The Roman Catholic Church will not surprise us and do the right things. They never have. They are going to keep protecting their child rapist employees and many more people will get hurt. The dominoes will start falling in South and Central America soon, as well as in Africa, where this is also happening in epic porportions.


UN denounces Vatican over child abuse and demands immediate action

Devastating UN report demands Vatican ‘immediately remove’ all clergy who are known or suspected child abusers
Pope Francis meets bishops at the end of  his weekly general audience

Pope Francis meets bishops at the end of his weekly general audience. Photograph: Alessandra Tarantino/AP

The Vatican has failed to acknowledge the huge scale of clerical sex abuse and has implemented policies that have led to “the continuation of the abuse and the impunity of the perpetrators”, a UN panel said on Wednesday in a scathing rebuke of the Holy See’s handling of the global scandal.

In grimly worded findings released by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, the watchdog urged the Holy See to “immediately remove all known and suspected child sexual abusers” from their posts in the church and hand over the cases to law enforcement authorities in the countries concerned.

It also asked the Vatican to ensure that an expert commission set up byPope Francis last year will “investigate independently” all cases of child sex abuse and the way in which they are handled by the Catholic hierarchy. Records concerning past cases should be opened up so that they can be used to hold the abusers – and those who may have sought to protect them – accountable, the panel added.

The Holy See must establish “clear rules, mechanisms and procedures” for the mandatory reporting of all suspected cases of abuse to civil law enforcement authorities, it said.

The committee said it was “particularly concerned” that in dealing with allegations of child sex abuse, “the Holy See has consistently placed the preservation of the reputation of the church and the protection of the perpetrators above children‘s best interests, as observed by several national commissions of inquiry.”

The Vatican responded testily to the findings, saying that though it would submit them “to a thorough study and examination”, it regretted what it perceived to be interference in its affairs. The statement was thought to refer to the committee’s remarks on contraception and abortion.

“The Holy See does … regret to see in some points of the concluding observations an attempt to interfere with Catholic church teaching on the dignity of human person and in the exercise of religious freedom,” said a Vatican statement.

“The Holy See reiterates its commitment to defending and protecting the rights of the child, in line with the principles promoted by the convention on the rights of the child and according to the moral and religious values offered by Catholic doctrine.”


But the report, the recommendations of which are entirely non-binding, was welcomed by those who have long found the Vatican’s approach to the scandal wanting.

“This day has been a long time coming, but the international community is finally holding the Vatican accountable for its role in enabling and perpetuating sexual violence in the church,” said Katherine Gallagher, a senior staff attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights. “The whole world will be watching to ensure that the Vatican takes the concrete steps required by the UN to protect children and end these crimes. Impunity and cover-up, including at the highest levels of the church, will not be tolerated.”

Barbara Blaine, president of the US-based Survivors Network of those Abused (Snap), described the report as a “scathing” indictment of the way the Vatican had handled the scandal.

“It’s a wake-up call, not to Catholic officials (who have known about and concealed abuse for decades and still do) but for secular officials, especially those in law enforcement, who can and should investigate Catholic abuses and cover-ups and prosecute the church supervisors who are still protecting predators and endangering children,” she said.

As part of its wide-ranging remit, the UN committee also expressed concern about how the Holy See’s stance on contraception, abortion and homosexuality was affecting minors.

It also said the Vatican needed to launch a full investigation into Ireland’sMagdalene Laundries scandal in which thousands of women and girls were abused and enslaved. The report said those who abused and exploited those incarcerated in the laundries run by Irish nuns should be prosecuted if they are still alive.

It urged that “full compensation be paid to the victims and their families” who were caught up in the Magdalene system in Ireland.

While welcoming statements made by the Holy See delegation expressing a commitment to upholding the rights of children, the committee made clear its “deepest concern” about abuse committed by clergy operating “under the authority of the Holy See”.

Tens of thousands of children had been abused by clerics worldwide, it said.

“The committee is gravely concerned that the Holy See has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed, has not taken the necessary measures to address cases of child sexual abuse and to protect children, and has adopted policies and practices which have led to the continuation of the abuse by and the impunity of the perpetrators,” it wrote.

The report came two weeks after the committee grilled a Vatican delegation over the church’s response to abuse allegations.

In particular, the committee slammed the practice of moving priests found to have abused children from parish to parish or to other countries “in an attempt to cover up such crimes”. Last month a Vatican delegation in Geneva for questioning by the panel accepted criticisms of this practice and said it no longer went on.

But the committee nonetheless noted: “The practice of offenders’ mobility, which has allowed many priests to remain in contact with children and to continue to abuse them, still places children in many countries at high risk of sexual abuse, as dozens of child sexual offenders are reported to be still in contact with children.”

The UN panel also criticised the Holy See for refusing to hand over data concerning all cases of abuse brought to its attention during the period in question, and their outcomes. It said that confidential disciplinary proceedings had “allowed the vast majority of abusers and almost all those who concealed child sexual abuse to escape judicial proceedings in states where abuses were committed”.

It also said the reporting of suspected crimes had been strongly hampered by a “code of silence” among the clergy which had seen those who dared to break it “ostracised, demoted and fired”, and cited one well-known instance from 2001 in which a bishop was in effect congratulated for having kept to it.

Keith Porteous Wood, executive director of the National Secular Society in Britain, said Francis was now under pressure to prove his determination to take action.

“Pope Francis has already missed opportunities to assert his authority to reverse the church’s damaging policies over clerical abuse and unless he responds positively and quickly to the demands of the committee, he risks history judging his whole papacy a failure,” he said in a statement.

“Lawyers confirm that evidence abounds of the church at all levels continuing, even following the resignation of Pope Benedict, to do everything in its power to shield abusing Catholic clerics from justice and maintain secrecy, and do the least possible for victims,” he said.

The Vatican was expected to issue a statement on the findings later on Wednesday.

139 thoughts on “The Roman Catholic Church will not surprise us and do the right things. They never have. They are going to keep protecting their child rapist employees and many more people will get hurt. The dominoes will start falling in South and Central America soon, as well as in Africa, where this is also happening in epic porportions.

  1. The Catholic church represses sexual expression to the extent that it leads to perversion. The child abuse is only a symptom of what the Catholic church represents. You have to get rid of the primary cause before you can be rid of the symptom. Notice how religious Jews and Muslims are NOT condemning the Catholic church, because they do exactly the same themselves. The unsavoury trinity carries on.


  2. In the Times again today, Vatican diplomat Archbishop Silvano Tomasi condemned the UN’s report as “distorted and unfair”. He said the church had drawn up rules and procedures to protect children for the past ten years, as if anyone believes them. Time to bring in the storm troopers. The Catholic Church supported Hitler and Mussolini. Let them have a taste of their own medicine.


  3. In his new book, ‘Life Before Birth’ (NTI Upstream, Nov. 2011), Arthur Janov makes the case that events during pregnancy and the first years of life leave a distinct cellular imprint that predicts mental illness and serious disease.
    Read the full story:


    “Life Before Birth is a thrilling journey of discovery, a real joy to read. Janov writes like no one else on the human mind—engaging, brilliant, passionate, and honest.
    He is the best writer today on what makes us human—he shows us how the mind works, how it goes wrong, and how to put it right . . . He presents a brand-new approach to dealing with depression, emotional pain, anxiety, and addiction.”
    Paul Thompson, PhD, Professor of Neurology, UCLA School of Medicine

    Art Janov, one of the pioneers of fetal and early infant experiences and future mental health issues, offers a robust vision of how the earliest traumas of life can percolate through the brains, minds and lives of individuals. He focuses on both the shifting tides of brain emotional systems and the life-long consequences that can result, as well as the novel interventions, and clinical understanding, that need to be implemented in order to bring about the brain-mind changes that can restore affective equanimity. The transitions from feelings of persistent affective turmoil to psychological wholeness, requires both an understanding of the brain changes and a therapist that can work with the affective mind at primary-process levels. Life Before Birth, is a manifesto that provides a robust argument for increasing attention to the neuro-mental lives of fetuses and infants, and the widespread ramifications on mental health if we do not. Without an accurate developmental history of troubled minds, coordinated with a recognition of the primal emotional powers of the lowest ancestral regions of the human brain, therapists will be lost in their attempt to restore psychological balance.
    Jaak Panksepp, Ph.D.
    Bailey Endowed Chair of Animal Well Being Science
    Washington State University

    Dr. Janov’s essential insight—that our earliest experiences strongly influence later well being—is no longer in doubt. Thanks to advances in neuroscience, immunology, and epigenetics, we can now see some of the mechanisms of action at the heart of these developmental processes. His long-held belief that the brain, human development, and psychological well being need to studied in the context of evolution—from the brainstem up—now lies at the heart of the integration of neuroscience and psychotherapy.
    Grounded in these two principles, Dr. Janov continues to explore the lifelong impact of prenatal, birth, and early experiences on our brains and minds. Simultaneously “old school” and revolutionary, he synthesizes traditional psychodynamic theories with cutting-edge science while consistently highlighting the limitations of a strict, “top-down” talking cure. Whether or not you agree with his philosophical assumptions, therapeutic practices, or theoretical conclusions, I promise you an interesting and thought-provoking journey.
    Lou Cozolino, PsyD, Professor of Psychology, Pepperdine University

    In Life Before Birth Dr. Arthur Janov illuminates the sources of much that happens during life after birth. Lucidly, the pioneer of primal therapy provides the scientific rationale for treatments that take us through our original, non-verbal memories—to essential depths of experience that the superficial cognitive-behavioral modalities currently in fashion cannot possibly touch, let alone transform.
    Gabor Maté MD, author of In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addiction

    An expansive analysis! This book attempts to explain the impact of critical developmental windows in the past, implores us to improve the lives of pregnant women in the present, and has implications for understanding our children, ourselves, and our collective future. I’m not sure whether primal therapy works or not, but it certainly deserves systematic testing in well-designed, assessor-blinded, randomized controlled clinical trials.
    K.J.S. Anand, MBBS, D. Phil, FAACP, FCCM, FRCPCH, Professor of Pediatrics, Anesthesiology, Anatomy & Neurobiology, Senior Scholar, Center for Excellence in Faith and Health, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare System

    A baby’s brain grows more while in the womb than at any time in a child’s life. Life Before Birth: The Hidden Script That Rules Our Lives is a valuable guide to creating healthier babies and offers insight into healing our early primal wounds. Dr. Janov integrates the most recent scientific research about prenatal development with the psychobiological reality that these early experiences do cast a long shadow over our entire lifespan. With a wealth of experience and a history of successful psychotherapeutic treatment, Dr. Janov is well positioned to speak with clarity and precision on a topic that remains critically important.
    Paula Thomson, PsyD, Associate Professor, California State University, Northridge & Professor Emeritus, York University

    “I am enthralled.
    Dr. Janov has crafted a compelling and prophetic opus that could rightly dictate PhD thesis topics for decades to come. Devoid of any “New Age” pseudoscience, this work never strays from scientific orthodoxy and yet is perfectly accessible and downright fascinating to any lay person interested in the mysteries of the human psyche.”
    Dr. Bernard Park, MD, MPH

    His new book “Life Before Birth: The Hidden Script that Rules Our Lives” shows that primal therapy, the lower-brain therapeutic method popularized in the 1970’s international bestseller “Primal Scream” and his early work with John Lennon, may help alleviate depression and anxiety disorders, normalize blood pressure and serotonin levels, and improve the functioning of the immune system.
    One of the book’s most intriguing theories is that fetal imprinting, an evolutionary strategy to prepare children to cope with life, establishes a permanent set-point in a child’s physiology. Baby’s born to mothers highly anxious during pregnancy, whether from war, natural disasters, failed marriages, or other stressful life conditions, may thus be prone to mental illness and brain dysfunction later in life. Early traumatic events such as low oxygen at birth, painkillers and antidepressants administered to the mother during pregnancy, poor maternal nutrition, and a lack of parental affection in the first years of life may compound the effect.
    In making the case for a brand-new, unified field theory of psychotherapy, Dr. Janov weaves together the evolutionary theories of Jean Baptiste Larmarck, the fetal development studies of Vivette Glover and K.J.S. Anand, and fascinating new research by the psychiatrist Elissa Epel suggesting that telomeres—a region of repetitive DNA critical in predicting life expectancy—may be significantly altered during pregnancy.
    After explaining how hormonal and neurologic processes in the womb provide a blueprint for later mental illness and disease, Dr. Janov charts a revolutionary new course for psychotherapy. He provides a sharp critique of cognitive behavioral therapy, psychoanalysis, and other popular “talk therapy” models for treating addiction and mental illness, which he argues do not reach the limbic system and brainstem, where the effects of early trauma are registered in the nervous system.
    “Life Before Birth: The Hidden Script that Rules Our Lives” is scheduled to be published by NTI Upstream in October 2011, and has tremendous implications for the future of modern psychology, pediatrics, pregnancy, and women’s health. Editor


  4. Please allow your baby, toddler, young child or teenager to cry all of its pain out. NEVER stop anyone from having a deep and lasting cry, even if it turns to screaming – stupidly called tantrums. This applies to adults as well.

    Many many people out there could be helped in a tremendous way if they only had someone who could sit quietly and listen, without wanting to explain things or talk or shush the child or person.

    Whilst deeply crying, a person will have insights popping into her head. She will realise “why” she is doing certain things, or why she has strange feelings about everything. In order to heal, a person needs to be allowed to become vulnerable. No-one can be vulnerable whilst someone else is there, nattering and attempting to explain or even worse, trying to ‘make the person feel better”

    YOU cannot make someone else “feel better”. Simply give the one who is hurting and crying, a lot of space, keep quiet and LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN !

    It cannot be said enough times or too loud. Someone who admits to a feeling of hurt, sadness or whatever, is not “weak”. Do not immediately assume that because someone is crying, you are now the “strong” one who is so bright, clever and well, that you can now pummel this person with all sorts of stupid advice, e.g. “Oh, don’t let that bother you” or “Cheer up” or “Pull yourself together” etc.

    A baby has no way to tell you that he is angry, or hurt and upset about something that you have just done or should have done but didn’t. He can
    only scream. It is his inborn right to scream at you. He is telling you that he is angry.

    Same with a little child. Forget all this “respect” bullshit. You are not so fucking wonderful that a young child must instantly respect you. So what if a kid says to you “Hey you!” . So what? Come down to the level of the child.
    Be a child yourself. Even with your nephews and nieces. Do not insist that they call you uncle or aunt. Just be plain old Joe or John or Mary or Suzie.
    They will love you and enjoy your company, instead of fearing you.

    Many people have oceans of tears in them, from very painful and traumatic experiences throughout their lives, even from before birth. (Intrauterine)
    If someone is so traumatised that they eventually become depressed or bipolar, have ADD or other neuroses, they need all the understanding, love.
    help and support from a kind family. Do not judge, just because your defence mechanism is working, and theirs not. A gentle, loving family member can actually help such a person a lot just by allowing her to express immense anger and tears, and by not throwing rationale at her.


  5. Note ….. You can be an atheist but you can still be a bitch or a bastard.

    You can be an atheist but still be a very angry, fucked up person.

    You can be an atheist but still be totally ignorant of so many things.

    You can be an atheist and still not know how to debate things in a civil manner.

    You can be an atheist and still be one hell of a neurotic human being.

    You can be an atheist and still not allow ourself to grow in certain areas of your entire being, be it intellectual, emotional or physical.

    You can be an atheist and still not face realities about yourself.


    • Fanie, what do any of your comments have to do with religion or atheism? You comment exclusively about in utero stress and primal scream therapy, of which none of us here have any knowledge – but I am sure that if we did want to know, we would look it up. So why not set up your own blog on the subject?

      As regards your ad hominem attacks on me: what is it that you see inside yourself that you project onto me? Could it be that you are a bitch/bastard, an angry fucked up person, totally ignorant of so many things, uncivil, one hell of a neurotic human being, intellectually, emotionally and physically stunted, and unprepared to face realities about yourself?


  6. This blog has been invaluable to me in leading me to question the origins of religion. The closest one can come to a god is Spinoza’s god, which is nature. But nature must be controlled to be of any use to anyone. Which then leads us to the question: who will control nature? One can choose the easy way – religion – or the more demanding but infinitely more fascinating route of science. To take the path of science is to be continually reminded of how little you know. The more you know, the more you realise how little you know.

    The trouble with geloofspronge is that you keep having to make that leap of faith, like a dog endlessly jumping through a hoop, but with no reward. If there is no reward, the only way to keep the dog jumping is to threaten it with punishment. If the dog still won’t jump through the hoop then more imaginary rewards must be invented. It’s not surprising that as the huge can of worms that is the Catholic church is being prised open, there will be more claims of miracles and devils being driven out. But the can is partly open and can’t be closed. You can no longer be burnt at the stake for not believing in a god. You can be socially ostracised, but then you have to ask yourself whether you really want to associate with fear stricken sheep. It’s not humane to call a religious person a fool because that person is obviously in a place of fear and denial. But you don’t have to put up with unsolicited crap from the religious either.


  7. Our very own silly bugger brigade. Always hammering on against women’s control over reproduction. Ooooh they’re bringing in TD Jakes and Myles Munroe.

    Pastors cast out ANC

    The ANC tried to lure churchmen into its ranks at a meeting with more than 200 pastors yesterday – only to be cast out.

    Said ANC Western Cape chairman Marius Fransman: “For us there is an important role [for the church]. We joined the struggle through our involvement with the church.

    “As people we understood that we cannot talk about the struggle in the absence of the church. We cannot speak about bettering the lives of our people without involving the church.”

    Former African Christian Democrat Party MP Wesley Douglas, who joined the ANC last year, said there would be numerous opportunities for ACDP members who signed up with the ANC.

    “We are going to host an annual pastors’ conference at which we will invite speakers like TD Jakes and Myles Munroe.

    “There will be an opportunity for pastors to interact with government departments,” said Douglas.

    Fransman reminded the pastors that the ANC had been formed in a Bloemfontein church in 1912.

    The ANC leadership is hoping that, by reaching out to churches and to the faithful, it will be able to reverse its electoral fortunes in Western Cape.

    Since it lost control of Cape Town to a DA-led coalition in 2006, the ANC has steadily lost support in the province.

    Yesterday’s meeting was called by the Western Cape Pastors’ Forum, a body for the province’s Christian clerics, to give them an opportunity to debate with the ANC’s top brass .

    But the invitation, which more than 200 pastors accepted, backfired.

    Asked in a show of hands whether they would join the ANC, more than half of the pastors folded their arms.

    Cape Flats pastor Ivan Jones said he would not encourage his congregants to vote for the ANC.

    He described the party’s policies as “un-Godly”.

    “What the ANC believes, and what it stands for, is against my principles,” he said.

    “I’d rather encourage my congregants to vote for a party that stands for biblical truth,” said Jones.

    Said Mitchell’s Plain pastor Oscar Bougardt: “This is a ploy! They’re trying to get as many pastors as possible.

    “If they get the pastors, they get the congregations. I expected that we would be allowed to ask questions.

    “They claim to be Christians but they are killing 89000 people [a year] through abortions,” said an angry Bougardt.

    And you thought they would be anti-ANC for other reasons, ne? Nay, it’s all about the ANC legalising abortion.


  8. These two black guys with their deceptive rhythm-n-blues names are both crashing bores. Yet there the wimmins are, busily taking down notes, as if it ain’t all a load of crappola.


  9. Schmoly,
    When are you going to realise and accept the simple truth that when any human being embraces any kind of belief system, be it mainstream religion,
    or any other kind, or a belief in ufo’s and aliens, or fortune telling, or fairies,
    tarot cards, horoscopes, numerology, scientology, any cult anywhere, any guru, any hero worshipping of any deity or another human being, witchcraft,
    ……the list goes on and on …….. means that he or she is or could be crazy, bonkers, neurotic, or even psychotic, delusional, paranoid or schizophrenic.

    At the least, such a person may be mildly neurotic – in other words damaged –
    and searching for relief from the ravages of neuroses, even if it is mild. So how do you want to “heal” them of their need to believe in pie in the sky. Isn’t that what you are trying to do? I.o.w. ridicule them, laugh at them, insult them and then they will stop believing? You are trying to rob them and take them
    out of their comfort zone, remove their crutches, their act-outs, their support mechanisms,,,,, in fact their powerful painkillers. I used to do that, but I have now stopped, because it is farting against thunder.

    There is only one way in which sick or neurotic people can be cured or helped back to health, and that is for them to go back inside themselves and feel their
    pain and trauma from their past, however they get there, whether with the help of Janov or anyone else. Sad thing is, Janov has 49 years of experience and
    complete science behind him, which no-one else on earth has. It takes seven years for a therapist to train with Janov, whilst they are enrolled in a Masters
    Degree Psychology program at a university, which is California law.

    The only way I can see forward if we want to heal the world of crazies, or make a dent in the number of believers out there, is to actually spread the word about what causes insanity and how to prevent it. We now know the overarching cause of neurosis. It is unbearable trauma and pain which our beings could not integrate at the time that it was happening.

    We can prevent further pain and suffering by enlightening parents and anyone who deals with babies and children, teaching them how to let babies cry out their pain whilst being held and not shaken or talked to. We can teach adults how to let other adults cry deeply and express feelings. Having said that, the sad reality is that a neurotic child caretaker will fuck a child up, no matter what that person knows or has been told about child care. So, we are still farting against thunder, because that fucked up child will become a fucked up adult who does what?…….You guessed it. She will embrace some esoteric religious/cult/delusional belief system, and the cycle will continue.

    “Talk-and-medication” approaches simply do not work. Period. The 50 minute session in a psychologists office, while sitting on a chair across from a desk, listening to talk and more talk, simply does not work.

    Is the mission of this weblog to bring sanity to any religious person who stumbles upon it, or do I have it wrong? Or is it advocating and/or preaching sanity, i.e. “non-religiosity” to the world?

    Or……. is it simply to argue to argue the point of this blog and its followers, which is “Believers are all stupid. Stop being a believer”

    On a more personal note to you, Holy ….. When you write and mention all the escapades of your neighbours and other people who cross your paths, is that also the purpose of this blog?


    • I am not trying to heal anyone of anything. I don’t believe that I CAN, in fact, cure anyone of anything. I’m not a militant atheist who goes around slapping Christians or Muslims or Jews and telling them that they are all wrong and that I have the solution to their problems. Just because someone does not believe in religion it does not follow that one believes in non-religion, if you understand what I mean. I don’t “believe” in anything.

      I had a very shocking experience where a close friend became a fundamentalist Christian and did the most terrible things. I could not reason her out of it. I understand why she did it: she was alone in the world without a husband, her education was unsuited to the modern business world and her prospects sucked. I could not stop her from throwing her inheritance at sham churches that promised her sevenfold back. I suspect she is/was bipolar. I don’t know what happened to her. I have no idea what her womb experience was and her childhood, as she related it to me, was seemingly stress free, but there was insanity in her family.

      I was not prepared to once again go down the road of having a close friend destroyed by religious mania, so I keep a distance from religious fanatics even to the point of apparent hostility. There is nothing I can do for or about them.

      I am all for treating children with love and kindness. The human condition is enough to make anyone cry. I don’t know who I feel sorry for more: the young who still have to go through life on the totally unfounded assumption that the world is their oyster, and all is right in heaven and earth, or the old, who see death’s reflection in the mirror.


    • A lot of my friend’s problems were caused by lack of training in a profitable field. If she had trained to be at least a bookkeeper she would have had much more security of income. You can be an accountant – actuary gets first prize – for your bread and butter and an artist in your spare time. There is nothing worse than not knowing where your next pay check is coming from. My own parents sent me to varsity to do a liberal arts degree. While there is nothing wrong with a knowledge of the liberal arts, you’re unlikely to get you a job with it. I took a more appropriate degree later on. If women are neurotic it is very often culturally induced. They have shitty jobs because of inferior skills training and are not allowed to eat to their heart’s content. They must forever starve to keep themselves model thin. Poor as they are, they must bring up children on their meagre salaries and spend what little discretionary income they have on cosmetics and hairdressers. That is another subject for discussion: the female deification of the hairdresser. Why do men get away with a R150 haircut while women pay much more for the same service?


  10. Not everyone enjoys the presence of small, crying children, especially in aeroplanes or supermarkets or even one’s garden.

    I started a new garden service, a lady starting out, she allegedly had a full complement of her own equipment, which did not turn out to be the case. So I advanced her a month’s fees to contribute towards her buying a piece of equipment. She unleashed her uncontrolled two year old grandchild onto me. My dogs are not used to small children. I am not used to small children pulling out plants and stamping their little feet on seedlings.The brat was doing it to annoy me, I could see it by the sly look on his face. I didn’t say a word about it because if there is one thing worse than being branded irreligious it is being called an unnatural woman who does not like children. The problem sorted itself out because the garden service lady did not bother to turn up for the rest of the month due to family problems. When it came to the end of the month she called and said she could now come to work again, and would I please pay her retainer in advance again. I could truthfully tell her I had hired a gardener.

    The gardener is a sweet old man, always smiling and totally reliable. I’ve indulged my gadget craving by supplying him with a petrol blower, petrol edge trimmer and electric hedge trimmer on top of the usual electric lawn mower and next on the list is an electric pole saw for which I believe you don’t need a licence as you do with other chain saws, although I will see to it that he gets some training in using it. Very handy for keeping palm trees neat and tidy.

    What I don’t get is the number of young women going husbandless when they procreate these days. Or maybe I do get it; they dump the child on a grandmother and are off to their airconditioned office to shuffle paper and come home to a nice home cooked meal supplied by the grandmother. The grandmother would also like the occasional break so she looks for unpaid child minders. This all serves to make the child feel like an unwanted parcel. So the child acts out.


  11. Ek sien al hoe meer NG dominees is pieppiejollers. Hulle het alweer een gevang. Die donner het baie geld gemaak uit boeke wat hy geskryf het. Hy het klein seuntjies gemolesteer. Ek wonder of Danie Botha of Miskien Gretha Widd dalk ‘n donker geheimpie het. Of wat van ou oompie aartappel. Al hierdie sogenaamde experts het meer as voete van klei.


    • Dis alles net geldmakery. En as die godiote nie geld kan maak nie is hulle doodongelukking en wil andere ook ongelukkig maak met hulle geskree oor god se straf en hel.


    • Danie Botha het vir ‘n rukkie lewensassuransie vir Sanlam gesmous. Vir dit moet jy uiters desperaat wees, dus is daar baie, baie born again Christelikes onder assuransie agente. Dis vreeslik hard werk en mense kanselleer net so. Baie makliker om betaal te word om oor Jesus te sing.

      Sunette Bridges moes haar liggaam uithoer toe haar pa Bles Bridges bankrot geraak het, Dis nou wat gebeur as jy nie liewer vir aktuaris by Sanlam gaan leer nie.


  12. “Sunette Bridges moes haar liggaam uithoer toe haar pa Bles Bridges bankrot
    geraak het,”

    Dit is een helse aantyging wat jy hier maak, jong. Kan jy asseblief vir ons die bewyse pos?


    • Sunette Bridges had to leave Stellenbosch University where she was studying for a degree when her father could not pay the semester fees. This must have been extremely embarrassing and the university was not very tactful, but then the administration of Stellenbosch University never was tactful. Most girls would just go home, but according to her, she headed for the Strand and picked up strange men there for money. Bridges has always been very open about her sexuality with her “sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander” motto. So I suppose it’s incorrect to say “moes haar liggaam uithoer”. She did it out of choice. It was probably more fun than sitting at home listen to her parents complaining about their financial problems.


  13. Wat ek nie kan verstaan nie is hoekom christene altyd beweer god is goed en regverdig. Ek kan nie glo dat ‘n mens sulke kak kan praat nie. As god wel bestaan dan is hy duidelik fokken verskriklik onregverdig. En ek meen moerse!!!! Regtig moerse, verskriklik, astronomies. Daar is in elk geval niks om voor dankie te se of bly te wees oor nie. God is ‘n ou skelm bliksem. Kyk net na die wereld om julle. Hy is duidelik baie defnitief liewer vir sekeres as vir ander. Komaan mense, moenie vir my se julle sou nie ook Angelina Jolie of Brad Pitt se lewens wou gehad het nie. Hulle leef in absoluut luxuary. Ryk mense het alles. Hulle het hoe aansien, trots, mag, aardse besittings, gesondheid. Vat byvoorbeeld ‘n arm ou wat nie geld het vir ‘n mediese fonds nie, hy voel klaar sleg oor himself en dan moet hy nog nou suffer asgevolg daarvan. Hy word gestraf oordat hy gestraf word. ‘n Ryk ou het klaar al bogenoemde en dan kan hy nog veilig in ‘n privaathospitaal of by ‘n privaat dokter hulp kry. Ryk mense se lewens is lyk my baie meer werd as arm mense s’n. Dis altans hoe arm mense behandel word. Party mense het alles, baie talente, geld, looks. Dis unfair!!!


    • I don’t know whether I would like to live like Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt. No privacy at all, and they adopted all those strange children out of political correctness. If I had to do it over again I would prefer to be Princess Elisabeth von Thurn and Taxis. Much more privacy, loads of money and class. Okay, she is wearing hair extensions, but who cares.


    • John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.


      • Michelle, you are as what is known in the blogosphere as a troll. You shit everywhere and never say anything of importance or relevance.

        I call people like you shit-birds. Fly in, take a big shit and then fly off again.


        • Dear Friends,

          Thank you so much for taking the time to read, it is really appreciated. 🙂 I must admit I am on the floor laughing right now. (As you put it so nicely, I am crazy. Trying my best, because normal is so overrated.)

          I always wanted to fly, how did you know? Leaving a lump on someones heart (or page), is a darn big bonus! (Oh, and the bonus it’s not for me, it’s for my Father). (Isa_55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.)

          And I never left by the way. I was waiting….and still waiting…. I know that today is the day that the Lord would change your hearts. And if not today, it will when you least expect it too…

          Yes, I do care about the Lord, He is the one that saved me and I thank Him, because without Him I won’t be here right now.

          I’m never alone, and neither are you…

          God Bless


    • Angelina Jolie had her breasts cut off because she had a very high risk of getting breast cancer like her mother.This has not happened to me yet. Apart from that, no I wouldn’t, because I’m not an exhibitionist. Actors are all exhibitionists and most of them have nothing to contribute other than a fake attachment to “causes” which nobody in their right mind gives a shit about. You might as well ask me whether I would like to be Bob Geldof or Bono who are both total arseholes.


    • Hier’s iets vir jou om te kyk, Adriaan. Twee van hierdie slange is verlede week in ons gebied gevang. Stel jou voor jy vind so ‘n slang (of twee) in jou tuin. Oee!


        • Ja hierdie African rock pythons is nogal manere. Daar was so 60 – 58 miljoen jaar gelede in Columbie in Suid – Amerika ‘n reuse soort slang wat hulle Titanobao genoem het, hy was blykbaar 12.8 m lank en het 1135 kg geweeg. In Suid – Oos Asie is daar die reticulated python wat baie groot is en dan is daar die anaconda van Suid – America wat ook baie groot is. Die giftige slange is vir my baie interresant. Blykbaar het Australie geen slange gehad so 20 miljoen en meer jare gelede nie. 20 Miljoen jaar terug het die continent Noordwaards begin dryf en slange van Asie het hulle pad tot in Australie gevind. Die giftige Elaphidaes het eerste in Australie aangekom. Australie het geen van die viperidae familie nie. Die giftige slange in Australie is almal van die elephidae familie. Die elaphidae familie sluit in cobras, mambas, kraits, koraalslange en seeslange. Die taipans en tierslange asook die ander Australiaanse slange wat giftig is is ook elaphidaes. Die woord Taipan is blykbaar ‘n Chinese woord, dit beteken “big boss”. Ek is nie seker hoekom die slang ‘n Chinese naam het nie. Hulle se alhoewel dat die eerste mense wat Australie bereik het ( Behalwe nou vir die aborigines wat 40 000 jaar gelede daar aangekom het ) die Chinese was. Dit maak nogal sense, aangesien Australie daar doer in die verre – Ooste le. Dit moes interresant wees om te sien hoe die eerste Chinese gereageer het toe hulle die eerste keer kangaroos en koalas gesien het. En ook natuurlik met die dodelikke giftige diere te doen gekry het. Ek is seker daarvan dat die Chinese en Aborigines sou baklei het of konflik gehad het. Hulle baklei vandag nog onder mekaar in die Australiaanse tronke.


            • Ek weet ook nie. Hulle beweer hulle was hier in Afrika ook. Wel in anycase hulle is nou oppad! Hule gaan Afrika defnitief oorneem. Ek weet nie hoekom het hulle eers vir die witman gewag om die plek te bewoon nie? Die geel mens kom alhoewel en die swartmense moet reg wees vir hel. Ons witmense het hulle baie nice behandel nog tot dusver. Dit gaan nie so wees onder die geelman nie.


              • The Chinese were never imperialistic – could this be because they didn’t have a religion to inflict on others as a disguise for their real intentions? They prefer to control from a distance. You get quite a few Taiwanese in South Africa, but never ask them if they are Chinese, they get terribly upset if you do. Taiwan is a nice place to visit and the Taiwanese are very polite and often very cultured. Hong Kong is also a fantastic place. I have travelled through China and found it very pleasant. The Chinese and Africans do not like each other, but the Chinese will do business with anyone and everyone.


    • The scientologists have started airing their adverts on SABC as well. The first one was a flash ad about science and religion merging as scientology. Soon we will be seeing longer ads like this one.


    • Lyk my om vir ‘n godioot te kwalifiseer moet jy ‘n “self righteous”, breindood inbesiel wees.

      Terloops Johannie, ek sien dit wemel deesdae in die koerante van al die dinge wat jou hoogheilige broers en susters aanvang. Wil voorkom of Oom Solly toe heeltyd speel vir die ander span – dit, terwyl hy lekker geld maak uit die skryf van pienk boekies. Eina!

      Dan lees ek die afgelope naweek dat onse eie Posh en Becks, by name Mr Hougaardt en vroulief Karlientjie, hul onnoselheid vir die hele wêreld uitstal om te aanskou. Seg Karlientjie in ‘n Sondagkoerant: “God het my vertel om met my agterstewe in soutwater te sit sodat die tweeling nie te vroeg uitval nie” Sy haal dan ewe ‘n versie uit die Heilige GeBrabbel aan om haar besluit te staaf. So mal soos ‘n Springhaas op tik….en heelwat dommer. Bliksem, ek sweer daar is ‘n inverse verwantskap tussen gelowigheid en IK.

      En Johannie en Kie is doooooodstil. Die kerk en sy gevolg swyg kennelik wanneer hul skaamkry vir hul volgelinge se manewales.


  14. Elke keer as Johann skryf lag ek klaar. Hy is in opsig self baie funny. Sy Freudian teoriee is vir my veral baie komies. Nou ja elke ou het seker sy eie coping strategies. Ek wonder of tieners mag luister na yssie diessie ( AC/DC).


  15. Mac, ons het lanklaas ‘n poephol van die maand hier gehad. Ek wil Karlien van Jaarsveld voorstel. Haar boetie Bobby het hoeka destyds die prys gewen. Lees bietjie watter loutere snert sy kwytraak in Rapport (Hanlie Retief rubriek) van 16 Feb 2014. Ek is oortuig daarvan dat Me Retief die artikel tong innie kies geskryf het, maar Karlientjie is te onnosel om agter te kom dat die draak met haar gesteek word. Ek het eerlikwaar nie besef daar leef sulke dom mense op onse planeet nie. Hoop maar die tweeling kan rugby speel of sing, want die kanse op bedeeldheid in grysstof is so-te-sê zero.


      • Rapport not much better, but quite comical in a corny kind of way. A bit like Huisgenoot in newspaper format – playing to the masses and making tons of money in the process. Come to think of it, they apply the same economic principles as religious leaders………..


  16. Ek het die snert wat Karlien kwytgeraak het van gehoor. Ek het een familielid wat gaan trou met ‘n pastoor en dit het ook met al die teken crap te doen gehad. Ek dink die mensdom gaan nou weer terug middeleeue toe.


  17. There is a lot of money to be made in religious pop music so maybe the van Jaarsvelds are not as stupid as they make themselves out to be. There is money to be made in being a pastor, especially of the evangelical kind, putting on shows with the singing Israel vision propagandist van Jaarsvelds of this world. Afrikaners have always been religious but back in the day it was in a quiet manner, nothing like what you see today. It has everything to do with loss of power. Fortunately most Afrikaners are not at all stupid and have gotten on within the new dispensation.


  18. My pa is mal, hy lees Richard Dawkins boeke en dan sit hy Sondag in die kerk. Hy gaan kerk toe om lesings oor evolusie te gee vir die kerk mense. Malherbe ek dink jy het hookal gese dat geloof en wetenskap nie versoen kan word nie. Ek stem saam. Karlien is meer desperaat as slim. Sy was net lucky. Ek sure as hel luister nie daai kak nie. Ek luister Metallica, Iron Maiden, Guns n Roses, Motorhead – Shmoly se favourite! Dio. Die Afrikaner is verkak en verkramp, hy moet ‘n lewe kry en sommer ‘n ruggraat ook. Die Afrikaner is ‘n regte loser, hy het deur sy geskiedenis gegaan van een nederlaag na die ander, dan kom hy met die kak van hy vertou in die here. Die here is baie duidelik op een moerse holiday of hy het net eenvoudig sy rug op die Afrikaner gedraai of god is net ‘n pure make belief wese wat deur die Afrikaner gebruik word om sy wonde te salf.


    • Adriaan, get your father to read “God is not great” by Christopher Hitchens. It’s very good. He is gradually getting people to understand the world around them and their place in it which can only be a good thing.

      I think a lot of human hang ups are because we lost our fur.That’s why we keep dogs and cats, so we can stroke their fur. We can’t stroke each other anymore because human touch is construed to be about sex. What is nicer than a head and back massage? That’s what you do for your dog.

      Everywhere in the bible you read about people covering up their nakedness in shame. In the garden of Eden everybody was naked but nobody was ashamed. That’s because we come from apes. Ape was min gepla.


      • My father does believe in evolution. He even taught us that. He doesn’t want to stop believing in that religious shit. He is in denial. Wat die dominee vir hom gese het is vir hom vreeslik belangrik. Ek dink hy’s pateties om sulke kak te glo. Hy is ruggraatloos. Ek het vir my as kind maar hero’s gekry want ek het geen gehad nie. Menende my pa was en is te veel van ‘n ruggraatlose persoon. Dit is wat religion aan jou doen. Dit leer jou om jou kinders fisies aan te rand en om soos ‘n dikdood deur die lewe te gaan. Se vir jou kinders hulle mag nie aggressief wees nie maar moer hulle self. Dubbelstandaarde. Ek het maar vie Arnold Schwarzenegger en Magnus ver Magnusson as my heros gekies. Nee dis defnitief ‘n feit dat ons van ape af kom. Ek gaan nie eers met iemand sit en debateer nie. Ek debateer nie ‘n feit nie. Religion het baie kak in hierdie wereld aangevang. Ek kan nie die relevansie daarvan insien nie. Ek kan nie sien wat is die issue daaroor nie. Toe ek in die kerk gesit het het ek absoluut niks gevoel nie. Net koud gekry of warm gekry.

        As ek ysters lig in die gym is daar drie dinge wat ek nie op my mind wil he nie – Sex, politics en geloof. Ek dink hulle behoort ‘n bordjie op te sit wat se ” No sex, politics or religion. Dan sal almal seker weer in hulle broeke kak. Ugly kid joe het gesing – “Sex is overrated”. Politics is ‘n dead end en geloof wel hier is ons besig om te bespreek oor hoe baie ons dit haat.


        • If there’s one kind of person I absolutely hate it’s someone who picks on someone smaller than themself or abuses a position of authority.


    • On second thoughts: it’s useless to talk about evolution to godbots. If your father carries on he is likely to get kicked out. They won’t tell him it’s for teaching about evolution, they will find some other way to get rid of him. Be careful of smear campaigns with Christians.


  19. Revelations 1:8 I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

    Isaiah – 43:11 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.

    John – 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

    2 Corinthians – 5:7 (For we walk by faith, not by sight)


    • Jeremiah 10:10 But the LORD is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king: at his wrath the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.


      • Michelle, your brain is rotten by religion. It seems to consume you to a point where you actually became irrelevant in real live to anyone and anything.

        You are forced to hang out with other nut jobs like yourself, or you would live a very very lonely life.

        Pity the only thing you care about anymore does not even exist.

        You suffer from a brain sickness. You are totally neurotic. You might want to seek professional help. Just make sure the person you go to isn’t batshit crazy themselves, like you!


  20. Acts 28:24 – 31 And some believed the things which were spoken, and some believed not. And when they agreed not among themselves, they departed, after that Paul had spoken one word, Well spake the Holy Ghost by Esaias the prophet unto our fathers, Saying, Go unto this people, and say, Hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and not perceive: For the heart of this people is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they closed; lest they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. Be it known therefore unto you, that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it. And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves. And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him, Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him.


    • Tell me Michelle, is this the same Jesus that explained in so much detail how one should punish your slave?

      “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. ” – (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

      “Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.” – (1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT)

      In the following parable, Jesus clearly approves of beating slaves even if they didn’t know they were doing anything wrong:
      “The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.” – (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)

      Do you want more quotes Michele? I can get you some where your god order rape. Also murder and genocide. Also murder on children. All in you holey book Michele, but I assume you are either too stupid or delusional to read your bible like any other book – – with no prejudice and objectively. Try it Michele – I can assure you that should you be capable of doing this, you will find it impossible to believe in your skydaddy.


      • Um, it doesn’t say the slave will be severely punished, it says the servant will be severely punished. A servant is a free citizen as opposed to a slave who has no choice over his circumstances. What it means is that if you know what you are doing is wrong and still do it, then you are more culpable than someone further down the ladder of enlightenment who doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong.


        • You are missing the point Holy. Bottom line: Violence and human ownership and everything that goes with it, is condoned. One person’s “servant” is another ones slave – open to interpretation, making the biblwe an even more dangerous tool.

          Secondly, I cited more than one quote, some of which explicitly uses the term “slave”. Read the whole post before you post a reply.


          • As in a wage slave? If you don’t have an independent income there is only one thing worse than being exploited, and that is not being exploited. I had no idea you were so anti-hierarchy. We are not all equal. In the work hierarchy you get directors, managers and workers.By the way, did you know that most fraud in this country is perp’ed by middle management? Typically someone with a degree and five to ten years work experience. These are the people who raid pension funds and cause widows, orphans and pensioners to starve. It seems we are not all mutually beneficial social creatures after all.


  21. Dear Friends,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read, it is really appreciated. 🙂 I must admit I am on the floor laughing right now. (As you put it so nicely, I am crazy. Trying my best, because normal is so overrated.)

    I always wanted to fly, how did you know? Leaving a lump on someones heart (or page), is a darn big bonus! (Oh, and the bonus it’s not for me, it’s for my Father). (Isa_55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.)

    And I never left by the way. I was waiting….and still waiting…. I know that today is the day that the Lord would change your hearts. And if not today, it will when you least expect it too…

    Yes, I do care about the Lord, He is the one that saved me and I thank Him, because without Him I won’t be here right now.

    I’m never alone, and neither are you…

    God Bless


    • Michele, are you writing from an asylum? Did they take the straight-jacket off for a few minutes, allowing you to scribble something down?

      So tell me Michelle (…my belle – John Lennon 1969), does praying help with your mental condition? Clearly not, it seems. I suggest you try Batgot. He is the real one!

      O yes, and….
      “Thank you so much for taking the time to read, it is really appreciated. …. I know that today is the day that Batgod will change your heart. And if not today, it will when you least expect it too… Yes, I do care about Batgod, He is the one that saved me and I thank Him, because without Him I won’t be here right now.

      I’m never alone, and neither are you…

      BatGod Bless”

      Now Michele, do you get the ridiculousness of your nonsensical drivel? You have NO proof of your gotte’s existence. Zero. And likewise, you have no proof of my Batgod’s non-existence. Or of Allah or Prometheus or Zeus or Ra.

      Put differently: When you understand why you are not believing in all the other gods, you will understand why I am not believing in your god.
      (And by the way, quoting from you so-called holey book, is a juvenile and futile exercise. Present with real arguments here, if you are capable of this.)


      • Malherbe, we don’t know how the collective consciousness works. Last night I struggled to get to sleep but had the impression there was a young girl in my room who was sleeping peacefully and was not disturbed by my tossing and turning. Reminder to self: don’t drink coffee after 4 pm. Maybe I was thinking how much easier it is to get a good night’s sleep when you are young (and don’t drink coffee after 4 pm). The older you get, the more stuff you have in your head that you can’t always switch off. But I don’t knock collective thought.


        • Actually I was drifting in and out of sleep, delirious from the heat, and I dreamt I was the gorgeous young Elisabeth von Thurn and Taxis and that I was skiiing in the Swiss Alps. Swiiish swiish swiish. Then I woke up and realised it was the sound of the overhead fan.


      • Hi,
        I know that whatever “I” say might not change your heart… and I would probably be called crazy again. (People on this page do like calling people like me crazy – I just think they might be scared though)

        It is written in Proverbs 3:12 (KJV) “For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.”

        Parents teach their children right from wrong; to value life, respect others etc. Parents set boundaries at home, to protect their children from all the bad in the world. When children cross that boundary, parents will punish their children because they love them! When children choose not to listen to their parents, they will bear the consequence of their choice.

        It is written in Revelations 3:19 (KJV) “As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.”

        As many as – as (much, great, long, etc.) as: – all (that), as (long, many, much) (as), how great (many, much), [in-] asmuch as, so many as, that (ever), the more, those things, what (great, -soever), wheresoever, wherewithsoever, which, X while, who (-soever).

        I – A primary pronoun the first person, “I” (only expressed when emphatic): – I, me.

        Love – be a friend to (fond of [an individual or an object]), that is, have affection for (denoting personal attachment, as a matter of sentiment or feeling

        Rebuke – Of uncertain affinity; to confute, admonish: – convict, convince, tell a fault, rebuke, reprove.

        Chasten – train up a child, that is, educate, or (by implication) discipline (by punishment): – chasten (-ise), instruct, learn, teach.

        Zealous – have warmth of feeling for or against: – affect, covet (earnestly), (have) desire, (move with) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous (-ly affect).

        Therefore – Apparently a primary word; (adverbially) certainly, or (conjugationally) accordingly: – and (so, truly), but, now (then), so (likewise then), then, therefore, verily, wherefore.

        Repent – to think differently or afterwards, that is, reconsider (morally to feel compunction): – repent.

        Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV) “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. “

        Isaiah 41:10 (KJV) Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.

        Do I understand everything the Lord does, no I don’t. I’m not perfect either… In the Bible there are many things written that I do not understand, but I ask God every day to guide me and open His heart so that I can “see”… (The amazing thing is, I do experience His love everyday)

        I’m crying over people that I do not even know… (Oh, now they will most certainly think I lost my marbles).



        • Michele, please comment on my comment above. You love quoting from the bible. Typical of a religiot, your quotes are selective. I can do the same and throw verses at you where your gods order rape, murder and even incest.

          My point is – if you want to use the bible as your yardstick, be consistent and apply everything, i.e. are you going to stone me to death because I pick up a wood on a Sunday for a braai? On top of it I am going to braai pork. Do you think this act is worthy of the death sentence?

          (Holy, if possible please don’t muddy the water with meaningless contributions.)


  22. …..”Um, it doesn’t say the slave will be severely punished….etc”

    Please explain something to me that I am not so sure of………:

    Are you a jesus freak?


  23. I think I see the problem here. Many of you anti religionists have been brought up in ultra religious families to the point of suffocation. Quite a few of you are gay. I would not like to be gay and have had it indoctrinated into me that I was disgusting in the sight of God. I was not brought up in a religious family. We had a Christmas tree, went to carols by candle light occasionally, but otherwise, nothing. We didn’t celebrate Easter. So I was brought up without feelings of guilt.

    I don’t get infuriated by religious people UNLESS they try to throw their book and their agenda at me. Then I tell them to fuck off.

    If people have lost someone dear to them, I can understand why they might resort to prayer. You could see prayer as a kind of meditation, a recentering of yourself when life has knocked you off balance. I’m not going to go up to someone bleeding and crying, “Why me Jesus?” and give them a kick in the teeth for being a Jesus freak.


  24. Not that my own parents weren’t hell bent on messing up my life in every possible way. My father smacked out my front tooth at my mother’s funeral. Keeping it in the family, so to speak. She didn’t live out her normal life span by give or take thirty years. My father’s physical abuse didn’t prevent her from trying to get me trapped into the same cocksucking life she had. Everything I did, be smart at school – “that’s not fair on your brother” – or get a promotion – “it’s not right, you’re in a job that rightfully belongs to a married man with wife and children” – was designed to break me down to her abject, pathetic level.

    Both of them are dead now and I am relieved I never have to hear from either of them or see them again.

    I am a writer. I don’t write cookery books, children’s books or romance novels. I’m not a transgender, I’m a normal hetero. Once you are born straight or gay, you are just that way. Circumstances are not going to change it. Some people have a bigger fight on their hands for the right to live their life on their own terms than others.


  25. Schmoly,

    You strike me as someone who is so fucking angry at the world and everyone and everything else on this planet, that you could explode any moment with the force of an atomic bomb…….

    “You anti-religionists. Quite a few of you are gay”

    Christ, if that isn’t the stupidest fucking thing I have ever heard from anyone.
    What the fuck are you? Religious? Anti-religious? I will tell you.

    You are full of hate. That’s what you are. Period


    • No sorry this is where so many girls get it wrong: from daddy straight to hubby. Get a life first, see the world, settle down later with someone who also has some life experience.


      • Holy, I get the impression that you use this blog site to get rid of some serious pent-up anger. I suppose this is OK, but we have quite frankly heard enough of your terrible neighbour gossiping about you. Your indignant overreaction seems to suggest that perhaps the neighbour is touching a sore point? Perhaps a partial truth?

        Regarding my stance on homosexuality – no I am not gay. Yes, I have many gay friends, some of which have come out of the closet at a very late stage in their life. In my opinion nobody chooses their sexual preferences and I certainly do not think a homosexual will choose a lifestyle that is shunned, ridiculed and discriminated against by the majority of society (as proven so aptly by you, Holy). I am thankful that I am heterosexual because frankly, there exists enough stumbling blocks in life, to have the added one of societal judgement of gayness.

        Your ridiculous little story “about a friend who owns a guesthouse” and her experience with gays are juvenile and short sighted to say the least. Do a proper survey amongst guesthouse owners and come back with some concrete data. To hold up one experience by one guesthouse owner and then extrapolate into a generalisation is, well exactly that – a generalisation to the extreme.

        On slavery – please, do we have to debate this? Are you living in the friggin stone age Holy? The point I was trying to make is that jesus subscribed in no uncertain terms to slavery – quite something coming from an all-knowing being, don’t you think? But if you think slavery is in order, I suppose my point is mute. (By the way there is a massive difference between the concept of slavery and the fact that humans are not equal. Theoretically a very strong or intelligent slave will never have an opportunity to raise up in society. Do I honestly need to explain this to you?)


        • “Theoretically a very strong or intelligent slave will never have an opportunity to raise up in society.” Yes but that was THEN. If you realise Jesus was an extraordinary man and not a god, how do you think he could have overturned slavery? Slavery was only abolished in America in the nineteenth century after a civil war. Where did I say I think slavery is in order? Of course I don’t agree with slavery.

          You don’t need to get angry with what it says in the bible, it’s a history book, that’s all. I am not a particularly angry person but I like my privacy. If someone wants to shout bible verses into my back yard to try to justify something else then I am going to get annoyed. How is that different from your own experiences of being harassed by bible thumpers?

          If you want to examine atheism versus religion objectively, then you need to do it without mixing it up with the gay issue. For that matter, I don’t see what your latest post on breast feeding has to do with religion unless you think women are forced by religion to breast feed. But I won’t read this blog or comment here again.


          • I am not angry.
            Where did I state that I expect jesus to overturn slavery? I merely stated that judging by his statements he does not seem to be all-knowing, since he implicitly condones slavery. Read the context in which I wrote it and against the backdrop of Michele’s flowery quotes from the bible.


            • But he didn’t explicitly condone slavery, as in saying to his slave trader friends, “Next time you visit West Africa, bring me a couple of negroes, just look at this stable, it’s a MESS.” Look, I’m better off sticking to writing fiction. I might even make some money out of it.


  26. To answer your questions:

    Michele, are you writing from an asylum? Did they take the straight-jacket off for a few minutes, allowing you to scribble something down?
    No, I’m not writing from an asylum. No. Don’t you scribble on paper and type a message on a blog?

    So tell me Michelle (…my belle – John Lennon 1969), does praying help with your mental condition? Clearly not, it seems. I suggest you try Batgot. He is the real one! Prayer is very powerful when you gave your heart to my Father the Lord Jesus Christ. Nope, not interested in your “batgot”.

    O yes, and….
    You do like to insult people’s intelligence, just because they have a different religion or view than you. That is really sad. Do you believe in anything else but yourself?

    Now Michele, do you get the ridiculousness of your nonsensical drivel?
    If it is such “nonsensical drivel” why waste you so precious time to comment on it. Are you so desperate to prove me wrong? (Not that you will be able too)

    You have NO proof of your gotte’s existence. Zero. And likewise, you have no proof of my Batgod’s non-existence. Or of Allah or Prometheus or Zeus or Ra.
    Malherbe, the proof is all around you, the problem is that you are too stubborn to see it.

    Put differently: When you understand why you are not believing in all the other gods, you will understand why I am not believing in your god.
    Why don’t I believe in you gods, becuase they do not love me like my Father does.. “they” do not love me, “they” will not protect me.

    (And by the way, quoting from you so-called holey book, is a juvenile and futile exercise. Present with real arguments here, if you are capable of this.)
    Arguements are for people that want to prove they are right. I KNOW I”M RIGHT!

    Tell me Michelle, is this the same Jesus that explained in so much detail how one should punish your slave? Parents teach their children right from wrong; to value life, respect others etc. Parents set boundaries at home, to protect their children from all the bad in the world. When children cross that boundary, parents will punish their children because they love them! When children choose not to listen to their parents, they will bear the consequence of their choice.THeE LORD WANTS TO TEACH US OBEDIENCE TO HIS WORD

    “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ. ” – (Ephesians 6:5 NLT)

    “Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.” – (1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT)

    In the following parable, Jesus clearly approves of beating slaves even if they didn’t know they were doing anything wrong:
    “The servant will be severely punished, for though he knew his duty, he refused to do it. “But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given.” – (Luke 12:47-48 NLT)

    Do you want more quotes Michele? I do not need you to quote more from the Bible, I do have my own. And yes, I also read of pain, murder, suicide etc.

    I can get you some where your god order rape. Also murder and genocide. Also murder on children. All in you holey book Michele, but I assume you are either too stupid or delusional to read your bible like any other book – – with no prejudice and objectively. Do I understand everything the Lord does, no I don’t. I’m not perfect either… In the Bible there are many things written that I do not understand, but I ask God every day to guide me and open His heart so that I can “see”… (The amazing thing is, I do experience His love everyday)

    Try it Michele – I can assure you that should you be capable of doing this, you will find it impossible to believe in your skydaddy
    My Dad loves me, does your “batgot” love you/


    • Ai Michelle, why don’t you follow Jesus. Why do you qoute Paul. This man never met Jesus, and yet you Christians follow his teachings.


  27. Darn copy and paste! Let me just fix, before you misinterpret, what I actually want to say. I’m not perfect therefore I’m not able to understand His Word.
    Nobody will be able to ever understand, His Word unless you are guided by His will.


  28. Ander dag selfde ou storie, Mallies is soos iemand wat visvang, hy wag tot hier iemand inkom en benader hy die persoon soos ‘n versigtige hond met sy agterkant, en soos Langenhoven blykbaar gesê het, ” jy kom so met jou agterkant na my toe netnou dink ek jou anderkant lyk ook so”

    En Good golly Me molly, jy kan nie een van die 22 gebooie van Mad Mac oortree nie, dis heilige gebooie, jy mag nie teen ‘gays’ diskrimineer nie, ek was nogal ‘gelukkig’ (gay) in my skool dae, maaar nou is die woord gekaap deur die homosekstueele grouperings, as hulle dan so ‘gelukkig’ (gay) is hoekom kla almal so oor die ander mense wat so sondig deur die’gelukkiges’ nie te wil aanvaar nie!

    Volgens Koel Diek beteken ‘lewe’ ook om te kan voortplant die ‘gelukkiges’ kan nie voortplant nie, so ‘hulle’ lewe nie enitlik nie.

    So wie sal nou eintlik rede hê om om te gee?

    En Spinoza se veronderstellings verstaan ek, ek dink, maar dis koud en onpersoonlik, sou jy nie meer wou gehad het nie?


    • Ja Johann, Spinoza is somewhat on the cold side. It’s Ash Wednesday today. Forty days of reflection and fasting and productive work lie ahead to put a bit of chiaroscuro into life. Hasta la vista in the meantime.


    • “My son is taking a course in philosophy, and last night we were looking at something by Spinoza and there was the most childish reasoning! There were all these attributes, and Substances, and all this meaningless chewing around, and we started to laugh. Now how could we do that? Here’s this great Dutch philosopher, and we’re laughing at him. It’s because there’s no excuse for it! In the same period there was Newton, there was Harvey studying the circulation of the blood, there were people with methods of analysis by which progress was being made! You can take every one of Spinoza’s propositions, and take the contrary propositions, and look at the world and you can’t tell which is right.”

      (Richard P. Feynman; The Pleasure of Finding Things Out.)


      • Dis fnet soos kinder is, jy vertel hulle iets is nie goed vir hulle nie – en wat doen hulle ? – gaan doen ‘n kursus en filosofie. En ja as ek na Newton se F = ma kyk dan lyk dit ook soos kinderspeletjies en laginswaardig, dit het my laat wonder of klasieke musiek nie net dalk so goed klink omdat ons “glo” ons moet “glo” dat dit so goed is nie.


  29. There you have it: michele “does not ague” because she “lnows she is right”. Why? Well, she just knows, stupid! Say no more.


    • Rotten brain syndrome is easy to spot. These religious factories are banging out these drones generation after generation.

      “drone(n): A drone is someone who follows an ideology or some other form of idealization blindlessly and uncritically.”


        • Johan, wys tog bietjie integriteit. Nog nooit as te nimmer het ek of Mac of Savage ons skuldig gemaak aan Michele se metode van argumenteer nie. Ek het al Dawkins en Coyne en vele meer se werke gelles…. en raai, die bybel ook. Om dit gelyk te stel aan geloof in ‘n god “omdat ek so sê” grens aan die absurde.


          • As Hawkins en Dawkins suggureer dat jy vir jouself moet dink en jou eie maaind moet opmaak, dan dink julle nie skroe joe nie – jy dink ja ja ja ek wil nie wees soos ander mense wat blindelings glo in wat ander mense hul vertel nie, dan doen jy presies dit wat jy veroordeel. . . .So rede loop in dit self vas, of soos die ou gesegte slim vang sy baas.
            Maar nouja dit sal jy sekerr nie deur jou duk haarige kopvel kry nie.
            Dit sal seker goed wees as jy dan ons kan vertel “wat dit is wat jy glo”

            “Glo” jy aan dat jy eers bewyse soek voor jy iets glo. . . .?
            “Glo jy dat jy die sin in die lewe gaan vind . . .op jou eie pad.
            en so kan die lys aangaan. Ek dink dit wat jy nie glo nie het ons al oor en oor gedek.


              • Dit gaan niks aan die aarbol verander of doen of ek noual wat ook glo nie, plat, rond, gesond of eklipties, net so min wat dit saak maak of jy nou “glo” of nie glo in die “bestaan” van god of in die nie bestaan van God. Wat wel miskien iets beteken is dat jy gedurig terug graviteer na jou dogma wat jyself geskep en toe verwerp het, kan jy dalk dink daars meer as net jou een oogige persepsie, m.a.w. jy keer aanhoudend terug na jou eie braaksel en kots weer daaroor.

                In my realiteit het jy maar net jou geskepte dogma vervang met ander woorde en simbole en nou kan jy nes die mense wat jy veroordeel ander mense vertel hulle is verkeerd en jy is reg.


            • You make a good point. Tell me what you believe in, and I’ll tell you who you are. If you adhere to ethics and morals that are universally beneficial, then it does not matter what race or creed you are. As human beings we are all vastly different, but we do have common characteristics that are workable.


    • No need to apologize Michel, but please get your facts straight. Malherbe’s literal meaning is “bad herbs” (French is “mal – herbe”). As to the origin of the surname, there is a debate. Some reckons the original guy sold marijuana that was adulterated, i,e, “bad dagga”. Others reckon it simply means “weeds”, the unwanted stuff growing in our gardens. Either way, I am quite proud of my heritage – I am a Proud Weed.

      Some trivial facts about the Malherbes (if you are interested):
      – One of the best known Malherbes in France, Francois de Malherbe, was a writer to the nobility, but by all accounts was not a very good writer.
      – In Mauritius various buildings and streets are named after a certain Malherbe Calvinist preacher.
      – Only one Malherbe came to RSA in the late sixteen hundreds. He was a Hugenot, named Gideon Francois de Malherbe. (also my names) and settled on the farm Normandie near Franschoek. The farm still exists today,
      – DF Malherbe was one of the first well-known Afrikaans writers and lived in Paarl. He is my great-great grand-farther.
      – My grandfarther (also GF) was on the board of directors of the old Boland Bank, but was kicked off when he refused to belong to the Broederbond. (Damn, I’m proud – proud weed indeed!)

      As a child i have often been teased with the surname, especially by backward Afrikaners that somehow made a connection between “Mal”herbe and “crazy”. Somehow it never phased me.


      • Very illustrious background. The name Malherbe could also refer to the occupation of herbalist. “Quelquefois malade? Prends des herbes medicinales.”

        You run an addiction treatment centre together with your wife. Why Verifanie does not state who she is and what she does for a living is a bit of a mystery. It would have cleared up the origin of the rather unexpected psychology lessons. Anyway, best of luck.


  30. Michelle where is this so called god of yours? Why doesn’t he come and fix my problems? The problems that he created in the first place. He is acting like a complete asshole. He clearly has a problem with me. Clearly god only loves certain people. Where is he hiding Michelle? GOOOOOD!!!!! Come out where ever you are!!!! Clearly he either is spitefully tormenting people or he does not exist. Im still waiting for him to come and show up.


    • As jy so graag wil weet waar God is – wat ek nie glo jy wil regtig weet nie – kan jy net die geloof sprong neem en bos jou ankel, dis hoe naby die einde van jou savferieng is.


  31. Adriaan, last time I checked we make our own choices. Is it not true?

    (We don’t think that He has something better for us in store, so we just do as we damn well please. Me including.)

    Tell me, how do you ask someone for help that you consider your enemy? Would you help someone that think that you are not existent or wait … have a blog that criticizes, cursed you and the list…goes on and on and on and on and on… I think not. Would you help someone that is too darn stubborn too listen, and doesn’t want to be helped… I think not.

    He wants to help us, but what do we do: We think that because He does not give us what we want, we think that He does not love us or is spiteful as you clearly think. We are too damn selfish, and if it doesn’t go our way we blame everybody else except ourselves!

    He knows what is best for us, and He give us what we need in His time and according to His will. If we are not willing to sacrifice our heart and soul to Him, why should He help us?

    He sacrificed everything for us, because He loved us! We didn’t do anything to deserve HIS love…. NOTHING!! And what do we do… we spit in His face.

    And you are right, He won’t fix anybody’s problems, until we are willing to give our life to Him and change our hearts.

    Everybody is trying so damn hard too prove that He does not exist, that they do not see the things that He already done for them.

    P.S In the end it is your choice…


    • If you are implying that I am responsible for my own downfall your wrong Michelle! I was a Christian once and was treated like crap by this so called thing of love. Who the hell do you think you are by telling me that Im responsible for everything that happens to me! Are you that fucking stupid? People who are born with certain conditions surely didn’t do it to themselves. People who are in certain situations because they where born in it didn’t do it to themselves!!! Youre fucking god did!!! He is clearly a giant sadistical asshole Michelle!!!! That is if he exists. Clearly he is either a non entity or a sadistical fuck that doesn’t know what he is doing. How on earth can you bring the statement ” God gives us choices ” to the question ” Where is god”? You don’t know me sister! You don’t know my life story. Being a Christian is useless!!! If your stupid enough to think god is playing a little game with us and as long as we play by his rules everything will be alright. Then in that case people in India are responsible for their own downfall. Including the street children. Why would we then even bother with charity if that was the case. If people argued like you they would have said – Let the buggers suffer, they did it to themselves. And people in Hollywood did everything right, did they? NO Michelle!!!! Some of us are fucked and born fucked. Doesn’t matter how hard we try, we will never succeed.

      Jy moet minder na jou pastoortjie luister en meer na The offspring luister.


      • Adriaan, voel jy nou beter? Jy moet asseblief jouself nie so ontstel nie, dit is nie goed vir jou gesondheid.

        Lees: Jeremia. 29:11-13: “Ek weet wat ek vir julle beplan, sê die Here: voorspoed en nie teenspoed nie; Ek wil vir julle ´n toekoms gee, ´n verwagting! Dan sal julle My aanroep, tot My kom bid, en Ek sal julle gebede verhoor. Julle sal vra na My wil en julle sal dan My wil ken as julle met julle hele hart daarna vra.”

        Dit is jou keuse of jy Hom wil aanneem as jou Verlosser.

        Terloops, ek luister wat God sê.


        • Michelle, as jy luister wat god vir jou se, hoe hoor jy hom? Verbeel jy jouself wat jy dink hy vir jou se, of hoor jy sy stem asof hy saam met jou in die kamer sit?


    • Well if you walk around with a bible and quote from it all day long, people will tell you to piss off very fast, and maybe that, too, is God’s plan not because there is any other plan, but because if you behave like a complete arsehole you probably are one. Unless you’re a smarmy American televangelist with brylcreemed hair, a mahty fahn Southern accent and you live in the Bible belt. Then American idiots will throw money at you.


      • Yes and then that televangelist fly’s to South – Africa to come “hunt” a lion. A canned one of course that is kept in an enclosure and is tame. A lion that lives on some “wildboer’s” plaas. The same one that sits right in front in church on Sunday and listens to what the pastor has to say. Typical stuff like if you believe in Jesus your sins are healed. Have you seen those idiots that dance with snakes? We should give them an inland Taipan do dance with.


    • This is the typically Christian and compassionate behaviour of televangelist Joel Osteen’s wife when using public transport.

      Flight Attendant: Joel Osteen’s Wife Acted ‘Like a Diva’

      HOUSTON – The wife of renowned evangelical pastor Joel Osteen acted like a combative diva when a small spill on her airline seat was not immediately cleaned up, a flight attendant who was also on the plane testified Thursday.

      The testimony came during the civil trial of a lawsuit that accuses Victoria Osteen, the co-pastor of a Houston megachurch, of assaulting a flight attendant before the start of a 2005 flight to Vail, Colo.

      Continental Airlines flight attendant Sharon Brown alleges Victoria Osteen threw her against a bathroom door and elbowed her in the left breast during an angry outburst over some spilled liquid on her first-class seat. Brown claims Victoria Osteen became so upset she tried to get into the cockpit and had to be physically restrained.

      Brown’s co-worker, Maria Johnson, confirmed that in her testimony Thursday.

      “She took Sharon by the shoulders and pushed her out of the way. Sharon stumbled,” Johnson said

      Rusty Hardin, Victoria Osteen’s attorney, said earlier Thursday the lawsuit is simply a money grab.

      “This is nothing more than an attempted extortion,” Hardin told jurors during opening statements.

      Johnson testified that before Victoria Osteen tried to get in the cockpit, she became increasingly agitated while she and Brown remained professional and reassured her a crew had been called to clean the spill, which was about the size of a 50-cent piece.

      “She was demanding that attention be given to her immediately,” Johnson said.

      Johnson told jurors that Victoria Osteen kept saying: “This is ridiculous. I’m a first-class passenger.”

      Brown’s attorney, Reginald McKamie, told jurors during his opening statement that his client was simply doing her job.

      “Sharon was attacked by someone in the community who supposedly represents a higher degree of human decency,” he said.

      Brown’s suit claims the flight attendants asked to have Victoria Osteen removed from the plane. Hardin told jurors Victoria Osteen and her family left voluntarily. The incident delayed the flight about 2 1/2 hours.

      Hardin admitted that Victoria Osteen can be a “very excitable and expressive person,” but that she was never out of control.

      “Victoria Osteen never attacked her, never tried to get in the cockpit,” Hardin said. “The aggressor and the person who was out of control, who flipped out, was Ms. Brown.”

      About 42,000 people flock to Lakewood Church every week to hear Victoria Osteen’s husband Joel Osteen, whose weekly television address is broadcast nationally and internationally and whose books have been sold across the globe.

      The Osteens were both expected to testify during the trial.

      Brown wants an apology and punitive damages amounting to 10 percent of Victoria Osteen’s net worth as part of her suit.

      “They will say this is about money. But that is the only remedy a jury can offer,” McKamie said.

      McKamie said Brown, who had undergone reconstructive surgery before the incident on her breasts due to illness, was injured when she was hit on her chest. Brown also suffers from anxiety because of the incident and that her faith was affected, her attorney said. Brown is also suing Victoria Osteen for medical expenses for counseling.

      But Hardin told jurors there is no evidence Brown sustained any injuries, including claims she now suffers from hemorrhoids.

      The Federal Aviation Administration fined Victoria Osteen $3,000 for interfering with a crew member.

      Hardin told jurors Victoria Osteen paid the FAA fine not because she was guilty but as a way to conclude the matter and avoid any embarrassment for her church.


      • Jy is reg, en ek is verkeerd oor Joel Osteen. Ek moet nie glo wat Joel Osteen sê nie, maar wel wat God sê.

        Ek gaan weer ‘n mondvol kry oor die aanmerking. Is ek reg, “mnr. malherbe” ?


        • The people who pay lip service to the alleged teachings of Jesus Christ are the same people who rape, murder and steal, because it is in their nature in the first place. The problem with zealously religious people is not so much their religion but what they are covering up. A fundamentalist is not an arsehole for being a fundamentalist, but an arsehole is a fundamentalist because he is an arsehole.


        • Nee wat Michele, jy kan enige glo in net wat jy wil. Wees net eerlik en erken dat dit ‘n delusie is en dat jy eintlik maar in gesprek met jouself is (wat seker nie sleg is nie). Erken ook in dieselfde asem dat daar geen bewys vir jou hemelpappa is nie.


        • Michelein ‘n neutedop en met erkenning aan WFLAtheism:

          “You want to tell me about religion because I’m an atheist? I already know about religion. That’s why I’m an atheist.”


  32. “Why Verifanie does not state who she is…….”

    Well, guess what? Verifanie is a he, not a she. Should he state what he does? Well, I have had an illustrious life, doing many things. Like being a paratrooper during my army call-up, becoming an Electronics Technician and also qualifying as a Ballroom/Latin-american Dancing instructor. Had more affairs with more woman than I think Mick Jagger did. (Not bragging)

    Lived in the United States for many years and ran a successful business there. Returned and changed course, went into manufacturing which I still do.

    Why the interest in psychology? Well, I guess I was just lucky to realise at a young age that my parents, my siblings and my teachers and pastors were all fucked in the head. I did not want to be like them at all, and so I started pursuing a path that would lead me to reality, not mumbo jumbo.

    I admitted to myself (unlike most people) that I have been affected by the insanity around me, and resolved to get to the bottom of what the human condition is all about. And I believe I have succeeded.

    It’s been a long and slow walk to sanity, but I got there. For any more info about me you will have to wait for my biography, if and when that ever happens. (lol) However, start sending me money right now and I will keep a copy for you, I swear on the baaaible I would.


      • By the way – meaning of illustrious:

        Well known, respected, and admired for past achievements. Synonyms: eminent, distinguished, acclaimed, noted, notable, noteworthy, prominent, pre-eminent, foremost, leading, paramount, prestigious, important, significant, influential.

        As hands on as you proclaim to be in many areas of your life – you conceited bedhopper – I don’t think you qualify for the accolade of illustrious. “Notorious” also does not mean quite the same as “well known”.


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