41 thoughts on “God’s will.

  1. Ja Adriaan, godiote is almal pielkoppe.

    “When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets: then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.” (Deuteronomy 25:11-12)

    A wife would naturally wish to come to the aid of her husband in any way she could if he desperately struggled with an opponent, but the Hebrew law specifically forbade a wife to help her husband in distress if that support consisted of her grabbing the enemy’s genitals in an effort to stifle his onslaught. The penalty? Amputation of the hand that fondled the genitals!

    Only in an overly obsessive male dominated culture could men create such atrocious laws. As such, the penis ranked sacrosanct in the minds of men (as it still stands today). If a male lost his penis for any reason, he would lose the right to enter a congregation of God. (See Deuteronomy 23:1)


  2. Televangelist pissed out of his bracket and going, “Jesus! Oh Jesus!” every time he lands on his drunken arse.


  3. Ek wil graag onder julle aandag bring sonder om aanmatigend te wees dat ek dink psigiaters is fucked up. Ek noem my kondisie aan julle in die hoop dat julle die publiek kan inlig. Malherbe jy het op ‘n stadium gese dat jy nie verstaan hoe dit voel om depressie te he nie, wel ek kan jou wel se dat dit soos ‘n koorsdroom is. ‘n Koorsdroom is een van daai nagmerries wat jy kry as jy baie hoe koors het. Veral as jy nog ‘n kind is kry jy dit maklik. Dit is so erg soos dit kan gaan. Jy is heeltemal magteloos, moedeloos, bevrees en beangs. Niemand hoor jou noodkrete nie! Dit voel soos die hel! Dis duidelik dat mens nie net depressief is nie maar total en al in agony. Julle weet die een psigiater waarby ek was wil wragtig he dat ek na ‘n staatshospitaal toe moet gaan! Wys julle net dat hierdie klomp idiots geensins, hoegenaamd begrip het vir hulle pasiente nie. Was die ou al ooit in sy lewe in ‘n staatshospitaal in Suid – Africa. Ek se vir hom ek is depressief dan wil hy my straf! Ek kan nie eers beter word buite so ‘n plek nie, nou wil hy my in daai hel van ‘n plek indruk! Is hy van sy fokken kop af!
    Dis nou dieselfde een wat vir my gese het hy is ‘n christen, hy kan my nie om die lewe bring nie. Om ‘n person met erge depressie in ‘n staatshospitaal te sit is soos om sout in die wonde te vryf. Dit maak ‘n already groot problem baie groter. Hierdie ouens sit en hou hulle professional en hulle is absoluut pateties! Hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie!


  4. Dan se ek weer, ek glo dat sekere ernstigge gevalle van depressie kan as laaste opsie oorweeg word om die persoon humanely te laat uthenise. Die meeste gevalle van depressie is geneesbaar. Daar is alhoewel daai bitter rare .000 present gevalle wat glad nie is nie. Die lewe is teen sekere mense! Dit is ‘n statistiese ding. Dis amper soos om ‘n coin 100keer te flip en al honderd keer ongelukkig te wees. Dis statisties, dis baie raar! Niks loop reg vir hierdie mense nie. Om te bid gaan nie help nie! Ons moet hierdie mense help! As hulle die legal prosesses kan deurvolg behoort dit wel in raar gevalle deurgevoer te kan word. Ek dink maar net daar is mense wat nie gehelp kan word nie. Op die ou einde prober hulle self selfmoord pleeg en dan is hulle vermink of breindood. Waarom nie ‘n meer kliniese en effektiewe manier vind om dit te doen nie? Ek meen ek het al baie gedink aan selfmoord, maar die gedagte dat ek gemutelate of breindood is is terrible.


  5. Thanks for that one holyshmoly, beautiful song! Yes that guy is a fucking dick! He tells me that if he is in heaven his going to hit the one hole in one after the other. Ya right! Then I just want to say that I have had so many death threats and here I still am. As if I would be scared to die. I fucking lost it with my dad today. I told him that we should have emigrated to Australia or New Zealand. Then he starts with the fucking bullshit that if it wasn’t for people like him, the country would’ve fallen apart. He stayed here because he wants to help the country. I become so furious with my fucking father! He sacrifices his families happiness for this fucking piece of shit country. Typical army bullshit! Vir god en vaderland! Fuck South Africa! What has South Africa done for me? Johann daars darem een ding waaroor jy reg was en dit is dat my pa vir al my kak verantwoordelik is. My pa is ‘n fokken doos! Ek weet nie eers waarom my ma met die kont getrou het nie? Hys ‘n slim ou maar hy voel niks vir my! Hy sit hierso en wees die ANC se bitch en betrek sy familie daarby. Al die witmense moet hule goed vat en fokkof oorsee. Dan kan hierdie klomp bliksems self hierdie land beheer. Fok hulle almal! Mense wat hier woon help Jacob Zuma en sy fucked parlements lede om alhoe ryker te word, advantage te vat van die witmense. My pa is ‘n spitefull doos!!!!! Ek haat hom!


  6. If I can say one positive thing about black people it would be this – They stand together! Whites stab each other in the back all the time. White people are the biggest trators you could ever find. I get sworn at by them all the time. And im white. I can tell you if your black that it is avery lonely dark place to be if your white. Your fellow whites feel nothing for you! Just for the sake of political correctness. So dont try and be a coconut, its very lonely and frustrating! People like my father says its my own fault that IM being treated badley by people. Fok my doos van ‘n pa weer!


  7. Ja holysmoly, dit is maar kak om god verlate te wees, maar ek dink ons almal is soortvan, party net meer as ander. Ek dink die grootste leun wat mense hoor is dat daar mense is wat vir hulle lief is. As mens tot die punt kan kom om te verstaan dat niemand jou lief het nie en deur al die fases gegaan het ( Denial, anger, bargaining, depression en acceptance ) is jy seker okay. Diere gee onvoorwaardelikke liefde. Kinders gee en verwag uit naiwiteit en grootmense gee nie ‘n fok om nie! Dis net me! me! me! Ek is nou besig om klaar te maak met my graad in sielkunde en een van die vakke wat ek doen vereis dat ek by ‘n welsynsgemeenskap moet gaan observeer. Een van die wat ek gekies het is by ‘n skool se voedingskema. Dis ‘n redelikke arm skool so daar is baie kinders wat pousse broodjies vir hulle kom kry. Ek kan julle se dat ek kan verstaan hoekom Jesus kinders so hoog in esteem gehou het. As ons nie na hulle kyk nie wie sal? Hulle is die grootmense van more! ‘n Kind kan jy ‘n pakslae gee en met hom raas. As jy ‘n grootmens berispe dan raak hy terug aggressief en daar breek selfs ‘n bakleiery uit. Baie keer kom slaan ‘n ander bliksem ook van agter af! As kind as jy baklei het het die ander kinders om julle saamgedrom en geskree, Barney! Barney! As jy ‘n grootmens is kom een of ander donner en slaan van agter af! Grootmense is lafhaarts. Op die fliek Lord of the flies het die kinders een van die ander kinders doodgemaak. As dit grownups was het hulle lanklal mekaar verkrag, die een helfte teen die ander helte gedraai en die eiland afgebrand. O ja en moet dan nie vergeet nie doodmaak ook.


  8. The moral of Lord of the Flies was that children are just as likely as adult human beings to go totally berserk, creating a false bogeyman to keep the others in line and challenging anyone who does not agree with bullshit and paranoia. Sort of like religion.


  9. Adriaan, your father has the right to live his life however he wants, you can’t tell him what to do. And not just because he is your father, but because he is a person in his own right. Amazing that, hey? He is his own person. One of the things we forget when we are young is that our parents were young once too. We see our parents only as our parents, because we cannot imagine them in any other role. Part of becoming a human being is to acknowledge the humanity of our parents, to develop empathy for where they are coming from, so that we can give back to them too.

    By the sounds of it, he’s a conscientious person. He wants to do the best for this country. He is patient with the people he is dealing with in government. He is clever and educated, an accomplished man. Not what I would call a doos.

    You know what I think? I think you love your father more than anyone else in the world. You are struggling to establish your identity in this world. You feel you could never fill your father’s shoes. But you were never meant to. Your goal in life is to become the best “you” that “you” can ever be. That’s all – and everything – there is to it.


  10. Yes it would definitely be much better to love your father. Arguing isn’t pleasant especially with your own father. But yes, I still love him in a certain way. I carry 50 % of his DNA in me. George Harrison sang ” Don’t be so hard on the ones that you love”. I try my best. When I said doos I didn’t really mean doos as in drunkin idiot. Or dropout. I just meant a very unpleasant person.Yes its very frustrating competing with him intellectually. His mind is unbelievably fast. I was bullied at school a lot also. Im sure that played a important part in why I am the way I am. I also believe that I have a personality disorder. Avoidant personality disorder to be precise. Definitely oversensitive for criticism and very critical on oneself. Very self aware also. I think that combined with the fact that I am prone to depression makes a deadly combition. I would like to ask you though where do you see South – Africa in the next 10 years? Then another question would be why exactly are you against religion? Is it a personal experience that you had or is it that you simply don’t see the possibility of a God existing since it is conflicting with the theory of evolution and the big bang? I personally will never forget the day a man came and spoke to the schoolkids about religion. It was in our off period and we where sitting in the school hall. Then he said that you can either listen to what he has to say or go and sit in the back and do your homework if you believed in that evolution nonsense. I then spoke to one of the kids about evolution and he just argued about that. He used his Bible as reference to everything. I was really very disappointed. Here he stands and argues about things he doesn’t know anything about and he denies the fact that something so wonderfull existed. He also claimed that the continents wherent connected millions of years ago. He deprives himself of the pleasure of knowing all these wonderfull facts. I would’ve love to explain it to him but he is just not open to the facts. Instead he believes in the religious propaganda. That’s the damage religion has done.


  11. I think what will happen in South Africa in the next ten years will be a mixed bag, some good, some bad, but overall more good than bad. Investment in infrastructure will start giving positive returns. Fuel costs will go down if gas fracking goes ahead in the Karoo – something I am very much in favour of. I would love to say the trade unions will be disbanded with the market deciding what wages should be based on demand and supply, think of the unemployment that would be wiped out. People wouldn’t be rich but at least they’d have the dignity of a job.

    I’m not totally against religion, I am against rubbish fundamentalists who think they have the right to tell everyone else to think the same unsubstantiated rubbish that they do. I’m very interested in art and literature and am a fiction writer. Fiction aims to tell the truth by presenting possibilities in an objective manner. I believe in living life with the head, not the heart. Get your head right and the heart knows what to do.


  12. I have always been fascinated by non – fiction books. As far back as I remember I was fascinated by spiders, dinosaurs, sharks, horses, bisons, bears, lions, rhinos, Orcas, snakes, elephants. When I was in st9 I started reading about European history, prehistoric especially. There I encountered all kinds of interesting facts. Europe was once inhabited by all kinds of creatures among them lions, bears, mammoths, woolly rhinos, bison, wild horses. Does that all seem familiar? We as a species live alongside many other different species. Many people associate Europe with the Paris, Rome, London, the Yffel tower, London tower, the Arc detriomf, the Colloseum in Rome, dubble decker busses in London and so forth. Little do they know that Europe was once just as wild as the Ocovango or Serengetti. Mankind has destroyed mother nature. If it wasn’t for man Europe would have been covered in a blanket of forest from as far as Portugal to Latvia, Britain to Greece, Italy to Scandinavia. Trees also fascinate me. In South Africa the Lowveld trees and the European trees also. One of the best books I’ve read about trees must be Thomas Pakenham’s trees of the world and meetings with remarkable trees. My interest in spiders are kinda coming back. They are beautiful, fascinating creatures. I especially like the wind scorpions or camel spiders. In Afrikaans they are known as rooi roman spinnekoppe or haarskeerders. They are closer family to the scorpions than spiders, they posses no venom either. Another beautiful little creature for me would be the armoured cricket in Afrikaans its known as the koringkriek.


  13. ANC Yoof League. They were arrested and are probably going to do time. The Western Cape is not ANC territory and they do not put up with “shit” like this, especially not at an international airport.


  14. Coming back to the subject of people purporting to be agents of God’s Will, I return to why I detest fundamentalist Christians. The fundamentalist Christian is basically stupid, lacking in talent and capabilities. Unless they are televangelists they are usually at the bottom of the social pile. Televangelists typically address themselves to the dregs of society because they realise that they would be down there as well, were it not for the need of the stupid to shout Allelujah at someone who claims to be a messiah.

    Combine the natural stupidity of the fundie with a sense of false entitlement and you get a dangerously amoral predator. The fundie is a master at twisting facts and circumstances to his own ends in the name of Jesus.

    Here is a true story, with the circumstances slightly disguised, about a fundie Christian who gets back at his ex-wife via their daughters. The wife had left the fundie when the two daughters were still little. She established a rewarding career for herself, acquiring a pleasant house to live in with her daughters and, over the years, accumulated some substantial life savings. Now the divorced husband marries again after several years of being on his own. He marries an impressionable younger woman already of a neurotically devout persuasion. He gets her to submit entirely to his will, despite the fact that he battles to keep a job because of his entirely unsympathetic personality coupled with his “I’m with Jesus” story. He is a liar and a bully, and normal people see right through him. Only people who feel sorry for him will give him any kind of employment at a small salary, not letting him get anywhere near any real responsibility.The wife does not work because she must learn to live within her husband’s means.

    Things go wrong, of course. Their little house cannot be properly maintained. The wife is constantly ill and their hospital plan cannot pay for all the treatments required.

    But the fundie has always kept in contact with his daughters from his first marriage, stressing their need to keep the faith in Jesus. They become fundies themselves. And then a stroke of luck like a bolt of lightning from the sky: the ex-wife is terminally ill, and within months of diagnosis, she dies. The two daughters inherit the comfortable house and life savings. Their father calls on his old debts and in typical patriarchal fashion, establishes himself in his ex-wife’s house and takes over her life savings. The daughters must in turn wait for their inheritance after the life right they have given their father and his second wife to the house and money expires.

    At one stroke the fundie has fulfilled his desire for revenge against his ex-wife who dared to walk out on him all those years ago, and established his God-given superiority over women: he has subjugated his daughters to his will along with the current wife. He no longer has to pretend to work. Maybe you’ll be hearing him preach at a fundie church near YOU.


  15. Ignorant people are frustrating. People who don’t look at the facts. I was so bitterly disappointed when I was 18 when all the kids in my school said that evolution is nonsense. Here I sit with all these fascinating facts and they deprive themselves of it wilfully. I was so frustrated! Just because his Bible says something. I remember that in one of the classes where we got Afrikaans there where magazines in, the class also served as the school library. There were car magazines and all kinds of magazines. Among the magazines there were national geographics. While the other kids were paging through the car magazines I usually paged through the latest national geographics before the teacher came into the class room. There I always read articles about Paleoanthropology.


    • I am surprised that there are still so many 18 year olds in this country that still believe in creationism. It’s high time that religious instruction was kicked out of schools.


      • 100ps correct Holy. Religioin belongs in the church or the privacy of a home. Not in academic institutions. Fortunately children of today have access to information – in the end this will be religion’s downfall. What happened in Europe, will in the end happen here. Knowledge is religious dogma’s greatest enemy.


        • The new pope has formed a strategic alliance with the evangelical protestant churches to collectively increase market share. You hear Pope Francis saying that if you’re not praying to god you’re praying to the devil. The Devil has come back with a vengeance. Lurking under every bed and in every corner, the Devil is out to getcha. Exorcisms are coming back into fashion. The satanists must be thrilled with all the free PR.


  16. Out of my unconscious mind comes these words,- looking at “other” people does’nt say anything about God, – and – the bigger Molly becomes the smaller God gets, how righteous you both are!


  17. Johann, it is not so much that I am unwilling to accept the existence of a universal power, but I am not prepared to accept sociopathic behaviour disguised as Christianity. I had the gut wrenching experience of a fundamentalist Christian posing as a friend doing her damndest to ruin the reputation and job of a Muslim friend of mine who had assisted her with a demo laser printer at a discounted price. He had bought it on his staff account and sold it on to her. She then wanted an invoice in her name, knowing very well that he is not a dealer and that it was only at my request that he did her this favour. She phoned the call centre at his work claiming that he was selling on printers that he had stolen at his workplace. It was massively embarrassing to him and his wife was absolutely furious with me. The friendship between the Muslim and me was never the same again, which was the whole intention behind this vicious behaviour. I like most Muslims because they generally have a higher code of ethics than Christians, and they are certainly better people than Fundies who are utter drek.


  18. Mislims – jews – I thought they are the worst when it comes te human rights, and they are the cause of much strive and petrol price hikes, if anything they should be wiped off this planet earth.

    Yesterday I recieved a email about why the muslims are so willing to commit suicide (,- having more the ons mother in law, hatred for the western countries they “really” love, – marriage arrangements, and al lot more reasons,. . .) and today the email is nowhere to be found. . .

    It appears that you have a “irrational” hatred for christians (to lend juliet’s definition for racism,- although “irrational” does not exist according to some of the other fundies on the peanut gallery) and if that is what you’ve become, where oh where does this road lead to?


    • The vast majority of Muslims in South Africa are peace loving and nothing like the jihadists of the Middle East. This guy was my friend because he was a nice guy, not because he was a Muslim, that was purely coincidental, The problem with my fundie ex-friend was that she defined herself as a fundie with an axe to grind with anyone who did not share her fundie outlook, not as a human being. And Johann, if you cannot spell in English, and can’t be bothered to use spell check, please stick to Afrikaans.


      • Ek kan ook nie in afrikaans spel nie en hoe kan ek ‘n “spel check” doen op die webblad? Jammer as ek jou en jou taal en jou fossiel koningin”s taal so verkrag om verkeerd te spel.

        Die meeste christene oor die hele wĂŞreld is ook vredevolle mense, jy kan tog nie so stjoepit wees nie. . .?

        Maar jy antwoord nie my vraag nie, waar gaan jou paadjie heen?


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