Just when you think the crimes of the Roman Catholic Church couldn’t get any worse, this story gets released. This proves that thousands of children actually died while incarcerated by the church after they were forcibly removed from their mothers, who by the way was also incarcerated, because they were not married at the time they had the children. While in their custody, and because of the churches neglect and abuse, thousands of children died. Their bodies were unceremoniously dumped into mass graves all over the country. In this case dumped in a sewage tank. They are obviously covering up a lot more. Now the bastards wants to pray for the kids and “do the right thing” by putting up a memorial???? Fucking monsters! Murderers!!!!


Tell us the truth about the children dumped in Galway’s mass graves

Forget prayers. Only full disclosure by Ireland’s Catholic church can begin to atone for the children who died in its care.
Apology for Magdalene Laundry women

One of the former church-run Magdalene laundries, where unmarried women and children were incarcerated in Ireland. Photograph: Julien Behal/PA

The bodies of 796 children, between the ages of two days and nine years old, have been found in a disused sewage tank in Tuam, County Galway. They died between 1925 and 1961 in a mother and baby home under the care of the Bon Secours nuns.

Locals have known about the grave since 1975, when two little boys, playing, broke apart the concrete slab covering it and discovered a tomb filled with small skeletons. A parish priest said prayers at the site, and it was sealed once more, the number of bodies below unknown, their names forgotten.

The Tuam historian Catherine Corless discovered the extent of the mass grave when she requested records of children’s deaths in the home. The registrar in Galway gave her almost 800. Shocked, she checked 100 of these against graveyard burials, and found only one little boy who had been returned to a family plot. The vast majority of the children’s remains, it seemed, were in the septic tank. Corless and a committee have been working tirelessly to raise money for a memorial that includes a plaque bearing each child’s name.

Sean Ross AbbeySean Ross Abbey, a home run by nuns in County Tipperary, from where 438 babies were secretly exported to the US for adoption. Photograph: Brian Lockier/www.adoptionrightsalliance.comFor those of you unfamiliar with how, until the 1990s, Ireland dealt with unmarried mothers and their children, here it is: the women were incarcerated in state-funded, church-run institutions called mother and baby homes or Magdalene asylums, where they worked to atone for their sins. Their children were taken from them.

According to Corless, death rates for children in the Tuam mother and baby home, and in similar institutions, were four to five times that of the general population. A health board report from 1944 on the Tuam home describes emaciated, potbellied children, mentally unwell mothers and appalling overcrowding. But, as Corless points out, this was no different to other homes in Ireland. They all had the same mentality: that these women and children should be punished.

Ireland knows all this. We know about the abuse women and children suffered at the hands of the clergy, abuse funded by a theocratic Irish state. What we didn’t know is that they threw dead children into unmarked mass graves. But we’re inured to these revelations by now.

Corless expresses surprise that the media were so slow to report her story, that people didn’t seem to care. If two children were found in an unmarked grave, she observes, it would be news; what about 800? But what is the difference between the wall of lies, denial and secrecy the church constructed to protect its paedophile priests and a concrete slab over the bodies of 796 children neglected to death by nuns? Good people unearth these evil truths, but the church always survives.

The archbishop of Tuam and the head of the Irish Bon Secours sisters will soon meet to discuss the memorial and service planned at the site. The Bon Secours sisters have donated what the Irish TV station RTÉ describes as “a small sum” to the children’s graveyard committee.

Father Fintan Monaghan, secretary of the Tuam archediocese, says: “I suppose we can’t really judge the past from our point of view, from our lens. All we can do is mark it appropriately and make sure there is a suitable place here where people can come and remember the babies that died.”

Let’s not judge the past on our morals, then, but on the morals of the time. Was it OK, in mid-20th century Ireland, to throw the bodies of dead children into sewage tanks? Monaghan is really saying: “don’t judge the past at all”. But we must judge the past, because that is how we learn from it.

Monaghan is correct that we need to mark history appropriately. That’s why I am offering the following suggestions as to what the church should do to in response:

Do not say Catholic prayers over these dead children. Don’t insult those who were in life despised and abused by you. Instead, tell us where the rest of the bodies are. There were homes throughout Ireland, outrageous child mortality rates in each. Were the Tuam Bon Secours sisters an anomalous, rebellious sect? Or were church practices much the same the country over? If so, how many died in each of these homes? What are their names? Where are their graves? We don’t need more platitudinous damage control, but the truth about our history.

30 thoughts on “Just when you think the crimes of the Roman Catholic Church couldn’t get any worse, this story gets released. This proves that thousands of children actually died while incarcerated by the church after they were forcibly removed from their mothers, who by the way was also incarcerated, because they were not married at the time they had the children. While in their custody, and because of the churches neglect and abuse, thousands of children died. Their bodies were unceremoniously dumped into mass graves all over the country. In this case dumped in a sewage tank. They are obviously covering up a lot more. Now the bastards wants to pray for the kids and “do the right thing” by putting up a memorial???? Fucking monsters! Murderers!!!!

  1. This proves how bad it is for all human rights when religious organizations have a say in how the government runs a country. The poor gets abused and murdered. Women have it worse than men. Human rights get trampled and economic progress is slow at best. Poverty rules and education suffers. The churches of the world want us to remain uneducated and ignorant, so that we will keep believing the lies they teach us and our children. It also allows them to crush anyone who does not obey their dogmatic rules with an iron fist.

    But according to the Johanne of this world, you just need a geloofsprongetjie and everything will seem A-OK.


  2. I can’t wait to read the excuses the godbots are going to come up with to justify themselves. Lets think of a few:

    My church is not the Roman Catholic Church.
    People committed these atrocities and not the church.
    You cannot properly judge these atrocities that happened so long ago in today’s terms.
    If you slant the situation correctly religion remains OK.
    Met ‘n geloofsprong kan jy al hierdie misdade teen kinders laat verdwyn.

    And they still claim there is a god. If there is a god, he is a useless cock-sucking asshole.


      • Yes, McBrolloks, you are probably right. But we are castigated because we don’t believe in their fairy tales and are told we need their gods to teach us how to live moral lives. When their brethren step out of line, as in the case of murdering children, the god-taught moral lessons are forgotten. If one rationally think of the whole fucked-up religious worlds and their teachings, you can just shake your head in amazement.


        • But Savage, how could you forget? – we are all sinful. We therefore are not capable of ending our sinful nature. We are all the same and all sins are equal, I.e. stealing a toffee carries the same weight as raping and murdering. This should leave you with a nice, fuzzy feeling…….

          Based on the above analogy, I wonder if a case cannot be made that religion causes moral decay – exactly the opposite what godiots always claim.


    • The picture says it all – all the children are clean, the little girls have pretty ribbons in their hair, each child is sitting in front of a cup and saucer signifying abundance. As soon as the photo shoot is over it’s “Now get the fook back to yer scrubbing, ye evil little bastards!”


    • Notice how there are many more girls than boys. Boys are too difficult to handle, they might beat up these hags when they get bigger, so they would have been killed outright. Girls are much easier to threaten and beat into submission to do their work for them, so why get rid of them.


  3. O jis dit irriteer my as mense vir my se dat ek hel toe gaan as ek nie Jesus aanvaar nie, maar tergelyke tyd as ek se iemand soos Jacob Zuma gaan hel toe dan se hulle vir my ek mag nie oordeel nie.


    • En Adriaaan jy hoef nie bang te wees dat jy hel toe sal gaan nie, soos ek kan aflei in dit wat jy hier kwytraak , is jy reeds daar.

      Wat is die vreugde in jou hart. . .?


  4. Skielik weer energie hier op die skytblad, die hele grondboontjie gallery het ‘n “ain’t it awfull” hier kom gooi en “slap each other on the back”, sien jy ek het jou mos gesê, ons is reg dat ons konsepte van God nie bestaan nie, (Moet nou nie vir Mad Mac opgewonde maak met Koel diek se “as God bestaan dan is hy. . .) as mens beweer dat die Wetenskap die bestaan van die aardse bedreig. . .dan is dit “die mense” wat die wetenskap gebruik vir hul eie agenda’s, maar as ongelowige mense godsdiens gebruik vir hul eie agenda’s . . .dan is dit God se skuld, en om God nou te “spite” – is om nou te beweer dat God nie bestaan nie. . .en dis so seer. (Wat gaan dit aan die aarde doen as ek nou beweer dat die aarde plat is. . ?)

    en Mallies om ‘n stelling te maak soos “stealing a toffee carries the same weight as raping and murdering” “wys” jy net dat jy nie ‘n kloe het wat “sonde” beteken nie, jy klou nogsteeds aan daai ou dogma van jou vas soos aan ‘n wol kombers. Miskien kan jy ons inlig oor wat “sonde’ is (en sommer ook die on/bo-natuurlike, eh Mallies ek wag nou darem al lank jong)


  5. Ek gaan Vrydag om toerusting wat ek bestel en betaal het op te tel. Terwyl die bakkie gelaai word, wag ek vir die faktuur. Ek lees toe in die maatskappy waar ek was se nuusbrief. Op die voorblad is die direkteur (wat ook na die store omsien) se storie. Hy verskyn op ‘n foto met vroulief en kindertjies en sê hy het gevorder tot direkteur net omdat Jesus hom instaat daartoe gestel het en self is hy tot niks in staat nie. Ek wag en wag vir die faktuur en vra later vir die dames in die stoor se kantoor (wat lekker staan en klets) hoe lank vat dit nou om ‘n faktuur uit te druk. Nee sê hulle, die printer wat dit uitdruk het ‘n waglys en ek moet maar wag. Tien minute later sê ek vir hulle as hulle vervaardigings afdeling so stadig soos hulle kantoor was, sal hulle gou bankrot speel. Hulle het my nie eers geantwoord nie en voort geklets. Die vraag nou is: Jesus het hierdie direkteur maar kakkerig opgelei. Kon hy nie ‘n beter job gedoen het nie? .


    • So you won’t be going back there any time soon. The director was responsible for the kak attitude of the ladies in the store room. You could have gone back to the receptionist and told him you want to see this director.


    • It is not only Jesus freaks that display this irritating behaviour, but in Afrikaner society you get these people who work for people who think themselves demi-gods. We used to go to a doctor who was quite proficient but his bookkeeper kept on sending letters of demand for administration fees she insisted had not been paid. So one day I accompanied my husband to the doctor and he paid the admin fee by debit card – not cash. I showed the bookkeeper the proof of payment, and said, “There is the admin fee of R80 vooruitbetaal”. So she sent me a letter of demand for it anyway. I went over to the doctor’s rooms and asked her why she was harassing us like this. She said she did not know what I was talking about, that it would not help me to talk to the doctor about it, and if I did not pay she would hand me over to their attorneys and have me up in court. I showed her a photocopy of my husband’s account showing the amount and date of payment and asked her to look it up in the appointment book. She said she wasn’t interested and in any case she could argue that it was an amount that was short paid by the medical aid. I asked her for a detailed statement of account showing all debits and credits but she said their accounts system did not operate that way.

      There is a bible and a book of inspirational verses in their waiting room.


    • Ja Savage, iets langs dieselfde lyne het annerdag met my gebeur. ‘n Ou ry agter my, flits sy ligte verwoed omdat ek nie vinnig genoeg na sy sin na die geelstreep trek nie (terwyl ek teen 120km/h ry). Toe ek oortrek dat die haastige man verbykom, word daar in die verbygaan tekens gewys en gevloek en geskel, met die vrou langs hom (ek neem aan vroulief) wat lustig meedoen. Toe hy verby my ry, sien ek die plakker agter op sy voertuig wat lees: “Jesus is my King.” Lyk my nie die koning leer sy manskappe verdraagsaamheid en meelewendheid nie.


      • More than likely a BMW driver. They live off soup bones in shitty little houses with crocheted covers on the single ply toilet paper, the latter being for the most part redundant as they only catch a kak when the bank calls them to tell them they are two months behind on the BMW instalment. BMW = Bankrot Maar Windgat.


        • I was once stalked on the internet by a BMW owner. He saw my details on a professional site and pestered me with phone calls at all hours of the day. He sent me a photo of himself with his BMW. Ugly, pasty faced, bloated sack of shit. He hacked into my computer where he got my husband’s contact details and phoned and e-mailed my husband alleging that he had had an affair with me. He fled the country for the UK after he and his brother were arrested for identity theft, cyber crimes and fraud. His brother blew his brains out in a toilet in a South African police station. He continued to pester me from the UK until I got the local police to contact the constabulary in the area where he lived to warn him to stop. Married with children, of course.


  6. That’s a coincidence. Reading your story’s. The other day I was driving 80 in a 80 zone and this tailgater behind me with the registration number 777GOD passed me and nearly drove me of the road. He can make a massive accident with his reckless driving. Why does he want to go faster? I’m already driving 80 in a 80 zone.


    • Top Six Vehicles Driven by Assholes

      About five years ago, I was completely unable to tell the difference between different types of vehicles. A Mercedes and a Ford looked exactly the same to me. I could divine the difference between “truck” and “car,” and might’ve gone so far as to describe a vehicle as a “minivan,” or a “convertible.” But outside of those utilitarian delineations, I hadn’t the faintest what piloting a particular automobile “meant” about the person behind the wheel.

      Thanks to my arduous commute, my state of ignorant bliss is, alas, no more. So, in order to provide you all with the benefits of my Significant Life Experience, I give you, without further ado, my Top Six List o’ Vehicles Driven by Assholes:

      1. Mercedes Benz

      A Mercedes is the ultimate entitled asshole mobile. Firstly, no one can figure out how to pluralize either “Mercedes” or “Benz,” giving it that unpronounceable je’ne sais quoi beloved to elitist pigdoggies everywhere. Secondly, the totems to materialism that serve as hood ornaments exist for no other reason than to serve as reminders to normal people that we are like tiny, tiny ants just waiting to be squashed by the Mercedes’ superior horsepower. Or whatever it is they have that’s worth a sticker price of about $56,000 (which, according to my Very Scientific Calculations, could keep me in portobello mushroom paninis for about 15 years). The only exception to the rule is if it is a very, very old Mercedes. If it’s rusted out, you can trust the driver. If it’s been converted to biodiesel complete with prominently located bumper sticker, well that’s a gray area.

      2. BMW

      The BMW is the jealous, bitter, aspirational younger yuppie sibling of the Mercedes. Again, the name causes problems in that no one knows what BMW stands for, except for some spurious sources that claim it stands for “Brute’s Murder Weapon.*” The Beamer deviates from the Mercedes in that it doesn’t matter how old the Beamer is, the driver will never be absolved of asshole status while barreling down the freeway in a car rumored to be built with the blood of Jews. (For realsies! Other cars too!)

      3. Audi

      The people who drive Audis are the same people who sign their e-mails with “Cheers,” or worse, “Ciao.”They’re going for European mystique and/or sophistication, but all they get are repair bills so high they end up selling their Beamers to pay for them.

      4. Saabs and 5. Volvos

      I want to like these cars. I really do. Saab buys ad space on public radio, and Volvo reminds me of hippies. I like public radio and hippies, therefore I should like Saab and Volvo, right? Wrong. These car brands are marketing to the wrong demographic, as people who drive them are without fail unable to use their turn signals or let populist cars change lanes.

      6. And, last but not least, the humble Volkswagen:

      You’d think VW would get by on account of being responsible for a cute co-opted slogan like “fahrvergnugen” and making those adorable bugs and Scooby Doo vans. But you’d be wrong! VW owns Audi, and makes Certifiable Asshole Cars like the Jetta. Unless you live in your VeeDub with your crime-fighting dog and mod posse, you fail.



  7. I must confess that I’m xenophobic. Something that really irritates me is foreigners that come over here and disobey our national parks rules and regulations. That one incident where the elephant rolled the car makes my blood boil. There are specific rules that says you should give the animal it’s space. Once we where in the Kruger park and some idiot got out of his car. We where driving behind the elephant ( Animal being about 20m ahead of us) while it was walking down the road with its backside towards us. We were basically driving behind it. Facing the elephant was the idiot who got out of his car. He could have spooked the animal and the animal could have charged the people behind it ( Including us).

    It’s always the animals “fault” and the idiot who does something like that gets away. I went and reported it and gave the persons registration number to the staff working at the reception at Satara rest camp. They said they’ll look into the problem, but I’m not sure if they did anything. Ek wil daai ou wat uitgeklim het en foto’s geneem het ‘n PK gee. Doos!!!! When we drove past that car I heard the guy that got out had an English accent. Tourists behaving like assholes. It is as if the English and Americans think they own the world. Once we where at a rugby game between the blues and the bulls at Loftus. Just in front of us sat a group of Blues supporters and I must say they really behaved themselves very politely. The Kiwis as I understand are friendly people. But I know the British lions fans are a bunch of hooligans.


    • People from the UK are all opinionated wankers and need the living crap trampled out of them by herds of charging elephants.


    • If you think British rugby fans are bad, you haven’t see what English soccer fans are like. It’s enough to make the Scottish want independence.


  8. Johann ek dink jy moet liewers fokkof as jy nie ‘n bedrae kan maak tot hierdie site nie. Ons is besig om van iets te praat en jy wil alweer tussen in kom. Wat is jou punt?


    • English soccer hooligans are going to see their arses, they will be crying for their mommies.
      World Cup 2014: Inside Brazilian jail cells where English hooligans will be locked up

      These chilling images (see link at bottom) show the Brazilian jail cells

      England football fans face being banged up in if they cause any trouble at the World Cup.

      Italian photographer Giuseppe Bizzarri captured the brutal pictures of life inside some of Brazil’s most notorious jail cells, where travelling fans will be sent if they get involved in violence.

      He was given rare access to Sao Paulo’s most infamous penitentiaries, describing the prisons as “crime universities”.

      Photos reveal the horrific nature of life behind bars at the packed out prison cells, many of which are controlled by criminal organisations.

      Giuseppe said criminal firm First Capital Command (FCC) control drugs and gun traffic in Sao Paulo, where the Three Lions take on Uruguay in their second group fixture, and hold the balance of power inside the state’s jails.

      The photographer, who has lived in Brazil for 20 years, said: “Brazilian prisons are like a crime university.

      “The main criminal organisations connected to traffic organise themselves and then send their plans to the individuals who are outside.

      “I think everyone knows it’s awful the way they treat inmates.”

      England take on Italy in their opening group match on June 14 in Manaus before travelling to the more hostile Sao Paulo to face Uruguay.

      Roy Hodgson’s men play their third and final group fixture against Costa Rica in Belo Horizonte on June 24 where Giuseppe said fans can expect a frosty reception.

      Giuseppe added: “The UN already raised awareness to the prison conditions in Brazil.

      “The biggest problem still is the overpopulation of prisons.”

      “One of the most transmitted diseases is tuberculosis which spreads rapidly because of the overpopulation.”

      “These prisons really are brutal and no-one in their right mind would want to end up there.”

      A prison riot in October 1992 led to military police storming the former Carandiru penitentiary, Sao Paulo, in what emerged to be one of the bloodiest massacres in Brazillian history.

      More than 100 inmates died in the massacre, with 102 being gunned down by police and a further nine being killed by fellow inmates.

      Twenty-three policemen involved in the massacre were jailed for 156 years each for the killing of 13 prisoners while 25 others 624 years each for the deaths of 52 inmates.

      A further 15 policemen were sentenced to 48 years behind bars earlier this year for their part in the horrific massacre.

      Follow us: @DailyMirror on Twitter | DailyMirror on Facebook


  9. Ek persoonlik dink dat die persentasie christene besig is om direk eweredig te word aan die persentasie mal mense in die wereld. Anyway fuck Christians!!!


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