Christmas – by McBrolloks


The season for greed is upon us once again. People chasing material possessions from shop to shop while pretending it is all about family time and togetherness. A perfect time for the fundies to cheer for their gods. It seems they were all born on this day. What a coincidence!




by McBrolloks

It is the season
When we piss away reason
When some celebrate the birth
Of their very own hero

Their Jesus was born, then he had to be murdered
So that they won’t have to burn, for all of  their sin

If you believe in this tale, you will surely enjoy
All the other fables, on the Jesus resume

If you are too young to understand, don’t worry my dear
People will get you going, with all of their cheer
If this doesn’t work, there is nothing to fear
A guy named Santa, will bring you lots of nice gear
Bags full of presents, that will give you much joy
And later they’ll tell you, these presents weren’t free
That it’s all part of remembering why Jesus had died
Because Adam and Eve ate some fruit, and told god a lie
A lie that made him so…

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40 thoughts on “Christmas – by McBrolloks

  1. McBrolloks,

    1. Julle spannetjie is baie uitgesproke, dom, blind en skeitbang! 2. Julle gaan in die hiernamaals eers agterkom wat SKEIT-BANG regtig beteken. 3. Dan sal julle (ongelukkig) eers agterkom dat julle self sekere verkeerde GOTTE aanbid het. Daardie valse gotte weet reeds dat hulle klaar veroordeel is, en samel maar net nog ’n klomp dommies in om saam met hulle vir ewig gepynig te word. 4. Julle gaan ongelukkig te laat eers agterkom wat GOD bedoel het met die woorde: “En daar sal Ek hulle pynig vir ewig en ewig en altyd … dit is daar waar die wurm nie sterf en die vuur nie uitgeblus word nie … daar sal geween wees en gekners van die tande. ens. ens.” 5. Ek wens julle allermins sodanige pyniging toe … maar ek is nie in beheer van daardie gedeelte van die Almagtige, ewige, alomteenwoordige, oneindige God se sake en besluite nie. 6. Kêrels, ek wens ek kon julle help om meer sinvolle lewens te lei … julle mors baie goeie tyd … terwyl julle nie eers ’n haartjie van enige wedegebore kind van God kan laat roer met julle HEWIGE Godslastering nie. 7. Ek het ook Sielkunde en so ’n rapsie meer bestudeer EN dink dat julle diep binne in julle wesens SKEIT-BANG is vir die dood … Nou probeer Boetie vir baba bang maak … juis omdat julle diep binne-in vrek bang wesens is.

    Groot grillerige groete vir julle, Jan Grey.


    • Ek dink jy skeer die gek. Selfs al doen jy dit nie is dit n simpel argument:

      Waarom sal n mens aanhou “Godslastering” pleeg as n mens bang is vir die dood? Jannie is bang vir die dood want hy weet sy God kan dalk die verkeerde God wees en dan gaan hy na n ander God se hel toe.

      Maar die kans dat dat daar n helle of hemele van welke aard is, is minimaal. Lewe jou lewe in realiteit.

      BTW, waarom wil ek n haartjie van n godioot laat roer? Julle is geregtig op julle speelgoed moet net nie verwag ek moet saamspeel nie.


    • Bang? Se die man wat gerieflik weggehardloop het uit Suid – Afrika. Deep down weet hy dit gaan nie help om te bid nie. So vlug is die antwoord.


    • Hallo Asjannie (ek doop jou nou Asjannie want: “As jy nie jou gemeente so belieg en bedrieg het in Oz nie, was jy nou nog hulle prediker en sou jy nie uitgeskop gewees het nie.”

      Welkom terug! Het jou wonde nou al geheel nadat jy laas hier op Mcbrolloks so slae gekry het en ook daarna (miskien nie as gevolg daarvan nie) die beheer oor jou “skapies” verloor het.

      Al wat ek kan antwoord op jou klomp kinderlike redenasies hierbo is om te kyk na Gerhard se stuk van Christopher Hitchens.


      • Hi Mac, i think the English version should be a good idea. Bet you old Asjannie is selling life insurance or retirement policies in Aus. Or perhaps and his wife is still busy selling gotte-stuff like xmas cards and crosses…or perhaps they moved on to garden gnomes.


    • Welkom terug Dr Jan Grey. Ek het nou net “jan grey” gegoogle, en op die eerste bladsy heel bo, pop die naam op as die poepol van die week hier op McBrolloks. Dis nogal ‘n prestasie vir ‘n doos soos jy. Hoe gaan dinge daar met jou? Het jy nou al ‘n nuwe beroep begin waar jy mense lekker kan afrip? Dis mos waarin jy goed opgelei is. Soek die skape uit en lewe lekker onder hulle totday hulle jou weer uitskop. Ek gaan nou so bietjie verder google en probeer uitvind wat jy deesdae doen.


      • Shit Janneman! Lyk my jy hou deesdae ‘n lae profiel. Al wat ek op google van jou kan kry is oor jou poepol van die week award. Darem beter as niks om ten minste as ‘n poepol van die week bekend te staan. Ek dink ek moet daardie artikel in engels hier post sodat die aussies ook so bietjie oor jou roem kan lees. Miskien kan ons ‘n paar mense red voordat jy hulle ook vir ‘n ride vat.


  2. Hallo ou Lekkerjan! ons het jou gemis ou perd. Johannie se geloofspronge raak nou afgesaag en nie meer so snaaks nie. Ons soek vars komedie. Bring it on,,,,,en hêppie, hêppie, hêppie!


  3. Vanmiddag heerlike krismis middagete met my gesin en aangetroude familiegehad. Die kinders speel met my Duitse herdershond en na ‘n tyd hoor ek die een laaitie vra aan my 11jarige seun “ek wonder of honde ook hemel toe gaan?” Sy ma hoor dit en antwoord sonder aarseling dat honde ook hemel toe gaan. (My laaitie rol sy oë)

    Dit het my laat dink – nêrens in die bybel word melding gemaak van ‘n honde- of dierehemel. Vir my nefie is dit vertroostend dat honde ook soontoe gaan. Ok vir sy ma bring dit berusting. Niemand knip ‘n ooglid nie. Die kind glo dit vas en dra die leuen saam met hom. Vertroosting. En dit, oompie Lekkerjan, is presies hoe jou fabel ook ontstaan het. Die leuen word jaar na jaar oorvertel met oorgawe deur ouens soos jyself wat spookwetenskappe bestudeer het.

    Jul lawwe leuens ken geen perke, oompie Jan. My oë rol ook.


    • Malherbe, gelukkig was hierdie vakansie- en “feestyd” vir my redelik godsdiensvry. Ek dink daar is n paar closet ateiste in my familie/vriende en al die seremoniële verpligting is so vinnig as moontlik afgehandel. Verder net n gekuier.

      Moer toe vandag, gaan eet ek en my girl. Langs ons sit 2 toppies en hul vrouens toe en godsdiens praat. Die toppies is seker so in hul laat 70s. Dit is net “Here” voor en agter met Petrus en Abraham wat ook onder andere bespreek.

      Ek hou nie daarvan om mense af te luister nie, maar hulle was so geesdriftig. Wat n mors van tyd dink ek toe. Hulle is so seker van hul saak. Nooit geleer om alles te bevraagteken nie.

      Die mens die kroon van die skepping? Nonsens!


  4. Er…. Dominee,…. Net ‘n ongeleerde poepol sal SKEIT-BANG so spel.

    Dit moet eintlk SKYTBANG wees, of SKYT BANG. Onthou jy nie op skool wat jy geleer het nie?

    Leiding en lyding; Feite en fyte; ‘n Huis en ‘n hys; Ys en eis; Skyd en skeid;

    Ja-nee, net meer bewyse dat daai kakboek wat jy lees, jou dom gemaak het.


  5. Ek het gewonder wat doen ongelowiges op gelowige dae. Dit moet julle mal maak om vir ‘n maand lank liedjies te hoor wat hoop bring. Julle kan egter nie glo nie, so julle kan nie hoop nie. Tsk, tsk. Jy kan nie dankbaarheid ervaar nie, want jy dink jy is verantwoordelik vir jou eie oorvloed. Gmppff. Vermetele ego. Julle kan nie geesdriftig raak oor God nie want julle het ‘geen God’ nie (of so reken julle) ha ha. Sjame man. Mens voel jammer vir julle. Hoekom moet die manne van 70+ twyfel oor dit wat hulle sonder twyfel ervaar as die goedheid van God? You lack experience – an experience of the supernatural kind. Jou ongelowige mens – jy het net jou onwillige self te blameer! Jy kan nie vertroos word nie want jy is afhanklik van jou eie genade, (dink jy) maar wie jy uiteindelik gelukkig hou is ‘n genadelose god. Jy is stokblind.


    • Serious case of PMS this one has, yes. A 10-foot pole is called for.

      Jingle bells, jingle bells,
      Jingle all the way…
      …ad infinitum…(hic!)


    • Wat ek so fassinerend vind is jou verwysing na vertrosing. Jy is reg “God” kan my nie vertroos nie. Blykbaar kan hy jou vertroos.

      Ai, en die godiote se verwysing na die ego asof dit iets wat uitsonderlik sleg of negatief is, is so tragies.

      Kyk wat se Freud:


      • Soos jy kan sien bedink die mensdom ‘Gode” om die pyn en lyding van hierdie lewe te oorkom.

        Daar is niks mee verkeerd om vertrosing te wil he nie, maar ek dink nie n sg. “God/e” is die antwoord hiervoor nie.


    • My wereld Zauannemarie, jy het ons waaragtig weer besoek? Ek was weg op vakansie en het nie toegang tot die web gehad nie, so jammer vir die laat antwoord op jou uitdagende vragie. (Was jou naam nie voorheen Blouvlinder nie of verwar ek jou met ‘n ander godioot. Indien wel, my apologie, maar jy moet erken, jul godiote klink maar almal dieselfde.)

      Maar terug by jou aardskuddende vraag: Wat doen ongelowiges op gelowige dae?

      Wat Krismis betref, let daarop dat 25 Desember gekoppel word aan die geboorte van vele Paganistiese gode, wat insluit Mithra, Horus, Hercules, Zeus en Sol Invictus. Die Roomse fees Saturnalia het ook toevallig rondom hierdie tyd geeindig. Rondom 400 AD het die christendom heelwat van hierdie paganistiese mites en tradisies ingevoer om by hul eie tradisies in te pas. Dit is dus ironies dat christinne vandag hoogs ontsteld is dat Xmas sy “christelike wortels” verloor het….juis omdat dit die christendom is wat krimsis vakansie van ander gelowe gekaap het om dit sodoende makliker te maak om nuwe volgelinge te verwerf.

      So, ek en my gesin beskou hierdie feestyd as ‘n geleentheid om vreugde en liefde en omgee te deel met ander, ook met diegene wat nie dieselfde voorregte as ons geniet nie. Dit is ‘n tyd vir kinders om in onskuld en verwondering die lewe te geniet en vir grootmense om weer hul innerlike kinderlikheid te vind……..en dit is wat ek as ateis doen Zuanne. Hoe vergelyk dit met godiote wat ‘n 2000 jaar oue zombie aanbid sodat hulle die prys van ‘n ewige lewe kan kry?


  6. Zuannemarie, ek weet wat jy bedoel met “ongelowiges”, maar na regte is dit nie waar nie, hulle is ateïste, wat net ‘n ander geloof is, hulle het baie dogma’tjies waaraan hulle “glo”. (“dere ies nou gods” is hul eerste gebod en die res hang daarvan af en ek stem saam hul godkonsep bestaan nie, – dis net ‘n ego gedrewe verbeelding wat hulleself geskep het)

    Oor die res van hulle kommentaar kan ek eintlik niks oor sê nie, dis maar net dieselfde ekspressie van haat en nyd en boosgeid. . . . Behalwe Gerhardus wat dink dat die ego ‘n slegte ding is, wat nie waar is nie, om met die ego te geïdentifiseer is die oëverblindery, maar hulle kan dit nie verstaan nie omdat hulle nog nooit met die ego ge-dis-identifiseer het nie. Hul ego’djies het so ‘n sterk greep op hulle dat hulle glo “dis wie hulle is”.

    Ek kan nie Freud se video kyk nie, maar dis seker reg wat hy sê – die siel van die mens soek na iets groter as dit self, maar hy was die kundige van die siel wat later ook na verwys word as die ego, en die menslike siel het vir dit self ‘n god geskep in sy verbeelding, ‘n gelykenis / gesnede beeld van God. Dis ook waarna verwys word dat Christus ‘n twee snydende swaard is wat skeiding sny tussen die gees, siel en murg en gewrig en dis ‘n swaard wat baie fyn moet sny om die mens te dis-identifiseer met die ego /siel/ persona / unreal self – en dis dwaasheid vir die ego is, want die self wil nie laat “gaan” nie.

    So hê empatie met die atijoote, want hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie


    • Hoe kan mens iemand ernstig opneem wat stellings maak soos “ek is seker ek het iewers gelees…” en dan arrogant voortgaan om voort te borduur asof hierdie “iewers lees” ‘n feit is?


  7. Good to know that there is an atheist group in Kenya too.

    Prayers simply DO NOT work!

    The fact is, God never answers any prayers. The entire idea that “God answers prayers” is an illusion created by human imagination.

    How do we know that “answered prayers” are illusions? We simply perform scientific experiments. We ask a group of believers to pray for something and then we watch what happens. What we find, whenever we test the efficacy of prayer scientifically, is that prayer has zero effect:

    It does not matter who prays.
    It does not matter if we pray to God, Allah, Vishnu, Zeus, Ra or any other human god.
    It does not matter what we pray about.
    If we perform scientific, double-blind tests on prayer, and if the prayers involve something concrete and measurable (for example, healing people with cancer), we know that there is zero effect from prayer. Every single “answered prayer” is nothing more than a coincidence. Both scientific experiments and your everyday observations of the world show this to be the case every single time.

    The dictionary defines the word “superstition” in this way: “An irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome.”

    The belief in prayer is a superstition. It has been proven scientifically over and over again. When a prayer appears to be answered, it is a coincidence. Quite simply, prayer has absolutely no effect on the outcome of any event. The “power of prayer” is actually “the power of coincidence.”
    Therefore, one of two things must be happening:

    God is imaginary.
    God does exist, but he never answers prayers. Unfortunately, God is defined by the Bible to be a prayer-answering being. The contradiction between the reality of God and the definition of God proves that God is imaginary.

    Prayer does not work because God is completely imaginary.


  8. This is where our future “doctors” are coming from.

    ‘Praying’ students laugh off health MEC

    Durban – The KZN MEC for Health, Dr Sibongiseni Dhlomo, is returning to South Africa no closer to ending a stand-off with South African medical students studying in Cuba, who are said to have neglected their studies to preach the Gospel.

    The angry MEC flew to Cuba on Tuesday to convince the students to prioritise their studies. Instead they had a showdown on Friday, with the defiant medical students telling him they cannot control when the Holy Spirit takes over.

    One of the students, who wished to remain anonymous, spoke to the Sunday Tribune.

    “The MEC was very angry, he told the students to (stop) preaching. He told us to focus on our studies because that is the reason we are in Cuba. He (encouraged) us to think of our future, but it didn’t help because the praying students are the majority and were not listening.

    “The meeting turned into a debate. They told him that in the contracts they stated they were Christians, and the only thing that would save them from social pressures was God,” he said.

    The Department of Health accused Sipho Maduna, a pastor from the Threshing Floor Bible Church, of “sneaking” into Cuba as a tourist to meet the students. The preacher was accused of keeping the students from their studies, baptising and anointing students, and annoying Cubans by preaching in the street.

    The students told the MEC the pastor had visited them at their request and they had willingly contributed money for him to visit.

    “When the MEC told them that he was a student, who also believed in God, and never neglected his studies, they told him that he was not committed enough.

    “The students raised a lot of issues such as being lonely because of being away from home “ he said.

    When the Sunday Tribune telephonically interviewed the student, it was before 4am in Havana, and yet we could hear the members starting up their prayer sessions in the residence.

    “This is what they do even on campus and it has been happening for a long time because when I arrived here two years ago it was already happening.”

    Another student, Siphamandla Qwabe, denied students were neglecting their studies for church activities.

    “That is not true. Most of the students don’t go to church. I heard the pastor was here, but I didn’t see him. I doubt anybody would pay for the pastor, because the money we get is not enough.

    “More than 700 students are doing their third year, out of 850 from the group that came in 2012, so how can somebody say we spend time praying instead of studying? It doesn’t make sense,” said Qwabe.

    The church disputes the comments from the Department of Health, saying there was no way a pastor’s two-day visit influenced the behaviour of the students.

    The church said the students had long-standing issues since the inception of the programme. These included pregnancies, chaotic partying, drunken brawls and sexual immorality.

    The pastor was invited by the students last year to pray with them and offer words of encouragement.

    Threshing Floor spokesman Ntokozo Biyela said the church had raised R60 000 to send the pastor abroad.

    “The contribution from the students was out of free will, students might have paid for the food and accommodation as a gesture since they invited our pastor,” said Biyela.

    A postgraduate medical student who wanted to remain anonymous and studied in Cuba until 2014 said the environment in Cuba was not conducive to studying.

    Cubans partied and drank a lot – clubs were always open, she said, which tempted students.

    Health Department spokesman Sam Mkhwanazi said they had not heard from the team in Cuba.

    Sunday Tribune 10 January


  9. Well, I may be giving up on the atheism and seeing more of the Catholic priest next door and getting help from the women’s league as I need a support group. Monthly subs will be willingly forthcoming – keeping it real,of course. I’ll go through the motions and the genuflections to keep the peace.

    My husband retired last year and is becoming more difficult by the day. For instance: the Xtra View on the dstv does not work since Saturday due to a connectivity problem, and I warned hubby the signal to the main tv connected to the decoder in the lounge might also conk out, so perhaps there’s NO TV until the technician arrives which is only going to be tomorrow – if we are lucky.

    I don’t understand all the fascination with tv, why not read a book, go out for a few hours, do something else. Being pensioners we have the basic Access option with Xtra view for the second tv in the main bedroom.

    So two channels conk out on the main tv and hubby wants to watch something he’s seen six times before on channel 140 RIGHT NOW and I must FIX IT RIGHT NOW!! Which of course I can’t do, I’m not a technician.

    Older women always have to care for the frail, old and cantankerous. I need a support group to stop myself from going crazy or developing very high blood pressure.


    • Not really, hey. I’d rather just get pissed every now and then. R850 for replacement of decoder hit by lightning and call out charge. At least that shit is all working now.


  10. What is all this brouhaha about George Michael dying? If it was the Queen of England popping her clogs I could understand it being on the BBC news all day. My favourite dog died of heart failure this Christmas – hey thanks, Jesus! -but you don’t catch me putting it on the national news.


  11. Gerhard,
    J het ‘n video belowe maar nie die link geplaas nie. Ek antwoord op hierdie post want ek kan nie die ander kry om korrek oop te maak nie. Plaas asb. die link van ou Ray hier, dankie


  12. “ ..but one might say of the pre-Galileans [scientists and philosophers] that they first decided how the world ought to be and then fitted what they saw into their preconceived schemes. Their eyes saw what their minds permitted them to see.

    “Galileo, very much aware of this proclivity of his predecessors, criticized these scientists and philosophers. He wrote that nature did not first make men’s intellects and then arrange the world to be accepted to them. Rather, nature made things as she liked and let man’s reason struggle as best it could to understand her ways. The way to obtain correct and basic principles, Galileo indicated, was to pay attention to what nature says rather than to what the mind believes.”
    (Mathematics and the Physical World, deur Morris Kline)

    Dit is presies hoe die godiote werk. Hulle het vir hulle self ‘n boek van fables geskryf (en dit deur ‘n klomp bokwagters meer as 2000 jaar gelede wat hulle nog steeds glo as feite), en hulle oë sien net dit wat hulle vertroebelde breins hulle toelaat om te sien. Dit is hoekom hulle die wetenskap haat (evolusie, kwantum, relatiwiteit, argeologie,) omdat die wetenskaplike bewyse die skille van hulle oë afhaal. Hierdie skille is so dik dat hulle nie eers die eksperimentele bewyse van die wetenskaplike kan lees nie. En dit is hoekom godiote in grotte woon en vir die maan huil.


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