Mighty Ignorant Men Conference 2011 poster for Angus Buchan


Mighty Ignorant Men 2011 Conference held by the delusional arsehole of god, Angus Buchan. This is one of their new posters for advertising. Real men don’t listen to women!!!!!

191 thoughts on “Mighty Ignorant Men Conference 2011 poster for Angus Buchan

  1. You fucken loser……. have nothing better to do….. get a fuckin life you bastard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. May the Lord have mercy on your soul for saying such things on a servant of His.

    Jesus would love to see you in heaven rather in Hell where you are bound to end up making statements like that.


  3. Faan, I don’t need your lord’s mercy. I am not afraid of your hell.

    Your prophet is a fraud, like all prophets. They pretend they work for the gods, but they just fleece the gullible for their $$$$$$.

    Stop living in fear of your imaginary friends. Grow a pair of balls and open your eyes.


  4. You have a god. Your god is called Science. Do you really spend all day on wikipedia, reading up on this trash, because you seem to know a lot of crap about…well…crap! That’s not a compliment. I know a lot about The Spice Girls. Maybe I should start a blog…Mmm. Can it be as ugly as yours? What is this REALLY about, anyway? You’re odd.


  5. Bless you McBrollocks! 😀 Going to keep blessing you and praying for you. AG, SHAME. YOU DESERVE IT, NE?


  6. Donotknowshitfromshite, let me explain science to you. Science describes the universe and all its forces we live in. Clever men and women understanding how these forces work, have harnessed them and today we have electricity, TV, motorcars, modern medicine (although some of you fundies pray to your god to heal your children with devastating effects – your children die) and many more inventions you use on a daily basis. Science is not a religion. You and your cronies are so thick that you do not understand the basics of science – it even scares you. And when evolution show you that we all come from a common ancestor and we don’t need the god-explanation, you go ballistic and condemn science, the messenger, and reject the findings of science. Then why are you still use the produce of science – why don’t you go and live is a cave?


  7. Mrs Grant Callaway, please start your blog about The Spice Girls. At least they are real. At least you can listen to their music, and other can hear it too. They are not just a figment of your imagination. You sound like the type who is an expert on them. Go ahead, and send me the link. I will check out your new blog.


  8. Mrs Grant Callaway, don’t tell me your hubby, Grant Callaway is an Angus man. Not that that would surprise me. Jeez, he must be. You did write here on the Angus post.

    How do you feel about been a subservient women to a man who worships Mr potato head, oom Angus, the self proclaimed arsehole of god?


  9. I must say this, interesting conversation. Any I have to ask, do you have a brain? Why i ask this is have you actually seen it? Do your parents or your grandparents or your best mates have brains? I am not trying to be derogitary here, or do you have a heart? have you seen them with your own eyes? Unless you seen all these people brains and hearts with your own eyes you have to believe that they do, right or wrong? well thats what faith is, believing in something in the case God without actually seeing Him. In the same sense if you say you have a brain and a heart I will have to beleive that you are telling me the truth and have faith that you have not lied about it, or are just totally ignorant on the matter. Heck an amoeba doesnt have a brain and still functions. All I can say is enjoy your journey and remember a lot of science is based on theories that have not yet been proven, including evolution. Even Darwin admitted that his theory was totally wrong before he died, so do not believe everything science has to say. Also science has never been able to prove the bible wrong in any way.


  10. Baffled by science, you make it very hard for me to believe that you have a brain. You also make it very hard for me to believe you have ever read any books but books of fiction.

    Your theory on what Darwin said is nothing but lies for jesus, and has been debunked many times.

    You are not the first fundie to come here with that bullshit argument of believing.

    Fucking idiot!!!


    • McBrollocks, you are a funny man. Funny, but wrong. Darwin did have major issues with his own theory. Until they find the missing link (of which they have had many, and all have been disproven, ala lucy), evolution IS still just a theory. I highly doubt they will ever find the missing link (without inventing one – like much of evolutionary theory), because evolution is a CROCK of shite. I’ve included some select quotes that will hopefully cause you to rethink your default indoctrinated (yes, you’ve been indoctrinated worse than the religious), and bigotted view (yes, you’re a bigot). Many of these are scientists and experts in their fields. So here we go:

      “In 1770, it was estimated the world was 70,000 years old. In 1905 the age of the earth was officially 2 billion years old (newsweek, jul 20, 1998,p.50). In 1969 the official age of the earth and moon was 3.5 billion years old – dated with potassium argon dating. today, students are taught it is 4.6 billion years old. That means the earth has been getting older at the rate of 21 million years per year for the last 220 years. That’s 40 years per minute.” Go science!

      “I myself am convinced that the theory of evolution, especially the extent to which it has been applied, will be one of the great jokes in the history books of the future. Posterity will marvel that so flimsy and dubious an hypothesis could be accepted with the incredible credulity that it has.” – Malcolm Muggeridge, journalist and philosopher, Pascal Lectures, University of Waterloo

      “Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a face of life are great con-men, and the story they are telling maybe the greatest hoax ever. In explaining evolution we do not have one iota of fact.” – Dr. T.N. Tahmisian, Atomic Energy Commision

      “Evolution is a fairy tale for grownups. The theory has helped nothing in the progress of science. It is useless.” – Professor Louis Bounoure, Director of the Strasbourg Zoological Museum

      I especially like this one:
      “Evolution is unproved and unprovable. We believe it only because the only alternative is special creation, and that is unthinkable.” – Sir Arthur Keith (wrote the forward to the 100th anniversary edition of Origin of Species, 1959)

      “all my life I had been duped into taking evolution as revealed truth.”
      *Colin Patterson, senior paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History

      “An increasing number of scientists, most particularly a growing number of evolutionists . . argue that Darwinian evolutionary theory is no genuine scientific theory at all . . Many of the critics have the highest intellectual credentials.”—*Michael Ruse, “Darwin’s Theory: An Exercise in Science,” in New Scientist, June 25, 1981, p. 828

      So arguing that anyone with a proper understanding of science would embrace evolution is patently false. I’m a researcher myself, and you a$$holes need to stop throwing around the stupid idea that whoever contests evolution doesn’t understand science. Clearly you people have the most difficult time understanding it, else otherwise you’d know the simple difference between theory and fact; and don’t say evolution isn’t a religion. It is, and dawkins is your God. Good luck with that.


      • Ok Wally, now that you have proven that you get your quotes from apologetic religious websites and that you can cut-n-paste, can you please explain why the latest DNA fingerprinting supports the fact of evolution 100 percent? While you are at it, please explain why the larangial nerve travels from the brain, all the way around the aorta, then makes a u-turn back to the voice box – in all mammals that is, including the giraffe with his super long neck. Evolution explains this perfectly Wally. Can you explain why the gotte deemed it necessary to make this fairly obvious design booboo?


      • Ja swaar!!!! Hierdie Angus Buchan god mannetjies wys maar vinnig hulle ware kleure as hulle teen evolusie begin stry.

        En dan raak hulle kwaad vir die wetenskap. Hulle ken nie eens die defenisie van die term teorie soos dit gebruik word om natuurlike waarnemings mee te beskryf nie.

        Hierdie poepol hierbo het dan die vermetelheid om die teorie van evolusie met ‘n geloof te vergelyk. Dis darem maar fokken snaaks hoe hulle iets wat hulle haat vergelyk met iets wat hulle op hulle kniee laat lewe.

        Julle spoke, die kind verkragter got, sy seun wat uit daardie verkragting uit gebore is (kamstig, as jy dom genoeg is om in sulke kak te kan glo), wat dan vir julle gerondnaaiery gemartel en fekruisig is, en dan die oupa spook wat wie weet wat de fok hy is of hoe hy in die prentjie in pas nie.

        Hulle spoke het elkeen ‘n tril. Julle spoke en julle wil nie vir enige iemand met ‘n vagina enige mag of se gee nie. Dus volg julle blindelings enige poepol met ‘n bybel onder sy arm, soos oom Angus die koolkop boer, in julle honderde duisende.

        Dit wys maar net vir my hoe jammer ek vir al daardie honderde duisende vrouens van julle voel. Die van julle wie se vrouens nog nie hulle tasse gepak het en ver weg gefokkof het nie.

        Ek voel ook vreeslik jammer vir julle dogters, wat van kleins af gebreinspeol is dat hulle agter in die bus moet sit, want hulle is nie so goed in julle gotte se oe as die mans nie.

        Fok maar lekker voort in jou donker grot van onkunde en self haat. Daar is darem ander poepolle soos jy om jou geselskap te hou. Onthou net om vir oom Angus genoeg geld te gee, anders gaan boer hy maar weer met aartapels en nie met koolkoppe soos julle nie.

        Lekker lieg vir jesus en vir julle self elke dag. Is dit nie ‘n sonde in julle geloof nie? Seker, maar julle gee mos nie om nie, julle hele dogma is op oneerlike leuns gebaseer, onder ander dinge.


      • Hey Walter! What do you think about this list? You and your brethren are very guilty directly to many crimes against humanity world wide. What do you have to say about that brother?

        Manifestation for Basic Human Rights opposed by Organized Religion

        Where ever in the world you find the following human rights opposed, you will find organized religious organizations are in the forefront opposing these human rights as well as justice for the victims. They also try to take away some of these basic human rights in the name of their dogma, even if you do not believe in their religion. Here is a list, in no particular order. There is a lot more to add to this list, so please leave me your suggestions in the comments. This is a work in progress.

        1.) The empowerment of women (long friggin list for that)

        2.) A women’s right to a safe abortion

        3.) Freedom from religious prosecutions

        4.) The right for every child to have a proper scientific education

        5.) The prosecution of child rapists who work for religious organizations

        6.) Gay Rights (long friggin list for that)

        7.) Every human’s right to euthanasia

        8.) Every human’s right to criticize religion

        9.) Every person’s right to get a divorce

        10.) Every women and man’s right to safe birth control and safe sex

        11.) Every child’s right to a religious-free education

        12.) Censorship in media because of religious intolerance

        13.) Religiously motivated wars and violence

        14.) Bodily mutilation to children because of religious dogma

        15.) Any law based of any religious dogma that carries any penalty of any kind to anybody

        16.) Tax advantages given to any religious organizations

        17.) Religious organizations giving medical advice based on their dogma, that hurts and kills people eg. the official stance on condoms and birth control by the RCC, policies on birth control, faith healing and any other snake poison that they claim will cure or prevent you from getting hurt

        18.) Violence sponsored by any religion because they believe they were offended

        19.) Religious organizations who serve in any form as an authority of justice under any circumstances, as well as the carrying out and or endorsements of any punishments

        20.) An adult’s right to charge money for sex, always opposed by most religious organizations

        21.) Religious organizations having anything to do with sex education for children, teenagers, men, women, or really, to anyone at all, makes no sense and should not be allowed in the public domain. But the religious insist on having a finger in the pie everywhere

        22.) Every women’s right to refuse to marry into pre-arranged marriages, whether child, teen or adult


  11. Baffled by Science, if you want to argue a point, try at least to be original. Your argument (if one can call it that) has been used many-a-time by godiots like yourself. Good grief, do you really expect us to go down to your level and point to the obviously erroneous statement you dish up as argument? I think not. But I’ll give you a hint: If I take an axe and chop Ghaddafi’s head open, what will I find? How many brain surgeries have been conducted on ,,,,eh, yes, you guessed it….brains? How many autopsy’s? Ever thought why Da Vinci opened up corpes? Do you think it a fair assumption that if ALL the craniums ever opened contained a brain, the rest of humanity will possess one? Do you think at all Mr “Baffled”?

    However, what is true and has in fact been proven on this blog many times over, is the fact that religious dogma eats away at the brain, until after a while there is nothing left. You my friend, serves as sufficient proof of this statement. Aaaaaargh, there, I’ve done it again – gone down to the level of a dogmatic. Wasted time in an attempt to explain something simple to a brainless godiot.


  12. Why is it that it’s always people who are broke who can afford to blow money on shit like Angus Buchan’s nonsense? I had one of his acolytes wives in my lounge yesterday trying to convert me to stupidity and subservience. Get thee away from me, Satan.


  13. McBroccoli, show some “character” (you are a little “character”, aren’t you?) and be fair for a change – instead of discriminating so heavily against Christianity, try giving each religion an equal share of derogatory posts, because the blog is getting real boooooooooooring …… (snooze)

    Sadly, I don’t think you have it in you to follow my advice – hahahaha. Shame on you!

    Do you have a real job? – because you’re posting on the blog as quickly as a little demon running around all over the place. And I wonder, either you don’t have a job, or you don’t have a social life.

    What kind of a name is McBrokkels? Have you been eating enough veggies?

    It seems you do have buddies after all and I’m glad – I’m sure you love them both. 3 buddies are better than 2, ’cause 2’s company, but 3’s a crowd and I know how much you love attention.

    But I actually relly like you for the simple reason that you are like Malema – secretly he’s a DA agent, you know. Every time he opens his mouth, more people join the DA. You’re just the same as him. Keep up the good work! You’re the best player in our team.

    I hope your intelligence gene wasn’t perhaps lost in the process of evolution that resulted in you walking upon this earth?

    Oh, and lastly, I love your surname – I know another word that rhymes with “Brol” – can you guess what I’m thinking of? I’ll give you a clue – it’s not an English word.

    Peace out old friend.


    • “I hope your intelligence gene wasn’t perhaps lost in the process of evolution that resulted in you walking upon this earth?”

      Listen who is talking! It does not require rocket science to deduct from what you wrote above that your intelligence hovers just below the chimpanzees’.


      • Men who are tyrannical towards men always are always inferior. The kitchen despot doesn’t have a word to say outside his home, he can only dominate those placed in a weaker position than his.


    • As jy ”Burgers van die Berge” van Eugene Marais gelees het, sal jy weet Boggomtieties die tweede, agter kleinseun van Klaas Windvogel, was ’n slim aap. Ek stam van hom af en het nogal sy intelligensie uitgebou en verbeter deur natuurlike seleksie. Hoe weet ek? Boggomtieties se brein is in formalien bewaar en ek sien my brein is ’n snars groter as syne.


  14. I meant men who are tyrannical towards women – but come to think of it, men who are tyrannical towards other men have issues with self esteem.


    • You freeken idiot, THINK first, then write, otherwise you’ll constantly have to correct yourself. And what the hell are you actually trying to say, moron? You fancy yourself as some sort of psychic?


      • Blah, intellectually honest debate tactics are based on (a) revealing errors or omissions in your opponent’s facts, and (b) revealing errors or omissions in your opponent’s logic.

        Intellectually-dishonest debate tactics are characterized by:

        Name calling: debater tries to diminish the argument of his opponent by calling the opponent a name that is subjective and unattractive. (That is you, Blah).
        Changing the subject.
        Questioning the motives of the opponent.
        Citing irrelevant facts or logic.
        False premise.
        Unqualified expert opinion.
        Playing on widely held fantasies – the godbots are a prime example.
        Straw man.
        Rejecting facts or logic as opinion – the anti-science brigade, i.e. some of the godbots.


        • Moet sê Savage, vlak van debat op hierdie blog, het ‘n nuwe laagtepunt bereik met die aankoms van idiote soos Blah, Hektor en I’ve never really….( genugtig, wie kies so ‘n naam?). Ek wys vir Mevrou Malherbe die ouens se skrywes, waarop sy kopskuddend antwoord: Dis idiote soos die wat christene ‘n swak naam gee.


          • Can someone please tell me what is Christian about subjugating women? Jesus Christ never treated women as inferiors. The tradition of subjugation of women was raised by Paul 300 years after Christ died and had everything to do with the prevention of women achieving any kind of status within the church. Paul’s writings were used as a pretext for many centuries to rob women of their earthly possessions – one of the ways this was achieved was to burn them at the stake as witches and confiscate their land. These Mighty Men are 90% Afrikaners so it follows entirely that they would want to put themselves on a false pedestal vis a vis women now that they no longer run the country. A lot of them don’t even have jobs and are parasites on their long suffering wives. We saw this same pattern after the Anglo-Boer war.


            • Well put HolyShmoly. Against this background it is quite astounding to see how many women support their husbands in this archaic habit. Perhaps it has something to do with the so-called Stockhol syndrome (or is it Helsinki?) where the hostage often forms a bond and loyalty towards his captor.


            • From Wikipedia – Stokholm Syndrome: In psychology, Stockholm Syndrome is an apparently paradoxical psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and have positive feelings towards their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them. These feelings are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims, who essentially mistake a lack of abuse from their captors for an act of kindness.


            • “A lot of them don’t even have jobs and are parasites on their long suffering wives. We saw this same pattern after the Anglo-Boer war.”

              I would like to hear more about this please.


        • you think by laying down rules for ‘intellectually honest’ debate (which you don’t apply to yourself), makes you more credible as an advocate for evolution. yet, I quote: “intellectually-dishonest debate tactics are characterized by: … name calling”, followed by “i.e. some of the godbots”. stick to your own rules you r-tard. you are the most intellectually deceitful here, and so is your precious evolutionary theory.


          • What a joke – first you mention name-calling as a sighn of intellectual dishonesty and then you proceed to call Mac a “r-tard”. Ai-ja-jai, the dishonesty and double standards of godiots never ceases to amaze me. All in the name of little jesus.


  15. Barbarian (codespeak for Savage) – good one, mate !! Describes you and “Mad herbs”, and Broccoli down to a t. Careful with those dagga zolle – they’ll erode your brain. HolySmoly, you smoke as much as you want, since you don’t have one.


  16. Anything more you care to add, oh Verbally Challenged One? Come on now, spew forth some more of your irrasional drivel. Comical value indeed, although I suppose it is in bad taste to laugh at someone in a straight jacket.


    • God, Malherbe, hierdie ou rook nie geneties gekweekte boom van die USA weerma, ala “American Beauty” nie. Hy rook sy eie gekulturele blaartjies van sy agterplaas. Elke jaar oes hy sy sade en daar is min genetiese verbetering ( m.a.w. wat genetiese “menging” voortbring) teenwoordig nie. Blah, get a life man, and smoke the real stuff mate!


  17. Ek sien heir het weer ‘n paar Trolle opgedaag.

    Soos gewoonlik se hulle niks wat enigsins sin maak nie. Ek wonder hoekom hulle die moeite doen?

    Hierdie een ou klink vir my soos die regte tiepiese ou wat Angus aanbid. ‘n Koolkoppie met nie veel breins wat nog werk nie. Ek ken so paar manne wat baie van Angus hou. Die helfte is geskei, en Angus maak hulle gebreekte hartjies weer reg. Die ander helfte se vrouens kry ek baie jammer. Maar baie van hulle is trots op hulle mans wat nou aan jesus behoort en aanvaar die gesag wat Angus en die bybel nou oor hulle vereis. Baie tragies.

    Soos hulle se: “Moenie die Trolle voer nie, anders gaan hulle nooit fokkof nie.”


  18. McBrolloks,
    ‘n mens kan sommer sien net aan hoe jy praat, en dit is afskuwelik vieslik, dat jy beslis nie God ken nie. Nou wil jy kom “Judge” speel oor ander. Angus het al baie meer mense na God gelei. Miskien moet jy dit oorweeg om ook Koning Jesus te ontmoet. En net die feit dat jy JESUS se Naam met ‘n klein letter skryf, se hoe min jy Jesus ag. Jy weet daar gaan ‘n dag kom wat elke knie sal buig en elke mond sal getuig dat Jesus Die Koning is. En jy ook!!!!!


    • Cretins who spout Jesus this and Jesus that are at the back of the queue when it comes to paying their fair share for anything. That is why Jesus said, many are called but few are chosen, because He can’t stand a manipulative miser or a lying jammergat either. And why don’t you admit it, you Mighty Men are either moffies or you want justification to beat your miserable wives.


    • LH, julle gristinne wat so op julle kniee lewe. Voor julle spoke buig en praat van ‘n troon en ‘n koningkryk en allerande lawwe kak.

      Julle lei aan ‘n neurosis van die brein. Dit beteken julle is siek in julle koppe. As ‘n kind na jou toe kom en se sy doen wat haar imaginary friend vir haar se om te doen, want sy is bang hierdie spook sal haar seer maak as sy nie sy opdragte presies volg en uitvoer nie, dan behoort jy haar reguit na ‘n sielkundige toe te vat. Maar julle grootmense dink dis heel normaal as julle dit doen. Julle verwag dat amal dit saam met julle moet doen.

      Nee dankie!!!!! Julle klomp is heentemal mal. Bat-shit crazy!!!!!

      Lekker bid!


      • Seems that Christians are more divorce prone and depressed than secularists.


        CBN.com – It’s become common knowledge that the 60 percent divorce rate inside the church — a place that upholds the sanctity of marriage — is higher than in secular society.

        But failed marriages and broken homes are not the only tragedies that Christians share with the rest of the world. Depression, a recent epidemic in the church, is spreading throughout the Christian community.

        During a recent visit to my hometown in North Carolina, I spent the afternoon with a friend’s mother. We talked about the issues many women face at the large Southern Baptist church where I grew up. She spoke of the different women she knows who take anti-depressants.

        “I wouldn’t be surprise to find out that half the women in the church are on anti-depressants,” she said.

        I was shocked. She told me story after story about women she knew who have strong faith and selflessly serve in the congregation but are also prescribed Prozac and other common depression medication. I realized that I also knew several women, my friends and my mother’s friends, who use anti-depressants.

        What makes this situation more troubling is the recent news about increased suicide risk now associated with popular anti-depressants. ABC News Channel 7 in Los Angeles reported a couple weeks ago that:

        “The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is finally considering stronger warning labels on anti-depressants after acknowledging for the first time that the drugs appear to lead some children and teenagers to suicide …

        “According to their findings [of the study], the worst offenders are Effexor, Luvox and Paxil, but even Prozac, the only anti-depressant specifically approved for young people, can increase suicidal tendencies.”

        Currently the FDA only connects this risk to teens and children, but the results of the study could be enough to make any adult on these medications think twice.

        But for Christians, the issue goes beyond the safety of the medication. The question that needs to be asked is why. Christians claim the truth from the hymn “Power in the Blood” and the Apostle John’s concept of “abundant life”. But why are they caught up in an emotional existence of mere survival? The church is supposed to be the place to find the answer, the cure, Jesus. Instead, it has become a social gathering of sedated spiritualists lining the pews. They dress neatly, implying a sense of togetherness, and they sing songs that describe surrender to their God that they didn’t naturally wake up experiencing.

        This is not an attack on individuals who struggle with chronic depression, for which some medication is useful for a period of time. But, there is something seriously wrong with church teaching and discipleship when half of a 4,000 plus population church takes anti-depressants. I would think someone — pastors, elders, and church leaders — would connect the dots and say “look, something doesn’t add up.”

        This disease choking the church may be embedded in the phenomenon that a friend described to me as “sin management.” Some churches are being unrealistic about addressing shortcomings, failures, disappointments and sin in the lives of Christians. Depression and anxiety have become private struggles that women and men mask with medication and mention only in confidence to one another. But these strongholds are not being addressed from the pulpit. If Jesus really is “the way, the truth and the life,” then why isn’t that message applied to the issue of depression?


    • LH, jou liewe jesus bestaan nie. Dis hoekom ek hom met klein lettertjies skryf. Ons outjies het egter niks teen jou denkbeeldige vriendjie nie. Ons het dit teen uitbuiters soos Angus wat geldmaak uit morone soos jy.


      • “Ons outjies het egter niks teen jou denkbeeldige vriendjie nie.”

        Ons het dit ook teen julle groot mense wat julle “denkbeeldige vriendjie” in jong kinders se keelgatte afdruk, so by so dat geen vrye denke by kinders geduld word nie. Hulle word klone van julle deur die gruwelike indoktrinasie wat julle uitoefen op jong, ontwikkelende mense – dit is niks anders as kindermollestering. Julle behoort toegesluit te word.


        • Ja sure………….. jy dink seker ons is pampoene. Jy het dit teen almal wat iets goed te sê het oor die Here, of self gered is. Ek is seker dat jy nie jou kinders toelaat om kerk toe te gaan nie en al hulle onterf indien hulle tot geloof kom. Ons kinders maak hulle eie keuses – hulle sien die geloof in hulle ouers raak en baie van hulle kies dan ook vir die Here. Niemand forseer hulle nie – hoe forseer ons hulle kwansuis? En dude, waarvoor vergelyk jy dit met kindermolestering – is jy nou mal of wat? Regtig man, dis die simpelste parallel wat nog ooit getrek is. Dis die eerste keer wat ek so stelling hoor, want meeste mense besef dis aburd.


  19. All I can say is this, If you have not been fortunate enough to have had an experience with the nearness of God an actual spiritual confrontation with the Holy Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ, then we can only expect you who do not know God to behave and to speak with the disrespect in which you now express yourselves

    One cannot argue with the blind, we can only pray and hope they might one day see what we see and know what we know.

    My advise to all those believers who are getting steamed up by the provocations of satan, is to treat it with the contempt it deserves, remember Jesus instructed his disciples to go out and preach the word to all of the world and if they would not hear to kick the dust of that place from your feet and move on, we don’t waste our time on those who stop up there ears, use your time judiciously don’t waste your good time arguing with the spiritually dead.

    And for those of you who follow the dictates of Satan, I ask the holy spirit to stop you in your path to destruction and give you cause to change.

    For I to was once blind but now I see, I to was filled with Hate so much so it nearly destroyed me, but my God loved me and filled my soul with his love and I was healed praise God and now pray for your healing.

    I want you to know what it is to walk in Love and understanding and with peace in your heart and in your mind.

    we don’t want you to be unsettled and disturbed by belief in a God you can’t see, we wish you to experience it and change your life for a better life.

    I know this is hard for you now and understand your rebuke and forgive you for your retaliations and verbal displays announcing your displeasure, these things I did also, but Jesus was at the door of my hart he was waiting for me to open my eyes to see to open the door to my heart and let me in, he is knocking on the door of your heart now, may he give you the strength to open that door and let him in.

    May God Bless you.


    • “One cannot argue with the blind, we can only pray and hope they might one day see what we see and know what we know.”

      You godbots are the ones who are blind and delutional because you see things that you can not show to rational people. Your gods are in your heads and those heads are very noisy. Luckily only you can hear the noises. And worst of all you expect us to take you seriously.


  20. To Mighty men dismayer.

    Good Day there friend, your mention of the failings in the church are noted, The church is a place where people go to find the hope they need to live a better life and cope with there everyday problems.

    None of them like none of us are super spiritual, we are not Little Gods we are sinners suffering like every other person trying to make sense of a corrupt and dying world, a world we are responsible for but take for granted, a world run by men who are at the best of time unqualified to be in that position of power.

    People are frustrated and inadequate to knowing all of the answers and in there failed state turn to the only hope there is and that hope is in God.

    So they go to church in the hope of finding fulfillment but for many of us we have not yet found how to apply faith, i remember reading a prayer by someone, saying, I believe in you Lord my God but please forgive me for my unbelief.

    Now that is true for most of us out there, we can’t blame the church for this, most churches do their level best to accommodate all of our needs the best way they know how, however the scriptures will tell you that God say’s your ways are not my ways and his thoughts are way above ours, however God see’s all we are trying to do and even in our failed mode, we endure to the end and he who is, the power the unseen almighty reads the hearts of man and can see his worth and is forgiving and considerate toward us.

    People go to church to be with like minded people and to be of service to one another to bind together in Love, they don’t go there because they are the best people in the world, often they are among the worst, but they don’t want to stay that way they need help and the church is their sanctuary, sometimes their last hope and some times they find God there.

    Jesus was scorned for spending much time with people of disrepute and not enough time with the pharisees, what was his answer, he said I came to heal the sick and the brokenhearted, he didn’t come to save those who though they were well.

    The church represents his sanctuary where sick and needing people like us go in the hope of being made well in the hope of finding a healing for our miss forgiving s, our mistakes and wrong doings.

    so to conclude my dear friend, don’t look to the church for perfection the church is there for correction of miss perfection, and the church because it is run by people is itself not perfect, if you think you can do any better, please be my guest and join a church near to you and if you really care so much for humanity, perhaps your wisdom would be a welcomed breath of fresh air.

    May God be with you.


  21. Holyshmoly,

    Hello Friend, I hear you regarding the Afrikaner and Paul, and yes I myself don’t understand paul’s stand against woman having any say and all I can say is once again, paul was of course a man and as men we are human and as humans we are full of all sorts of failings, as for me I respect all woman and love to hear what they have to say, many of them speak from a position of strength many men have yet to learn about.

    As for the Afrikaner, I would say their failings are no different from men of all other nations and like men of all other nations many of them are first class and very special people.

    All of us are alike and we should not point a finger in any particular direction, there is usually 3 fingers pointing back at you when you do this.

    Remove the log from your eye before trying to remove the speck from the eye of others.

    As for your remarks on Angus, perhaps you should try taking a leaf from his book it might change your life.

    So many of us don’t believe we are living in the final day’s the Last day’s look around you friend, do you see peace in the world do you see Honesty in our governments in the world, is everything working well as you would have expected it to in the 21st century? Who’s fault is this? I’ll tell you one thing friend, It’s not God’s fault, don’t be so hard on him you may have some explaining to do sooner than you think.

    May God Bless you


    • Chris, your words are indeed filled with a lot of wisdom and it puts in words the way many of our fellow Christians feel. Thank you for sharing it. Have you got a blog, if so, I’d like to start following it. Your posts meant a lot to me, thanks.


      • “Chris, your words are indeed filled with a lot of wisdom ..”

        You call this wisdom? Only a godbot who sees warped pictures in his head depicting a ghost could call this wisdom. The question I keep asking but nobody has been able to answer: show me your god(s). You cannot because your gods are only in your heads. And you keep on demanding to be taken seriously. Not ways, brother!


        • Ag my liewe magtag, man, jy sal ook nooit ophou met die “wys my jou god” ding nie. Ek het dit nou al seker 100 keer uit jou mond gehoor. Dis nou regtig verby vervelig.

          Savage: “Wys my jou god!”
          Analfa: “Ek gaan nie 🙂 Lekker verder soek”

          Ek meen, het jy nie genoeg wegkruipertjie gespeel toe jy klein was nie, of wat? Die volgende keer as jy weer die vraag vra, doen my asb. tog net ‘n guns en verwys terug na die en ander comments van my. Dan hoef ek nie elke keer dieselfde ding vir jou te sê nie.


          • “”Savage: “Wys my jou god!”
            Analfa: “Ek gaan nie Lekker verder soek” “”

            Jy kan nie, al wil jy ook Analfa. Jou got hang nie eens in die lug soos ‘n stink poep nie, niks, nada, fokkol, nerens………. behalwe in die verbeelding van die gebreinspoelde massas wat nie meer vir hulle self kan dink nie.


          • Erken maar ruiterlik, Analfan dat jy jou gode nie vir my kan wys nie. Hulle is net in jou kop. En daai koppie raas kwaai!


            • Jissie, maar julle is almal darem baie dig – ek het laaaaaaaankal erken ek kan Hom nie bewys nie – hoekom moet ek? Surprise vir jou, maar die Bybel self probeer nie eens bewys dat Hy bestaan nie – dis omdat dit onnodig is.

              Dis julle wat nog in denial is en dink julle kan kwansuis bewys Hy bestaan nie. Freeken hel, waaroor gaan julle so aan? Julle ouens mis die punt met myle. Get over it man en beweeg aan in die lewe. Soos stupid donkies wat heeltyd by dieselfde ding vassteek.


              • “Bybel self probeer nie eens bewys dat Hy bestaan nie – dis omdat dit onnodig is.”

                Onnodig? Hoekom is dit onnodig? Ek dink die wereld sou baie beter af gewees het as dit bewys kon word. Maar julle kan nie, en julle bybel kan nie. Dit is ou spook stories wat in die bronstydperk gekryf is deur ‘n klomp bok herders. En dit kan wel bewys word.

                Lekker bid!


                • Ek wed jou jy’s net so hartseer dat jou wetenskap nie die bestaan van God kan uitsluit nie. Ek voel jammer vir jou, want dit vreet jou seker van binne af op. Jy kan ewige rus en vrede in God vind. Hierdie is geloofsake, sake van die hart. Met jou brein kan jy God nooit volledig verstaan nie.


                  • ‘ .. dat jou wetenskap nie die bestaan van God kan uitsluit nie.”

                    Enige ondersoeke deur die wetenskap tot op hede het nog geen gode raakgeloop nie.

                    1. Die eksperiment met “intercessory” gebede het gevind dat julle gode glad nie na julle geprewel luister nie.
                    2. Die mediese wetenskap het bewys dat ‘n vrou nie aseksueel kan geboorte gee nie – so waar kom julle Jesus dan vandaan?
                    3. Die mediese wetenskap het ook bewys dat iemand wat dood was vir 3 dae (of 4, soos Lasarus) nie lewendig kan word nie.
                    4. Die natuurwette sluit geheel en al die storie uit dat Josua die Son laat stilstaan het.

                    Dit is nou al 4 (en daars baie meer) wetenskaplike bevindinge wat verklaar dat julle mites net dit is – mites. As mens soveel bewyse kry teen ‘n wetenskaplike hipotese, dan word dit verwerp. Dit is hoekom ons julle gode verwerp en sê alles is in julle koppe – en die koppe raas onsettend.


                    • Maar Savage, jy probeer nou aan iemand wat geen begrip het vir die betekenis van hipotese, te verduidelik hoe dit inpas by bewyse. Dis so goed jy probeer om swaartekrag te verduidelik aan ‘n “flat earther” – ‘n saak van onmoontlikheid. Indien hierdie volksvreemde moroon by name Analfa, jou redenasie sou verstaan, sou dit neerkom op ‘n hedendaagse wonderwerk. Ons sal dan kan jil, halleluja, Batgod lewe!


                    • En ons soek al hoeveel dekades lank na lewe buite ons planeet en ons het nog niks gevind nie. Bewys dit ons is alleen – glad nie. Ons kennis is nog te min om dit te kan bevestig maar natuurlik is daar lewe op ander planete. Net so met die wetenskap – ons weet nog niks nie, so moenie probeer verklaar God bestaan nie – gaan swot so bietjie statistiek en jy sal weet wat ek bedoel. Wetenskaplik gesproke is dit glad nie ‘n uitgemaakte saak nie.


                    • Jirre Analfa, en dan het jy die vermeetelheid om sulke stellings te maak ivm jou jesus en sy wrede pa. Al die gode wat die mens nog ooit aanbid het het maar baie in gemeen gehad. Die mens het sy gode in sy eie beeld geskape, nie anders om nie. Maar julle fundies is mos te dom om dit te verstaan. En dan julle geprewel met ‘n ewige lewe en ‘n hel en die duiwel en al die ander kak wat julle in glo. Fok, ek dink as jy dit vir ‘n alien probeer verduidelik sal hulle jou nie glo nie. Die aliens sal hulle gatte af lag vir julle “geloof”.

                      “Klingon gods are dead, ancient warriors killed them a millenium ago, they were more trouble than they were worth.” Klingon proverb.

                      Jy en jou maatjies kan maar lekker bid en glo en worry oor julle bronstydperk geloof. Al wat julle het om aan te klou is ‘n ou boek wat deur ‘n klomp mal mans geskryf is, en deur die eeu is die kak uit die ou stories uit ge-edit. Julle geloof en die geloof van ‘n shangoma is presies dieselfde ding!


              • “Bybel self probeer nie eens bewys dat Hy bestaan nie – dis omdat dit onnodig is.”

                – tja, dit komende van ons hoog aangeskrewe fisikus. Lyk my fiska vereis deesdae geen bewyse nie. Wat vir my die ergste is, is dat Analfa nie die absolute idiotisme van sy stellings indien nie. Die man gee sotte ‘n slegte naam.


                • hahahahahaha! jy maak lekker grappies 🙂

                  Fisika vereis bewyse, hoor – dis hoe dit werk.

                  Ek’s net so slim fisikus as wat jy ‘n ekspert op die Afrikaanse taal en spelling is. Al wat jy kort om volmaak te wees mbt Afrikaans is om die vieslike taalgebruik te beperk 🙂 Korrigeer gerus enige van my spelfoute. Lekker speltoetsies merk.


                  • Amen, die Here is groot. Gelukkig by elke debate word daar mense nader aan ons se heilige God gebring. N vriendin van my was by n paar dokters hulle het vir ha gese dat sy nooit kinders sal kry nie. Sy is n christian en ons het vir ha en ha man gebid, Amen God het vir hulle 2 pragtage kinders gegee. Kan julle dit bewys as sciences expert? julle het baie werk om te doen, begin maar weer met jou experiment. prays our mighty God. Amen.


                    • Ja Ameen my broer kan ook nie kinders kry nie. Hy is diep gelowig en boonop ‘n pastoor oor naweke. Sy gemeente bid al die afgelope 5 jaar maar geen kinders. Maar die seker die heretjie se wil ne? Jy kan net sowel vir my aanbid Amen. Dit sal dieselfde uiteinde het.

                      Terloops, my ander broer is ‘n mediese dokter met dekades ondervinding van dood op die operasietafel, swangerskappe, siektes, ens. Hy vertel dat hy nog nooit maar nooit ‘n verskynsel teegekom het wat nie verklaarbaar is nie. Jou voorbeeld is na my mening waarskynlik ‘n verdraaiing (lees leuen). Dokters sal bitter selde vertel “dat daar geen moontlikheid” vir swangerskap is nie. Eerder dat die kanse skraal is. Tipies godioot, verdraai julle dan ‘ storie en verabsoluuteer dit. Die onlangse storie van Pippie (dogtertjie wie se gesig verbrand het) is ‘n goeie voorbeeld van jul godiote se oneerlikheid. Skielik is haar herstel ‘n wonderwerk van die gotte. Die feit dat dit vermag is deur stamselnavorsing wat destyds deur idiote soos jy teengestaan is, word gerieflikheidshalwe verswyg. Mens kan ook nie help om te wonder hoekom jou gotte haar in die eerste plek laat verbrand het nie, ne Amen? Bietjie naslaanwerk vir, mister godioot.


      • Like Janis Joplin sang:

        “Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town ?
        I’m counting on you, Lord, please don’t let me down.
        Prove that you love me and buy the next round,
        Oh Lord, won’t you buy me a night on the town ?”


  22. Dis nou wat………vier of vyf jaar wat julle ouens nou al besig is met die Angus blog??????? Julle wereld is maar klein vir “slim manne” IMAGINE JULLE MOET N SERIOUS ISSUE PROBEER TACKLE???????
    Wag……..ek wil eerder nie eers daaraan dink nie.



      Mens kan ‘n godbot op ‘n myl sien – hulle MOET in hoofletters skryf sodat jy kan verstaan.

      Ja, ek sien ou aartappelmoer is nog hard besig om te wys hoe pateties hy en sy mede godbots is – soek hom net op Sondaeoggende op TV. Dis eintlik ‘n komedie en groot pret vir ‘n rukkie om sy manewales te sien. Sjoe, eks bly my intellek is nie geskoei op ‘n aap soos daai nie.


    • En soos die tipiese godioot, is jy maar kortsigtig indien jy dink die blog fokus slegs op oompie Aartappel. Die fokus is op alle godiote – jy ingesluit.


      • What gets me about these godbots is that they’re usually down on their luck through their own laziness and if they notice a neigbour spending money or improving their home they will spread nasty rumours about that person. If you get annoyed, they will say, “I feel sorry for you. God bless you.”


  23. D: Mal-herbe … what a clever joke!!!! Hoo ha ha ha ha mwa ha ha hah ha hah hah ha ha hah ha hah bwah ha ha ha ha hoo hoo ha ha he he he he he ho ho ho.


  24. Interesting…people with the least experience and knowledge of something tend to have the most to say about something they actually know nothing about. Thanks for proving the point.
    Still find it amazing that Jesus even died for YOU, because He knew who you would be even before you did. All this attention must be going to your head, but will continue praying for you and the people like you. Thank you for reminding me.


  25. Ha ha, another godiot spewing forth pig excrement.

    Peter, the fact that you cannot identify the contradictions in your statement, tells me that you are either very stupid or otherwise blinded by years of dogmatic propaganda.

    If your little jesus loves me so much and knew beforehand how I would turn out, then surely I am not to blame for being an atheist? Your jesus only exists in your head Peter. If he wanted to convert me, he could do it at the blink of an eye. All I require is some very basic evidence. Like, let’s say a quick visit to me. One would expect this a breeze for a super intelligent, omnipotent god. Its actually straght forward: your gods want Malherbe to believe in them. For this to happen, Malherbe requests some simple evidence. Without this, Malherbe would regard himself as dishonest. Simple, he Peter?

    Oh, what do I hear you say? Not the way your gods operate? Fair enough, but I, on the other hand do operate the honest way. With that silly old concept called evidence, that is. And according to you your gods made me this way. So now your gods are angry because of the imperfection of their own creation/doing. Does not sound like omnipotent at all, Peter. Do you agree? Not? Well in that case I give your gods the right to smite me right here and now…come on Peter’s gods, smite me now!…..nothing happening Peter. I’m sill very much alive. Which leads me to conclude that I am more powerful that your gods.

    Sorry about bursting your bubble so brutally Peter, but I have hope for you – – present to you the allpowerfull Batgod. He is the real One. He is the God of gods. Convert to him for eternal happiness and life. Convert or be doomed to the land of stinking penguins.

    Oh and by the way, you assume that non-believers were never religious – not true – many of us, including I were religous at some point in our lives. Fortunately we saw the dishonesty of this self-invented skydaddy syndrome and came to our senses. Personally I can attest to the fact that my life was far more fulfilling and unburdened after getting rid of the ridiculous shackles of religious dogma and guilt.


  26. You get people with personality disorders everywhere, whether they’re believers or non-believers. The “believer” neurotic has x-ray vision for any kind of rejection, whether real or imagined. Out comes the bible and the fault finding with the person or persons who is not taken in by the veneer of religiosity serving a spiteful or jealous agenda. There are of course a lot of very nice Christians around as well, but the bible basher messes things up. The bible basher invariably spouts a lot of Old Testament stuff followed by, “God bless you.”


  27. Toemaar, in jou mind is jy reg. God drie enig bestaan nie vir jou nie.

    Onthou om te onthou.

    Wanneer jou kind of geliefde in fisiese, finansiele nood verkeer of jy staar die dood in die gesig…

    Moenie worry…..

    Bid net opreg en jy sal God se Heilige Gees voel. Hy SAL jou dra.


    Sien jou eendag in die Hemel.




  28. Liewe Evelien,
    Weet jy hoeveel godiote soos jy het al presies dieselfde twak as jy kwytgeraak? Ook in HOOFLETTERS. Hoekom is julle outjies so lief vir hoofletters? Baie interessante verskynsel hierdie.

    Wat jou gotte betref, nee skattie, hulle bestaan nie. Behalwe in jou kop. Ons sal mekaar ook nie in jou hemel sien nie want dit bestaan ook nie. Terloops, indien jy ‘n voorbeeld is van die tipe outjies wat ek in jou hemel gaan teekom, stel ek glad nie belang nie. Gee my dan eerder die “hel” waar ek ‘n beter kans het om skouers te skuur met ouens soos Chris Hitchens en Einstein. En terloops, ek glo ook nie in ‘n hel of die ou dyyyyywel nie. Net soos ek nie in jesussie-seeri-handjies glo nie.


    • Eish Malherbe but you are totally the moer in, hey, absolutely gatvol. I had a godiot neighbour harassing me to such an extent that I told her husband that I will take out a retraining order, and that if they ignore the restraining order they could be forced out of their property to live at least one km away from me.


  29. Mr Macbollocks (most likely not your real name tels us something) Intersesting how many people attend these conferences, could you tell me how many people come and listen to you, simple arithmatic. Jesus said the unbeliever would not understand, please give God a chance and allow His spirit to encourage you into the truth before its to late.


    • Wilf, you are the typical zombie worshipper. I encounter morons like you all the time. Your brain is still getting a little bit of oxygen, just enough to keep you looking normal. But your critical thinking capabilities have stopped working a long time ago. You fear for others who don’t believe in your zombie gods. Because you fear your zombie gods and you believe they are not very nice spooks when you piss them off or break their bronze age “laws”.

      Yep, keep your women in check because that’s what your zombie ghost’s want. Follow Angus, because he speaks to your gods, and it is ok for him to make a little bit of $$$$$$$.

      Enjoy life on your knees.

      Remember, your vengeful zombie gods are watching everything you do. Remember that the next time you jerk off in the shower you jerk!

      Pray for my “lost” “soul” please.


        • I rest my case. http://www.rapport.co.za/Opinie/Blogs/Kop-Hart-God-se-orde-vir-mans-en-vroue-20121018

          Kop & Hart: ‘God se orde vir mans en vroue’

          Op 10 Oktober 2012 word ‘n 14-jarige meisie van Pakistan in ‘n skoolbus op pad skool toe geskiet. Die man wat haar geskiet het is nie ‘n rower of immorele persoon nie, nee, die teendeel is eerder waar. Hy is ‘n diep gelowige man wat met sy hele wese God aanbid. Hy glo in reg en verkeerd en hy glo onwrikbaar in die voorskrifte wat hy in die woord van God kry.

          Hier in Suid-Afrika is daar ‘n gelowige prediker. Hy is ‘n diep gelowige man wat met sy hele wese God aanbid. Hy glo in reg en verkeerd en hy glo onwrikbaar in die voorskrifte wat hy in die woord van God kry. Hy het nou wel niemand geskiet nie maar hy glo net soos die man van Pakistan dat God se voorskrifte baie duidelik is oor die plek van die vrou.

          En wat glo hulle is hierdie voorskrifte? Wel, dat die vrou haar plek moet ken in die orde van God. Met ander woorde God het alles geskape sodat dit pas binne ‘n bepaalde orde en solank ons as mens binne hierdie orde beweeg sal God nie vir ons kwaad word nie en sal Hy ons uiteindelik seën.

          Die orde lyk soos volg: die man is net ‘n klein bietjie minder as die engele (soos onder meer gevind kan word in die Bybel, Hebreërs 2 vers 7) en die vrou is vanuit die man gemaak (Genesis 2 vers 22). Daarom moet vroue besef dat hulle deur God as ‘n mindere wese geskape is en dus vanselfsprekend tot onderdanigheid aan die man moet leef. Deur hulle onderdanigheid eer hulle dan vir God en Sy skeppingsplan.

          En as jy gedink het net hierdie twee diep gelowige mans verstaan dit so, is jy ver verkeerd. Baie diep gelowige vroue in Pakistan sowel as hier in Suid-Afrika glo dit ook as absolute waarheid. Hoor hoe skryf Ina de Klerk, deel van die groep Susters vir Ekklesia in Pretoria dit: “Solank as wat die vrou onderworpe is, sal sy onder die beskerming van haar man se outoriteit wees. Die oomblik wat sy, onder sy outoriteit uit-rebelleer, beweeg sy onder die outoriteit uit, en kom dan te staan teen die aanvalle van die Satan en boonop ook God se toorn.”

          Hoe durf ons verskil van sulke diep gelowige mans en vroue wat net uitleef en verkondig wat God self in Sy woord leer? Want die diepgelowige man van Pakistan, die diep gelowige prediker van Suid-Afrika en die diep gelowige vrou van Pretoria sê tog maar net wat God self sê. Nie waar nie?

          Die enigste probleem is net dat die diep gelowige man van Pakistan en die diep gelowige prediker van Suid-Afrika nie sal saamstem oor wie presies God is nie. Want die een is ‘n fundamentalistiese Moslem en die ander een is ‘n fundamentalistiese Christen. Wie is reg en wie het die kat aan die stert beet? Wel dit hang seker maar net af van watter kant jy kyk?

          Maar terug by die twee diep gelowige mans wat albei wel saamstem oor die onderdanigheid van die vrou. Albei glo dit, albei predik dit, en albei leef dit.

          Die Moslem man van Pakistan kry in die woord van sy God, die Koran, die volgende: “O, julle mense, vrees jou Here, wat die man van ‘n enkele siel geskep het en daaruit sy metgesel die vrou geskep het.” (Soera 4:1) En alhoewel die Koran die werke van mans en vroue as afhanklik in hul bestaan beskou, word hulle nie beskou as gelyke waarde nie. Die manne is veel hoër op as die vroue en hulle gaan so ver om duidelik te sê ‘n man is beter as ‘n vrou.

          En die diep gelowige Christen-prediker van Suid-Afrika, kry in die woord van sy God, die Bybel, die volgende: “…omdat hy [man] die beeld en heerlikheid van God is; maar die vrou is die heerlikheid van die man. Want die man is nie uit die vrou nie, maar die vrou uit die man. Want die man is ook nie ter wille van die vrou geskape nie, maar die vrou ter wille van die man. Dit is nie God se wil dat ‘n onderhewige sal heers oor ‘n hoër een nie, maar dat hulle eerder onderworpe sal wees.” (1 Korinthiërs 11:7-9.)

          Dis verstaanbaar dat albei glo hulle beweeg binne hulle God se wil, as hulle daagliks heers oor hulle vrouens en kinders. Nou is dit interessant om te sien hoe hierdie verstaan in die praktyk gestalte kry.

          Die diep gelowige man van Pakistan skiet die 14-jarige meisie, Malala Yousafzai, omdat sy durf aandring op gelyke regte vir vroue en daarmee vra vir onderrig vir meisies.

          Want hoe kan dit? Meisies moet by die huis bly, besig met huiswerke wat pas by ‘n vrou. Dit is tog God se wil!

          Die diep gelowige prediker van Suid-Afrika verkondig aan duisende mans om hulle “hoofskap” teenoor hulle vrouens en kinders terug te neem om sodoende “God se natuurlike orde” vir verhoudings te herstel. ‘n Ideologie van hiërargie wat mans se hoofskap afdwing in die huis, as leiers en meerderes in die beroepswêreld, organisasies, kerk en samelewing. Dit terwyl die afmetings van geweld teen vroue en kinders, in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing (ook in Christelike huishoudings) die hoogste in die wêreld is. En omdat albei met mag en beheer werk, lees hulle en verkondig hulle die Bybel en die Koran vanuit hierdie gesag. Die hartseer realiteit is dus dat hierdie verstaan van die “orde van God,” met tyd altyd sal neerkom op geweld, mishandeling en onreg. Dalk nie in alle gevalle nie, maar net soos met slawerny skep dit gunstige toestande vir misbruik en magsmisbruik.

          Want die wyse waarop mans beheer uitoefen en mag in stand hou, vorm uiteindelik die kern van geweld teen vroue. Soos Elize Morkel (’n kliniese sielkundige) dit dan ook stel: “Talle studies dui daarop dat die beginsels van mans se ‘hoofskap’ en die onderwerping van vroue aan mans in die meeste godsdienste en kulture regstreeks verbind kan word met geslagsgegronde geweld en, nog meer ontstellend, met vroue se besluit om in gewelddadige huwelike te bly.”

          Dit maak nie saak hoe hard die voorstanders van hierdie antieke en voorwetenskaplike verstaan van menswees dit probeer regverdig nie, uiteindelik sal dit lei tot geweld en miskenning van menswees. En hiervan is die voorbeeld van Malala Yousafzai, die 14-jarige Pakistanse meisie wat in haar kop geskiet is, ‘n wrede herinnering.

          Die oop gesprek waarvoor ek en vele soos ek pleit sal juis moet begin met ‘n eerlike dekonstruksie van manlikheid binne die moderne verstaan. Mans sal moet eerlik kyk na hoe hulle hul identiteit verstaan en hoe lyk ‘n ware spirituele man binne die konteks van die huidige ongelyke magstrukture van geslag, ras, seksualiteit en klas. Dit sou verseker kon bydra tot ‘n meer vredevolle en gelyke samelewing. Dit waarvan Boeddha, Jesus, Ghandi, Mandela en vele ander gedroom het.

          So gepraat van Mandela, ek wonder wanneer sal Suid-Afrika se inklusiewe Grondwet ooit sy pad na die hart van die verskillende godsdienste vind? Soms dink ek ons Grondwet is meer spiritueel as wat enige van die verskeie godsdienste in ons land ooit kan wees.

          Natuurlik is daar wêreldwyd vele mans wat vernuwend en inklusief dink as dit kom by vroue. Maar ongelukkig word baie van daardie denke deur fundamentalistiese denke getroef.

          Totdat mans in die algemeen ’n kopskuif maak en inklusief begin dink, sal vroue gemarginaliseerdes en miskendes bly. En mans hoef nie as hulle nie wil nie, buite hulle godsdienste te gaan soek vir hoe om nuut te dink oor die sake nie. Want as ek na iemand soos Jesus kyk was sy vertolking van manwees baie anders as die “hoofskap” model wat die Islam en Christendom tans verkondig. Het hy nie juis op ‘n alternatiewe manlikheid gewys nie; een wat gegrond was op wederkerigheid eerder as oorheersing, vennootskap eerder as hiërargie en, heel belangrikste, op liefde eerder as mag.

          Die hartseer realiteit is egter dat die gesprek binne vele godsdienste nou al lankal verby sy vervaldatum is. Ek begin nou saamstem met die Amerikaanse komediant, George Carlin: “Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it.”

          Komaan, die tyd is hier vir ‘n nuwe, gelyke en respekvolle menswees. En Joss Whendon slaan die spyker op die kop as hy sê: “Equality is not a concept. It’s not something we should be striving for. It’s a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women, and the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who’s confronted with it. We need equality. Kinda now.”


  30. I see old Potatoehead is now asking the mineworkers to repent. His solution for the country’s problems: become a christian. What a lame duck. Even Zuma can come up with a better suggestion.


  31. So confused you clever man you. One day I hope you will see through your self importance before you realise you are wrong the difficult way.


    • Talking to me Martin? Confused you say? Yeah right, coming from another delusional godiot I take your commment very seriously. Tell me, if your gods hate me so much for not believing in them, why not do something about it? Why not smite me here and now? Why wait (conveniently) when I die before the torture starts? Is he/she/it scared? In fact, if he wants me to accept his existence, why not come down to my level and have a chat? If his yearning is for all humans to believe in him, I would imagine one appearance on a cloud will do the trick. But instead he sends braindead zombies like yourself to threaten me with your eternal hell – a conceptc taken from a dusty book written 2000years ago by people that thought the earth was flat.

      Your gods don’t exist and neither does your afterlife or heaven and hell or whatever the heck you choose to call it. When you die, the ride’s over. You stop existing. Like the tree or rabbit or earthworm. It is fact. Accept it or don’t, but please don’t ask of us to wear a funny hat just because you feel comfortable with one.


    • Where? I have never seen any gods or other ghosts. Which gods do you refer to anyway? The old white man with the long white beard, aka Santa, or the other one that looks like Santa that lives in the sky? Are they brothers?

      Then there is the dude from the desert, the fat man from South East Asia, the hippy with the blue eyes and long blonde hair from Palestine.

      Too many to keep track off.

      Which god do you see right in front of your eyes?

      I don’t see any of them anywhere……….


      • McBrolloks, this person is severely diseased.

        “Dr. Leon Salzman, professor of clinical psychiatry at Georgetown University medical school, argues that it is often difficult “to determine where religion ends and disease begins.”


  32. I refer only to one God. There is only one. You seem very slow in finding the answer …..Why are you referring to the old man with the white beard aka Santa that lives in the sky..why the man in the desert why the fat man from South East Asia ….when you are so intelligent ….. ??? Savage….The mind is the most intricate of subjects to study and to quote on…..Disease as is Religion is of the mind so what is so difficult about determining where it ends and starts from….


    • Cheryl, what Mac is trying to say is: how do you know your god (s) are the real deal? Present us with some proof. Before you answer, read the following quote from Chris Hitchens ( I think): “when you understand why you dismiss all the other gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

      So Cheryl, why do you not believe in Buddha or Zeus or Ra or Allah, and many more? Think of a reason Cheryl. My reason for not believing in your god, is exactly the same as yours. O, and btw your bible does not prove a thing – if anything it proves that your god does not exist. Wake up to reality Cheryl. You might like the feeling….


  33. Blah blah blah so gaan dit nou al vir jare aan en aan en ontlasting spat veral as hier ‘n onskuldige iemand begin komentaar lewer, as julle bewyse wil hê . . . lewer bewyse dat elektrisiteit bestaan. . .!

    En die vlermuisgod is blind en julle spot daaroor en lag en kry lekker, as julle die groter prentjie kan “sien” sal julle sien dat dit nie toevallig is nie.


  34. The proof is clear ….God is the real deal. Oh my word please say you are still not looking for the Whispy white Smoke…Your understanding of the English language is seriously lacking… Nowhere have I mentioned dismissing any God (s). Nowhere did I mention any Bible proving anything. What
    REALITY are you talking about Malherbe hahahahahahha ….. Yours, Savage, McBrollocks do share….


  35. God is as real as you and I… he is not a figment of your imagination or a whisp of smoke in the air, so sorry to disappoint you he is not in the BIBLE and he is not some funny looking man….he is so part of you and all things in this world so the proof is in yourself…. and the funniest and it must be the most scariest thing of it all is that not you or anyone has any choice or control in the (matter) you are made of matter hahahhaha of whether he is a reality or not. Way beyond your understanding …..are you making $$$$$$$$ from your Blog McBrollocks…..


    • Which gods do you refer too? The gods in the christian bible? Or did you invent some new gods?

      I do not make any money from this blog.

      This blog just points out the crimes against humanity committed by organized religion all across the world, on a continues and daily basis, in the name of some god or gods, against the innocent.

      But you godbots choose to claim it is your god given rights to piss on others, even if they do not believe in your dogma.

      That is why this blog exists.

      Funny how idiots like yourself show up here praising your imaginary friends and blatantly ignoring your religion’s long history of brutality and oppression against the innocent.

      You all have brains that has slowly rotten away.


  36. Exactly. An Atheist Juliet K…. GOD has made you that!!!! Amazing someone with some understanding…..

    My word McBrolloks, you still do not have any understanding….There is no need for anyone to believe or not believe…..You have no choice or control…. Funny that it seems to bother you so much…..Must be some reason. You really come back with some really slow answers. I have not mentioned any religion in any of my comments…. Your mind is stuck. Maybe you need to jolt it a bit.

    Maybe they feel like they have been pissed on, NOT due to their non belief, but due to them not being able to accept that God is in control of all things. (very scary for them).

    There is no ignorance or ignoring the long history of brutality and oppression of any religion or (YOUR non religion) whatever you want to call it, either…..

    Maybe your blog has focused on the crimes committed in the name of Religion only (very narrow minded)
    Maybe you should actually focus on the crimes committed by Mankind in all aspects of life.

    Your blog is a little one tracked…..

    Crimes are also committed in the name of Drugs and Drinking and in the name of Power and Money and in the name of Greed….maybe you need to expand your mind a little to encompass all of that and then you can drive yourself even more crazy and still end up not having Control over any of it……


      • The Angus groupies next door to me have now chopped down their previously half-cock chopped tree after I had a couple of trees professionally removed on my side. I’m a woman, you see, and they have a serious, serious problem with my lack of a penis AND my refusing to bow down to the power of Jesus vested in the Godbot husband when my husband is away on business. You would not believe these cunts. There was a single woman living here before us and she got into screaming matches with the husband because he would not stop spying on her and prying into her life. He finally poisoned her cat. These Angus bastards will destroy your pets if you don’t accept their “authority” in the name of Jesus. Now I mention the trees because I work from home and in half an hour I earn more with my business than it takes the shmuck next door all day. So the godiot wife phones the husband at work because the tree fellers are at my house and he had better come right over to exert control over things. Husband comes home and makes a big show of wishing the tree fellers happy new year and all the rest of it, while making an even bigger show of refusing to greet me and glaring angrily at me.

        What these bastards have also been doing is going around telling everyone who wants to listen to their shit that it is a shame that my husband is too stupid or too afraid of me to divorce me. What makes me sick to my stomach is that these cunts are divorced and remarried. Jesus specifically said that if you divorce and marry again, you are an adulterer, if you marry someone who is divorced, you are an adulterer, finish and klaar. Most Buchan godbots are divorced losers who have been wiped out financially by their divorce kak. They turn to Jesus because they want a second chance. But Jesus never promised anyone an unconditional second chance. Terms and conditions appy: you have to stop your sin, ie adultery. But they have the bloody nerve to try to ostracise me and make my life difficult because they want to see me divorced like they are. Misery wants similar company.


        • I should mention that the neighbours are Lutherans but they dig Angus Buchan big time. The wife disses the husband’s ex wife because she never married again. Oh shame, couldn’t she find another husband.


  37. Cheryl, you are as crazy as a loon, and you tell lots of lies (for jesus?).

    “Maybe they feel like they have been pissed on, NOT due to their non belief, but due to them not being able to accept that God is in control of all things. (very scary for them).” – CherylZ

    That statement gives you and your fundie frendo’s complete immunity to keep on harrasing the innocent, doesn’t it. What ever you do, you say your imaginary friend is in control, it is not your fault, but god’s will, and he let it all happen. Makes me sick. Twat!!!!!

    Do one thing for me. Comment on these points please:

    Manifestation for Basic Human Rights opposed by Organized Religion

    Where ever in the world you find the following human rights opposed, you will find organized religious organizations are in the forefront opposing these human rights as well as justice for the victims. They also try to take away some of these basic human rights in the name of their dogma, even if you do not believe in their religion. Here is a list, in no particular order. There is a lot more to add to this list, so please leave me your suggestions in the comments. This is a work in progress.

    1.) The empowerment of women (long friggin list for that)

    2.) A women’s right to a safe abortion

    3.) Freedom from religious prosecutions

    4.) The right for every child to have a proper scientific education

    5.) The prosecution of child rapists who work for religious organizations

    6.) Gay Rights (long friggin list for that)

    7.) Every human’s right to euthanasia

    8.) Every human’s right to criticize religion

    9.) Every person’s right to get a divorce

    10.) Every women and man’s right to safe birth control and safe sex

    11.) Every child’s right to a religious-free education

    12.) Censorship in media because of religious intolerance

    13.) Religiously motivated wars and violence

    14.) Bodily mutilation to children because of religious dogma

    15.) Any law based of any religious dogma that carries any penalty of any kind to anybody

    16.) Tax advantages given to any religious organizations

    17.) Religious organizations giving medical advice based on their dogma, that hurts and kills people eg. the official stance on condoms and birth control by the RCC, policies on birth control, faith healing and any other snake poison that they claim will cure or prevent you from getting hurt

    18.) Violence sponsored by any religion because they believe they were offended

    19.) Religious organizations who serve in any form as an authority of justice under any circumstances, as well as the carrying out and or endorsements of any punishments

    20.) An adult’s right to charge money for sex, always opposed by most religious organizations

    21.) Religious organizations having anything to do with sex education for children, teenagers, men, women, or really, to anyone at all, makes no sense and should not be allowed in the public domain. But the religious insist on having a finger in the pie everywhere

    22.) Every women’s right to refuse to marry into pre arranged marriages, whether child, teen or adult

    I am waiting!


    • What happened to Cheryl?

      When the questions requires the mind to think, the fundies disappear

      They run back to their caves. Where they are with the other feeble minded who agrees with their crazy ideas. Just don’t try to bring reality into their fantasy world. That always upsets them.


  38. “Try grabbing a powerline cable with . . .” So try the leap of faith and you wil be amazed. . . Moly

    And why doesn’t the “reply” work for me? I can only reply at the bottom.


  39. The devil as well made me an Atheist !

    Believe it or not, CherylZ …
    It was an amazing making !
    Almighty batgod was also present.
    He was my sponsor and cheered for me.
    We all sat down at the cardinal points of the rond table and there it all started.
    The best moment in time ever ! All were invited only intelligent design arrived a bit late, leaping around, it had some watchmaking issues to deal with.
    To die for was god’s look, in a very simple attire but; the multiple colored faces switch was astonishing, like a changing image of human facade flipping one after the other. Such a unique parable always to be reminisced !
    Still, so many more details to share… but at the end of that event …
    I was so proud to wear my divine spiritual badge stating that I am an Atheist and so looking forward to receiving divine coupons for my good act of performing, known as deeds.
    Yes, my spiritual-divine-imaginative-fanciful coupons should be coming soon … so excited !!!!!


  40. .. cutting short this little delirium of a tale ..

    My point being,

    “Religion is the emulation of the adult by the child. Religion is the encystment of past beliefs: mythology, which is guesswork, the hidden assumptions of trust in the universe, those pronouncements which men have made in search of personal power … all mingled with shreds of enlightenment. And always the ultimate unspoken commandment is “Thou shalt not question!”. But we do anyway. We break that commandment as a matter of course. The work to which we have set ourselves is the liberating of the imagination, the harnessing of imagination to humankind’s deepest sense of creativity.”

    Frank Herbert novels, Children of Dune

    “By all means, I am a passionate nonbeliever
    although I want to believe and I do,
    I believe in humankind and in us,
    the nonbelievers.”
    ~ Juliet K.


  41. Another nonbeliever declaring her believe “I believe in humankind and in nonbelievers!” Maybe you could give us prove that “humankind” exists and you contradict your own nonbelievers credo by stating that you “believe”.

    If you stand infront of another human – how could they tell that you believe to be a nonbeliever? What would be different?

    An what is humankind? is it a man-made idea flouting around us – an invisible force – that urge men and woman foward to excellence . . . and then you get the peanut gallery where the most words they use refer to excrement . . . . and they are the good guys?


    • Right Johann ! You are playing with wording and phraseology, here, fair enough.

      Meaning of the word believe =
      1- To accept as true or real (Do you believe the news stories?)
      2- To credit with veracity (i believe you)
      3- To expect or suppose; think (I believe they will arrive shortly.)
      Intransitive verb:
      1- To have firm faith, especially religious faith
      2- To have faith, confidence, or trust (I believe in your ability to solve the problem.)
      3- To have confidence in the truth or value of something (We believe in free speech!)
      4- To have an opinion; think (THey have already left, I believe.)

      Meaning of humankind=
      1- The human race; humanity; all of the living human inhabitants of the earth
      Synonyms : homo sapiens, people, community, human beings, mortals, human species

      This could help your understanding of my nonbeliever confidence and belief.
      A little knowledge never hurt anyone !!!!


  42. Reading though Mac’s “22” comandments I find most of them directed at institutions and cultural differences and I’m thinking what about the robbers and the thieves and murders and when are the pedophilia -phobia going to end, and if all the religious institutions disappear it wil turn out to be reactionary Manifes.

    “2.) A women’s right to a safe abortion”

    Moly stated that to take the life of another human is really not ok, so can I do that under certain circumstances without getting him upset?


    • Moly is a she, not a he, Johann. I didn’t say that taking the life of another is not ok. What about when someone threatens your own life, or a war situation? I don’t agree with abortion as a method of contraception. There are too many young girls in this country who don’t use contraception, the lovers don’t use condoms, they want child grants, then they change their minds, then the state has to sort it out by giving them a free abortion. If I were a health care worker, and I could have a say in these things, I would allow the first abortion, but should the same woman rock up again with another unwanted pregnancy, offer an absolute choice between a second abortion together with total hysterectomy, or bear the child to term, If they choose the first option, they can carry on with their free and easy ways without bringing another hiv positive child into the world. Not having any children is a big taboo with the majority of the population. Yet I also know that staff at clinics refuse young women contraceptive pills because they haven’t produced any babies yet. What does a young woman without a job or a husband want a baby for? It’s a big social problem, this engendered attitude that women must pump out children or not be considered properly women. Arsehats like Jacob Zuma make it worse. Women should be encouraged to use preventative contraception.


  43. Holy, don’t waste too much time on Johann. I can assure you he does not grasp half of your comment. As they say in Afrikaans – so dig soos n klei-os se gat. Better chance of helping him by praying to The Almighty Batgod for some spare grey matter.


    • Oh Almighty Batgod, yeah verily Almighty Batgod, please give Johann with two n’s another brain cell so he has two to match his n’s. Amen.


  44. Oh my word you are actually looking for me……!!!!! hahahahha, but you do not find….maybe I am a puff of smoke or Santa Claus or some figment of your imagination…..The manifestion of human rights quiz you have left for me…hahhahaha can also be attributed to Greed, Money, Pure Crime why do you attribute, the taking away of basic human rights ( your list) to Religion….. Your brain is stuck on religion…..only reason can be that you are trying very hard to understand it….. or you are trying to get me to admit Religion (made up by and for human beings) is as your reality perceives it…”you will find organized religious organizations are in the forefront opposing these human rights as well as justice for the victims. They also try to take away some of these basic human rights in the name of their dogma,” ….

    Religion ( man / mind / no control) as you come to try and enlighten one (as you are trying so hard to do with your little blog here )another will appear

    You see the powerful force that you are all contending with……and how fickle your minds are to coming to understanding…….
    Juliet I am so pleased for you that the Devil played a part in the making of you ( as an Atheist)

    Trying to find out if I am an Angus groupie are you…..Why would that be….hahahhahhahha….. Are you hahhahhhaha!!!!!

    Your list

    Empowerment of women – heard tell that women are deemed very Powerful, they are entrusted with the care of small children, husbands, male or female
    ” their minds”, animals and plants…….religion opposes this or did you say only some of this….. whatever suits you!!! hahahahaha

    Safe Abortions – (right to life) heard tell safe abortion legalised – did you say religion opposes this, some of this or all of it…. Did you say Some religions or did you say all religions.
    Or did you say some Men that do not want to take responsibility for their % ……. Have you ever had a safe abortion …….!!!! Did you have an unsafe abortion…..!!!! Oh you have spoken to or know someone who has ….. the argument being a safe abortion so much better …. than no abortion….oops did this little mind of mine get carried away that I am now having a baby I do not want….. Oh no!!! I was raped so this little fetus is of no use to me, its not living yet….. the mind is in reality as much as you want it to be….as suits you!!!!!

    Freedom from religious prosecutions – heard tell that many have been prosecuted ….. others were too clever and did themselves in….. oh oh wonder how that happened…..


    • What dribble Cheryl!

      So you are an Angus groupie.

      All that nonsense you wrote above prove that your elevator does not reach the top floor anymore.

      It also tells me you are one of those evangelical christians who believe in the devil and you probably also think the earth is about 6000 years old.


    • “… women are deemed very Powerful, they are entrusted with the care of small children, husbands …” What’s with the Powerful with a capital P? I suppose women shouldn’t be in charge of Large children with a capital L because That Would Offend God.


  45. Juliet thanx for clearing that up for me, I think the new words that I can use instead of “believe” makes things a little easier, and yes I believe in humankind, but I don’t know what it is that I believe in them or about them, or what IS there to believe in them.

    So if you say that you “believe in Humankind” what does it mean to you or me or anyone? If you say you believe in humankind is it towards something, say we are moving towards perfection, or we going to find the “tree of live”


  46. I mean “tree of life”, is humankind going to solve the “puzzle” of life the universe and everything?

    Or what is there to believe IN them?


        • “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? I’m going to hold my breath until I’m blue in the face if we don’t get there right now!”

          See, that’s the mentality behind godbots. No sense of awe or wonder, just gimme gimme gimme. No wonder so many of them are eligible for gastric bypass surgery to save them from themselves.


  47. I didn’t say we are moving “forward” Moly – you did, but it does’nt matter the thing is, what I am suppose to “see” is that eveyrthing is “volbring”- It’s complete, no need for strive, “hunger” or been bounded by concepts, logic, rational thinking – sure they are good tools to use, but to be free from them is more important, no need to “whorship” it (Your word that you never explained).

    So life is free for us to enjoy, experience and being.


    • Whorship? Where are you coming from with “whorship”? Or should that be “horse whip”, you lazy, blinkered donkey.


  48. hahaha I meant “worship” the word you used, finger slip, but what about the issue and then you talk about mentality? It’s like Brollocks accusing priests of molesting the alter boys because they are priests and not latent homosexuals and then fight for homosexuality rights. . .?


      • And that’s a compliment, Mac. I’ve yet to meet a bigger idiot than Johann. The wors “idiot” or “fuckwit” or “dumbass” somehow fails to describe the depth of this guys ludricous stupidity.


    • Johann, I take it you mean homosexual rights to marry. This is a non-issue in South Africa because all marriages in this country are civil unions, ie you can marry in the church or by tribal custom but you can only be legally married in a civil ceremony at a civil marriage office. So two weddings for the believers and traditionalists. This sensible arrangement sorts out a lot of problems before they can even occur. If gay men or women want to marry each other in a civil union, what of it? If some churches don’t admit same sex marriage, what of it? We don’t go around telling the churches who they may marry or not marry, so what right does a fundamentalist have telling others how to live or what to do?


  49. Ek kan julle haat en frustrasie voel
    en dit deur my laat vloei,
    aaah haat en nyd, . . .Haat en nyd. . .
    hoekom is julle nou weer so gefrustreerd,
    is dit dalk dat julle nie meer kan evalueer,
    in ‘n rat vasgesteek,
    en ‘n blinde rot probeer vereer?


    • I have had more than my share of hatred from fundamentalists who have tried to break up my marriage because my spouse and I are in an equal partnership. Not gay. We are not the same, but we are equal. We discuss things. Nobody takes the absolute lead. This flies in the face of the male hierarchy model that the fundies stick to, never mind that the fundies have a terrible track record of divorcing and remarrying, wondering why their wives don’t “get” their misoygnistic interpretation of Jirre Jissis. Fundie women are all as depressing as stale dishwater. .


    • Jy yl Johann. Geen haat van die kant af nie, en beslis geen frustrasie. Jy ag jou opinies hopeloos te hoog. Ek sien jou bloot as n moroon wat nie van beter weet nie en wie se opinie van nul en gener waarde is.


  50. And of course you don’t need to marry (again) at the Department of Home Affairs as long as there is a recognised marriage officer present at a church wedding, and as long as the paperwork is handed over to Home Affairs. So then you are married according to church as well as state. Personally I have no experience of being married in a church.


  51. I don’t really know what “rights” Mad Mac are referring to, it’s in his “22” comandments, maybe he can tell us.

    And what you write is that a woman can have more than one husband. . .


    • “And what you write is that a woman can have more than one husband. . .” You twist my words. I’m not a fan of divorce, but most, if not all, fundies go from one divorce to the next, always getting married in church. Within two years they are divorced after the expensive wedding and reception. Ex-wife tries to hock the engagement and wedding rings only to find they are worth a few hundred at the pawnbrokers. Fundies obey the letter of the biblical law, but then they feel cheated and think they are not getting enough out of life or the wife.


    • Ha-ha!!!

      Johann, how you long to live in the glorious 1600’s when idiots like you could burn and torture those who did not agree with your bronze-age dogmas.

      To cavemen like you human rights are incomprehensible.

      You and your fundie brethren create unfathomable suffering in this world, and you have been for centuries.



  52. Sorry Moly What I meant to ask was – Is it “technically” possible to marry more than one person according to the law?, so a woman can have more than one husband and visa versa, I don’t know if it is “wrong” or “right” I just thought that if I marry “A” and she marries “B” and then “B” – her “second” husband marries another woman, say “C” , then I can marry “C” again and then we can have a hel of a family.

    Would that be possible?


  53. Would you have a problem marrying annother man and how would that relationship differ from jou one you have now? Do you think it is “wrong” for people in “our” culture to have more than one spouse?

    What would “Evolusion” say about that?


    • Personally I would have a HUGE problem marrying another man because there are only a very limited number of men on this planet who can put up with me, and I with them. I suppose it could be acceptable for men to marry more than one wife if they can afford to do so, though I wouldn’t want a polygamous husband myself.


    • In the old testament it was quite ok to have more than one wife. Then, apparantly the gotte changed their minds. Ai, seems that the gotte is also evolving over time.


  54. Jip it’s not easy sharing your live with another person, especially someone who wants to control everything and everyone and they can get frustrated and angry and make life unpleasant, and all the time the control freak thinks “I’m right, I’m doing this for the good of the family, course, company,. . . .” but you know all that.

    I sometimes look at them and think “why” why do you want control everything, do you want to be a “hero” – secure your survival – “see that no-one dirty gets thru (Pink floyd?) – or do you keep an tight ass not to get screwed – cunningly manipulate everyone, almost unconscious. . .

    And Joe Cocker sang a song “once we were traveling across the sky, this lovely planet caught our eye,
    being curious, we flew close by,
    And now we caught here till we die”

    So what is the big deal anyway?


  55. It is a little late I know, but there is a few unanswered questions.
    You say we ask for healing through Jesus Christ and our children die? But where did you hear that? I believe because I personally have seen a person with one leg shorter than the other walk out of the church with even legs after being prayed for, I have seen a deaf person healed and I have had certain things happening in my life that could’nt possibly be coincidence… Like a few weeks ago I had a huge personal problem and 2 people at church just came up to me and told me what God told them for me, it baffled me? He answered my questions… And later that week my friend also came up to me and said the same thing, another friend asked God for a sign… He randomly went ons Facebook and there was apost made by some random guy he doesn’t even know which answered his question of 5 minutes ago?
    I understand the fact that you can’t believe but please stop trying to offend Christians in the general wherever you do.
    Not all Christians understand the Bible fully but they interpret it as a book of pure judgement and miss the part of pursuing others with love.
    I have never won a soul by forcing someone,, I think your neighbours are just very misled and confused
    Yup… That’s that


    • Mr Frederick, let’s first define a miracle. In my book it is something that cannot be explained by the natural science, I.e it is deemed “unnatural”. E.g. there exists a 100 different possible explanations why someone with seemingly incurable cancer strain, might be cured from the disease. It is therefore not deemed a miracle. A miracle would be when someone loses an arm and the arm grows back.

      Now you might think that the example you mention regarding the guy with one leg shorter than the other falls within the definition of a miracle. I think not. Here is the reason why: ask yourself the simple question – is it not more likely that a plausable alternative to a miracle exists? What if the guy was a prankster? What if he colluded beforehand with the faith healer? Do you know him personally? Did a medical practitioner verify that his one leg was indeed shorter than the other? (By the way, its quite easy to fake this) Most important: did this incident take place in a controlled environment?

      Tell me Frederick, why do you think nobody on planet earth has to date claimed the 1million dollar from James Randy? Nobody! Don’t you think this is odd? (Google ;ames Randi if you are not familiar with this bet.)

      You guys believe this crap because you WANT to. You have a need to believe in a skydaddy. That does not make it the truth.


      • “explained by the natural science, I.e it is deemed “unnatural”.”

        Mallies, kan natuurlike wetenskap asb bewussyn verduidelik of elektrisiteit, of gravitasie, miskien dink jy omdat die saaintes kan verduidelik hoe dit werk en hoe om dit te manipileer – of ‘n formule kan verskaf – dat dit ‘n verklaaring is van wat dit is.

        Of miskein as dit te moeilik is – en dat jou oudste nou nie agter raak nie – kan natuurlike wetenskap die bestaan van TYD verklaar?

        Ek begin nou wonder of “natuurlik” dan ooit bestaan,is daar iets wat natuurlik is? (Net voor jy begin dink jy ken al die antwoorde, begin by wat is elektriese lading?) En ek sou ook my vermy het as ek jy was, want ek kol nie jou blaf nie, kan natuurlike wetensakap dalk dit verduidelik?


              • poging om die “reply” te doen.

                Mallies dis duidelik dat jou konsepte in jou kop ook maar vaag, verwyderd en ‘n illusie is. Elkekeer as ons by die punt uitkom waat jy moet uithaal en wys, dan kom jy met die jammerbal “ek is nie verantwoordelik vir jou opvoeding nie”, maar jou bek is groot as dit kom by “bewyse”, jy vereis bewyse van ander mense en net bewyse wat vir jou aanvaarbaar of verstaanbaar is, dan is jy hard en onwrikbaar – staan jy soos die man van staal op jou konsepte wat net in jou kop is kastig.

                As die “worshippers” van menselike inteligensie so sukkel om ‘n teorie oor tyd uit te werk, en eintlik kan dit nie met natuurlike wetenskap verklaar word nie, dan behoort dit mos aan jou “on/bo-natuurlik” en dis mos waaraan jy nie “glo” nie. (hoe absurd)

                Bestaan tyd eh. . . .Mallies? Kan jy bewys dat tyd bestaan?

                En jy is reg “ignorance is blisss”


        • Johann, ek het vir jou al verduidelik wat gravitasie is en waar jy die formules kan kry. Hoekom vra jy dan weer die vraag. Het jy nie verstaan wat Einstein geformuleer het nie? Sê dan so i.p.v. mens se tyd te probeer mors. Die vergelykings vir electromagnetisme (d.w.s. elektrisiteit en magnetism wat hand aan hand loop) kan jy van Maxwell se vergelykings kry. I.p.v Einstein se tien vergelykings vir gravitasie, het Maxwell net 4, so miskien kom jy reg.

          Soos Malherbe sê ons is nie verantwoordelik vir jou opvoeding nie, so probeer nou self die vergelykings verstaan.


          • Ek kan onthou dat jy so ‘n formule gegee het oor gravitasie, maar ek kan dit nie onthou nie, seker omdat dit sulke dooie woorde was, of omdat dit woorde was wat “iets” beskryf het sonder om te “bewys” wat dit is.
            Ek kan die “effek” van gravitasie ervaar, maar kan jy verklaar hoekom deeltjies mekaar aantrek en hoekom daar ‘n onsigbare krag is wat materie bymekaar hou of is dit die tyd-ruimte wat buig wat die aantrekking is. . . .


          • Savage, Johann stel nie werklik belang in antwoorde nie. Soos alle godiote is sy mind klaar opgemaak. Ek het al male sonder tal aan hom genoem dat 1) behoefte en 2) gebrek aan kennis/begrip; nie as bwys van iets kan dien. Gestel bv ons het geen verklaring vir elektrisitiet gehad nie. (Wat natuurlik nie die geval is nie.) Wat dan? Wat bewys dit? Dat daar gode is wat die elektrisiteit maak?

            Johannie gooi al sy simpel vragies en hoop ons het nie antwoorde daarop nie, sodat hy beterweterig kan grinnik:”aha, so dit beteken daar is gode”. Die oneerlikheid hiervan behoort vir elke regdenkende mens duidelik te wees. Maar nou ja…


            • “1) behoefte en 2) gebrek aan kennis/begrip; nie as bwys van iets kan dien” en ek het nou nie male sonder om te tel vir jou probeer uitwys dat die onbegrip/kennis van sê nou maar “tyd” nie “bewys” dat tyd nie bestaan nie. . . . Of dat die saaintes se onbegrip van “bewussyn” nie bewys dat “bewussyn” nie bestaan nie.

              En die simpil vragies (wat jy duidelik nie kan antwoord nie) is nie ‘n poging om te “bewys” dat God bestaan nie, ek het jul die formule gegee soos ek sit sien, dis ap toe julle om dit te aanvaar of nie, aan my gaan dit geen verskil maak nie, dis vragies wat net uitwys dat dinge nie so simpil is soos wat die oog kan sien en die oor kan hoor of wat dit psige kan mee opkom nie.

              Daars meer dinge in die heelal as om ‘n fariseër te wees (selfrighteous), haatvol, boos, en ‘n slaaf te wees van jou eie ego, dit is nie maklik om te “sien” dat jy vrywillig ‘n slaaf word van dit wat jy “worship” nie, bevry eerder jou “wil”. . .”Free wil(lie).vrie jou wil!


                • Hy het meer as pille nodig Mac. Die goed wat hy hierbo skryf is so irrelevant, ek kan nie help om te wonder of hy nie dalk hierdie met ‘n ander blogsite verwar nie. Haatvol? Boos? Genugtig, waarop baseer hy hierdie stellings? Vir my is Johannie maar net weereens bewys dat gottediens die brein verrot. Dan wonder party mense hoekom ouens soos Anders Brevik se kop uithaak. Die antwoord is te vind in godsdiens se vermoe om breine te infesteer en dan stelselmatig af te takel totdat alle rasionaliteit uiteindelik verdwyn. En dan praat die drommels van “geloofspronge” wat ons rasionele outjies moet maak? Nie maklik nie..


                  • Dak en daaiv Mallies is terug, om iemand breindood te noem of ‘n drommel is seker in jou klas ‘n manier om jou liefde te wys, maar bestaan “liefde” is dit al “bewys”? Lyk my dit help nie om by Koel diek en Mad Mac aan te klop vir hulp nie, hulle verkies om soos ape te lyk


                    • Johannie, dit mag miskien as skok vir jou kom. Maar ek is beslis nie “lief” vir jou nie. Ek het egter baie simpatie en empatie met drommels soos jy – julle is bloot die produk van jarelange indoktrinasie en beskik nie oor die vermoe om onbevange en objektief jul dogmatiese denpatroon te evalueer nie. Ek het simpatie hiervoor en verseker jou dat ek geen haat met my dra nie. Julle is inderdaad die draers van ‘n virus – daarvoor – julle het my opregte simpatie. Terloops. Indien dit kou beter sal laat voel; jare gelede was ek ook ‘n stiksienige “arme drommel”. Ek is bitter dankbaar dat ek my kon losruk uit die kettings van gottediens en die gepaardgaande drommelskap.


                    • Mallies,
                      Lyk my jy is ook dom onnosel, hoeveelkeer moet ek nog vir you sê dat ek ook die “self” ( ego of soos jy daarna verwys die indoktrinasie ) afgegooi en weer “voor” begin het, nie eenkeer nie al baie kere. Daar waar jy nou is was ek al gewees en waar ek is was jy nog nie, kan jy dit deur jou duk boere kopvel kry?
                      Die ego is soos ‘n parasiet, dit teer op wie die mens is, jy doen presies wat jy “voorheen” gedoen het, jou ego wat jy verwerp het het net weer terug gekom in ‘n ander vorm en gebruik verwaandheid om jou in toom te hou. Kan jy dit deur jou duk afrikaner kopvel kry?


      • One would think that an omnipotent god can invent his own super duper communication device. But no, he latches onto us dumb humans’ inventions.

        Honestly, how people can in this day and age still believe in this crap is beyond me.


  56. Terug alweer by deiselfde plek
    insig wys dis psigies, dis maklik om te ontken
    dit “bestaan” nie omdat dit nie “bewys” kan word nie
    en hoe is ons alweer hier
    Die grondboontjie gillery wil net skyt en skreeu
    Entropie is net te lekker
    Vra net wat dit is wat so heilig is
    Dan kom ons alweer hier
    hul weet nie, weet nie


  57. Attended a wedding service today where the pastor’s theme was that “god’s love is unconditional”. A few minuted down the sermon he stated that “those who does not believe in god will one day experience the wrath of god”. What amazes me is not the fact that the pastor did not pick up on this obvious contradiction (pastors are in my view wannabe ministers who are either too lazy or too dumb to complete a simple course to get the official papers). No, what is truly astonishing is the fact that 80 people can sit and listen to this crap for more than an hour, nodding heads in solemn agreement.

    In general my approach is one of live and let live, but I have to admit: sometimes I find the braindead sheepish behaviour of godiots slightly irritating.


    • “Wrath – strong anger, often with a desire for revenge”
      Miskien intrepeteer jy “Wrath” nog in daai kinderlike prentjie van die duiwel wat daar êrens ondergrond is, as jy ontken dat daar woede in jou is dan is jy ‘n leuenaar.

      Of om dit anders te stel wat dit beteken is dat jy die “wrath” ervaar deur jou boosheid wat jy nou so hard probeer ontken, maar as ek die komments lees wat jy al geskryf het, hoe kan ek anders dink? Jy is kwaad of soos jy dit stel “slightly irritating” (haha) en jy geniet dit om tussen die skape rond te loop soos ‘n wolf. Die verwaandheid laat jou so supererier voel.

      So jy ervaar die “wrath” alreeds, dis nie ‘n paai in die skaai nie, die “lewe” is nie eers more nie, kan jy dit deur jou duk afrikaner kopvel kry?


          • Komende van iemand wat nie “tipies” korrek kan spel nie, skryf ek nie jou uitsprake aangaande intelligensie baie hoog aan nie Johannie. Ai, die eier op die gevreetjie is maar laste ne?


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