers. The former make women fat and the latter start to stink after a few days. Both are a headache. Think outside the ego and the desire for sex.)

          There are various aspects related to giving someone something that you made yourself. The first aspect is that you reclaim your power over yourself by doing something creative.

          Secondly, the aspect of giving someone else something to eat. To me this is a form of societal worship. It’s much like bringing fruit to altars for gods to eat, which the priests discreetly eat themselves. It’s a reminder that you need to form strong social ties and maintain them for your own preservation and for the preservation of the society you live in. Think of all the food people eat at funerals. That’s societal bonding, it’s preservation in the face of morality, the rest of us still need to eat.

          Next time I need something done in the way of painting or garden service, I’ll get advice. Lots of advice. Not just about who can do the job, but who to do business with in a more pleasant way. This is why churches are still valuable in society. I don’t know who God is, I doubt anyone does. There are many things in life I don’t fully understand and that’s what is wonderful about it. One of the things I am wondering at now is how you can give a dog a piece of pizza on a plate and there will be no crumbs left, not one. Those long tongues can’t spread gossip but they sure can lick a plate clean.


          • Bjoetivoel gevoelens wat saam met jou geskrif kom. Daar is ‘n paar dinge wat so ‘n “twister” in my brein veroorsaak het soos – I’m still bearing with you even after I re-read your story – with no release’

            Second “you reclaim your power over yourself by” If you reclaim power over yourSELF, then who is stealing it from you? What is taking it from you?

            Third, food at funarals are always fresh, I heard.

            Fourth, “soften the blows of reality” what is so harsh with the way you precieve “reality”.

            And it sure is better to give, because you have something to give, there is a principle that if you keep on giving, the way you did, then you wil always have more te give. . .Ja?


            • When somebody takes advantage of you, you don’t feel too happy about it, but you will remember the occasion for future reference so you will never give that person work again. People can rob you of happiness, or try to. Think of thieves who cut off women’s fingers to steal their rings. Of murderers who shove broken bottles up women’s vaginas. If I was in either of those situations and I was outnumbered, then of course I would be relatively powerless. If I were to survive, I would have to consider how best to reconstruct the rest of my life. In my case no fingers were cut off or broken bottles used against me, so the reality was less harsh.

              The reference to the funeral expresses the death of faith I had in this young man who had done work for me before without any hassles, but is a drug addict, so all bets were off, You absolutely cannot trust a drug addict under any circumstances. He is heading one way, the police know he’s dealing in drugs, he’s been had up for beating his wife, all at 24. He has thrown his life away.

              I don’t believe that God will repay me indefinitely if I give to others. I have to look after my own needs and that of my family. There is no mention of giving everything you have to the poor except by Jesus, and he was mad.


              • There was a game called “Aint it awful”, that Eric Berne identified in his book “games people play”. I can’t remember the dynamics of the game, but if you can “see” fingers and bottles as your reality then you do the same – as I see it – as those people that “see” a heaven and all pretty things, in the process of creating you own “Reality”.

                All ego stuff. If we can agree on what “ego” points at maybe you can convert met to where you are and what you believe and see. What would it be. . . “Aint it awful” or maybe “life” itself?


                • Johann, this might be a bit difficult to explain to you, but there is a difference between rational and irrational fear. It is fucking awful for painters to come into your house and steal from you, but I should imagine it’s even worse to have your fingers cut off. This has happened before in South Africa on at least a few occasions, which is one reason I don’t wear rings. Imagine if I’d walked in on them in the act, they might have pulled a knife on me. All of this kind of crime is fuelled by the drug industry. You can cry Jesus allelujah,protect me from evil, as much as you want, but there are Nigerians in this town where I live receiving jewellery and selling drugs. I did not know that before. Now I do. My neighbours tried the Jesus allelujah, protect me from evil prayer, but they still got their back garden broken into. They laughed at me when I put ninja spikes all over the walls. Said I didn’t believe in Jesus enough. You should see how fast they put their own spikes up after they were broken into.

                  There are of course very nice aspects of living where I do. The comparatively low cost of living, the fact that you can buy a very nice property for a quarter of what it would cost in Parktown. Most of the boere are nice too. People get to know you here, they could care if you live or die, same way as you care whether they live or die. But drug driven crime is a very serious problem here as it is everywhere in the country.


      • This argument for detaching oneself from ones ego and letting go to a common interest is prevalent in other religions with cult like characteristics. The Hare Krishnas sit around chanting hare hare om om om all day, but did you know that anyone who is not a hare krishna devotee is considered fair game for fraud? They justify criminality on the basis of a “common good”. Anyone who is not a hare krishna devotee is destined for hell anyway, so you might as well relieve them of their earthly possessions sooner rather than later.

        The fundie churches extract money from their followers for two reasons: for their own financial gain obviously, and secondly, to make their followers believe that they have something to lose. If you denote R10k to your church you will need to rationalise that decision when you see your pastor driving around in a better car than your own. That’s how the prosperity churches hook their victims. “See this fancy car I’m driving, see my fancy wife number three? You can have all of that too if you truly believe as I do.”

        Life becomes a huge lottery. The fundie is always, always envious, with one eye on his neighbour and the other on his lottery ticket. When things go well for you, the fundie will mutter “Die wiel draai/the wheel will turn.” Like a roulette wheel with an invisible hand. When something unpleasant happens to the non-fundie, the fundie will rejoice and say, “Ha ha ha! Don’t you like reality? If you had Jesus as your master none of this would matter to you! Your problem is your ego!”

        The fundie will never say anything about your ego when things are going well because you must be under God’s blessing to have it good. Even if the fundie thinks God is unfair, he is not allowed to say so because that would be an insult to God, and there go the fundie’s chances of God’s material blessings. The last thing the fundie will ever do is his examine his own behaviour as a cause for relative prosperity or the lack thereof. Everything is according to God’s plan because there is no free will left for the fundie. Of course, the fundie can never be perfect because he has an imperfect soul that rebels against God and he has no control over this, nor does his religion expect him to exercise control. He will do something really shitty on Friday and be full of smiles again on Monday after the pastor has forgiven him on Sunday. You, as a non-fundie, are supposed to understand all of this and make allowances for it.


  4. En Adriaaan sensitiewe Adriaan, kan jy aan my verduidelik hoe is dit dat “kuns” ontstaan het as ‘n uitvloeisel van evolusie . . .?

    Joko Ono wat geluidjies maak asof sy kraam of miskien ‘n ander voorwerp onder lede het, hoekom sou dit as “kuns” beskryf word? Probeer sy die mens se oer gil namaak, is dit die mees primêre dryfveer in die menslike psige? Wat is die oer gil? Miskien as jy nie al die vrae ondersoek het nie was Joko se poging om haar boodskap oor te dra verniet en verwerk tot ontlasting.


    • Yoko Ono is unconvincing if she wants us to believe that what happened to John Lennon fifty years ago still has some residual effect on her emotionally. This is the woman who wanted to abort their child, after all. John Lennon wasn’t exactly the brightest spark around. I think his song “Imagine” sucks. The other Beatles were more talented, Lennon just had a huge ego.


        • John Lennon was an insecure wuss of a guy. Compare him to Johnny Cash – Elvis with balls – Cash was married to a very talented singer in her own right, June Carter. Insecure guys have crap taste in woman, they want someone insignificant to worship them and then they are surprised when the woman behaves like the total idiot she is. Godiots have crap taste in women. They marry whiny golddiggers and exchange them every couple of years for the next weggooipop.


          • Dit wys my maar net dat die arogansie van die Britte en die Amerikaners, hulle dink dat hul “kultuur” is die enigste een wat bestaansreg het. Die Japenesse het ‘n baie verfynde kultuur wat die westerling na ‘n barbaar laat lyk, Joko het my ook nog net afgepis en sy lag al die pad na die bank toe, en ons het betaal daarvoor!


              • Was dit in ‘n oorlog situasie?, dis seker maar wat mens wil doen met babare, en omdat Japenese soveel aardbewings gehad het en die dood so skielik en “saam” met hulle geleef het, was die dood net deel van hul lewe, dis seker hoekom hulle re-inkrenasie gebruik vir troos, maar nee ek weet nie wat hulle gedoen het nie, baie vae idee.


                • My parents were in Japanese POW camps. If you were caught stealing a bowl of rice the Japanese would make you eat enormous quantities of sponge and then force you to drink water. Caused your guts to explode. Very painful death. The POWs were forced to bow to the east every day in worship of the Japanese culture.


                    • They were Dutch long settled in Java. When the Japanese invaded Indonesia they put the Dutch in POW camps in Burma. My father swam to the shore of Burma and was captured by Japanese soldiers waiting there after the submarine he was a crew member of was torpedoed off the coast. WWII had nothing to do with religious differences, whoever gave you that idea.


        • If you watch the actual video Bill Burr based that on, you’ll see that Yoko was way more distracting during this recording than what you see here. What a cow. What an idiot John Lennon was to ever let her worm her way into his life. He never met her at an art gallery, according to his sanitised version of events; she stalked him everywhere until he gave in to her. Totally psycho, both of them. Joke that went around about John/Yoko Lennon: “What wears glasses and cums in a yellow bag?”


  5. Johann, skryf vir ons so ‘n bietjie ‘n gediggie man. Ek moet net vir jou se Joko Ono het nie gesing nie, dit was haar man John Lennon. Joko Ono was vir die opsplit van die Beatles verantwoordelik. Die feit dat mense abstrakte gedagtes het gee aanleiding tot kuns. Mense is primate, hulle kan kleur sien, so daar is klaar een aspek van jou vraag beantwoord. Kuns is die produk van die Hominid brein. Die Hominid brein is die produk van evolusie. Begin jy nou die prentjie kry of is dit bietjie vaag? Anyway ek is baie bly dat jy jou terugkeer gemaak het. Nou kan ons almal lekker gesels. Ons is nou voltallig hier in cyberspace.


    • Lyk my die Joko Oh no storie het jy heeltemal gemis, maar tenminste is jy braaf genoeg om met ‘n woord soos “abstrakte” uit te kom, sou abstrakte denke dan “behoort” aan die “bo-natuurlike”? Is dit empiries bewys dat abstrakte denke bestaan, en vertel my bietjie meer wat is ‘n “hominid” brien, het ek ook een of kan mens dit koop? En help my sommer met die “abstrakte” woord,”wys” dit na iets wat nie bestaan nie.. .?


  6. If Anton Neethling can’t sort out your cancer or car crash injuries, there’s always homeopathy to fall back on. You can take comfort from the smell of jasmine incense and have your tarot cards read while you bleed to death.


  7. Johann ek dink nog steeds pastore suig. Jy moet vir ons ‘n bietjie jou mening lig. Dan dink ek ook bevryding is sommer ‘n pot stront. Waar sal ‘n duiwel nou in ‘n beeltjie wegkruip? Hoe kan feetjies demonies wees? Wat van heman, is hy ‘n booswig? Of die ninja turtles.Nee wat ek dink Budha beeldjies is pragtig. Ek is ook mal oor wierook.


    • Ek kan nou nie vir pastore praat nie, maar wat het dit met my te doen? en “bevryding” . . . jy moet seker weer die kat aan die stert beet hê – probeer om jou persepsie te verander van bevryding van daar “buite skuil die duiwel” na “hier binne regeer die ego”, ek dink dis Molly wat die woord “ego” gebruik en nog nooit eintlik verduidelik het wat dit is nie en of dit al empiries bepaal is nie. . .

      Een eienskap van ‘n “ego” is dat dit outonomies is, so dit hardloop op sy eie en skep sy eie wêreld met verdedigings meganismes, “desires”, “likes” en dislaaiks, vriende, afgode, geloofies, naam (soos joune s’n is Adriaan), ens ens en dan sal die ego jou laat glo dat dit JY is. . .en sodra jy vir iemand sê die ego is besig om jou te verblind en dis nie wie jy is nie, dan raak die ego verdedigend en begin allerande “games” speel om jou blind te hou.. . dis nie rokitsaains nie. . . dis wat bevryding beteken vir my, gooi jou “ou” kleed af en “format” jou hardeskyf en begin weer van voor af met ‘n hernude houding.

      (Die ego hou ook nie daarvan om bedreig te word met “extinction” nie, maar moenie wharrie nie, jy gaan nie “jouself” verloor nie, al maak die gedagte jou ook al hoe bang.)


  8. This has absolutely nothing to do with this post, but it’s absolutely hilarious. You don’t have to watch it if you don’t want to.


  9. The fundie perspective revisited.

    God’s Lottery

    One of the most profound mysteries of life is what mechanism determines fate. When something bad happens, we wonder why misfortune comes our way. When things turn particularly bad, Christians often reach the point where they question God’s motives.

    It’s not just bad luck that makes us reflective. When someone is awarded a large amount of money, we all collectively look at the lucky winner and wonder what caused providence to smile on that person.

    An atheist would say that fate is all random chance; we are just the product of luck. Because I believe in a divine creator, I know God has a hand in my daily affairs. To unlock the meaning behind events, His involvement must be taken into consideration.

    Who’s in Control?

    It is easy to say that God is in control of all events in our life, but it’s hard to determine how involved He actually is in the details. If God were in total control, the decisions we make would not be our own. If God set the universe into motion and then stepped back, the laws of nature and science would be our only guide.

    There really are no such things as random events. The term “unpredictable” only means that the cause is not known. If we knew all the factors or combinations of factors involved in events, nothing should take us by surprise. With infinite computational power, and taking infinite measurements, it would be possible to predict the future.

    Some of the most common things in life are so complicated that we can’t possibly predict their outcome. For example, we can forecast the general path of a hurricane, but we can’t predict it’s exact movement. Why? Because there are too many factors involved that change from what they were at the time one makes a prediction until they actually influence the path.

    The rolling of dice would seem to be a random occurrence, but in truth it is not. Someone throwing dice is in control of all the factors that determine where the numbers will land. We can’t tell what will be rolled because he lacks the ability to do the math once the dice leaves our hand. I’m sure a computer will someday be able to instantly calculate “the dice will rotate 123 times in the air before striking that table, and then flip over 12 times before landing on the number five.”

    The plethora of unknown factors in every situation of our lives provides the Lord with an unlimited number of opportunities to supernaturally intercede in our world. The hand of God could move at a thousand different levels in our lives and we would never be any wiser.

    Loaded Dice

    One of the most basic beliefs of mankind is the idea that everyone should have an equal share of the proverbial pie. In a perfect world, good things would happen to good people and bad things should happen to bad people. We should all have the same status in health, wealth, and social standing.

    Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an equal world. Our standing in society is largely dictated by the characteristics and circumstances we are given at birth. If someone born into poverty should desire to achieve a higher education, he would have to first overcome huge financial obstacles to achieve his goal. Someone born into wealth would not have this barrier.

    In many situations, there is no opportunity to overcome obstacles. Someone with a low I.Q. will never be able to advance in the academic field. It seems unfair that someone else with an I.Q. in the genius range has a leg up on all his peers.

    There would be no controversy if everyone were given a free roll at the dice. The truth is, some folks are given dice with low numbers, while some individuals are given dice with high numbers. One person may have no trouble rolling high numbers when all the faces of the dice have sixes. A person with only ones on his dice would be at a hopeless disadvantage.

    There is no need for people to be apologists for God. The Lord is extremely blunt about the issue of fairness. He has said, “Therefore God has mercy on whom he wants to have mercy, and he hardens whom he wants to harden” (Rom 9:18). We are told it’s not our business to question God’s motives.

    “No, don’t say that. Who are you, a mere human being, to criticize God? Should the thing that was created say to the one who made it, ‘Why have you made me like this?’ When a potter makes jars out of clay, doesn’t he have a right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar for decoration and another to throw garbage into?” (Romans 9:20-21).

    Why Do We Have an Unfair World?

    It’s important to realize that we live on a planet that is suffering from the effects of sin. All around us, there is disease, death, and sorrow. Some people get cancer and die because their bodies are imperfect. Some may die early in life, but so far, everyone has eventually had a date with death.

    When you understand that this world has a corrupt nature, it changes your perspective about life, and things begin to make sense. You realize that our stay here is simply a proving ground that prepares us for life in eternity.

    The only hope we have is Christ, “But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions — it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:4-7).

    If you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, you don’t need to worry about your lot in this life. God has a wonderful plan to make all the injustices you have experienced in this life right. The Bible records these words about the end of all suffering, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Revelation 21:4).

    Praying to the Wrong God

    When geologists excavate the remains of accent civilizations, they often find signs of idols and deities that prehistoric men worshipped. There are actually millions of these gods that people created to fulfill various needs in their lives. They fashioned rain gods to control the weather, and they worshipped the moon and sun because they thought these bodies were temperamental supernatural beings that demanded special attention.

    Of course, all this idolatry was a waste of time. When a prolonged drought came, the rain god should have been fired, and a search for the true God of weather should have commenced. It should have been obvious that the moon and sun didn’t need man’s adoration to guide their path in the sky.

    Even today, men turn to idols for help against adversity. Some people think if they only had more money, their plight would change for the better. Others seek after the blessing of luck itself. In the face adversity, they think fortune will for some unknown reason turn in their favor. Proverbs warns, “He who trusts in himself is a fool” (Proverbs 28:26).

    There is much adversity in America, but I believe firmly that this nation is blessed because it is predominantly a Christian nation. We have no guarantee that the Lord is going to act like a slot machine that pays off every time we praise Him. The lives of many believers have been filled with grief.

    Even the most casual observer can tell that God has a pattern of taking care of His own. “I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread” (Psalm 37:25).

    It is discomforting to learn that life is a lottery, but there is consolation in knowing that God is the one running it. We can take comfort in the wise words of King David, “Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you” (1 Chronicles 28:20).



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